Safety vulnerability ID: 59100
The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.
Xaitk-saliency 0.7.0 updates its dependency 'notebook' to version '6.4.12' to include a security fix.
Latest version: 0.10.0
Visual saliency map generation interfaces and baseline implementations for explainable AI.
This minor release updates the mimumum supported python to `python = "^3.8"`, addresses dependency vulnerabilities, and updates typing to conform with current mypy and pytest standards.
Updates / New Features
* New minimum supported python changed to `python = "^3.8"`.
* Updated codecov action version to 3.
* Added explicit use of codecov token to facilitate successful coverage
* Updated publish/release CI workflow.
* Updated ``notebook`` dependency due to a vulnerability alert.
* Periodic update of locked dep versions within abstract version constraints.
* Updated sphinx versions to fix local documentation building issue.
* Updated python minimum requirement to 3.8 (up from 3.6). This involved a
number of updates and bifurcations of abstract requirements, an update to
pinned versions for development/CI, and expansion of CI to cover python
versions 3.10 and 3.11 (latest current release).
* Added missing step to the release process about creating the release on
GitHub's Releases section.
* Added a note to each example about restarting the runtime for compatibility
with Colab, as well as a step to create a data directory if necessary.
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