PyPi: Dds-Cli



Safety vulnerability ID: 61432

This vulnerability was reviewed by experts

The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.

Created at Nov 01, 2022 Updated at Dec 17, 2024
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Dds-cli 2.2.2 updates its dependency 'cryptography to v38.0.3 to include security fixes.

Affected package


Latest version: 2.9.0

A command line tool to manage data and projects in the SciLifeLab Data Delivery System.

Affected versions

Fixed versions

Vulnerability changelog


- New ``--destination`` option for upload command: ``dds data put --destination [destination]`` will upload data to remote directory called "[destination]"
- New command for displaying project information: ``dds project info``
- Fixed bug: Requests taking too long and timing out should display an understandable message.
- Added check in download command: User must use either ``--get-all`` to download all project contents or ``--source`` to specify specific data paths.
- **Vulnerability:** ``cryptography`` bumped from ``38.0.1`` to ``38.0.3``.
- Clarified "How do I get my user account" section in documentation.
- Included automatically generated code examples by ``rich-codex``

.. _earlier-versions:

Earlier versions

Please see `the release page on GitHub <>`_ for detailed information about the changes in each release.


Please add a _short_ line describing the PR you make, if the PR implements a specific feature or functionality, or refactor. Not needed if you add very small and unnoticable changes. Not needed when PR includes _only_ tests for already existing feature.

2021-08-11 - 2021-08-25

- Progress bar glitch fixed by creating console object in ([130](
- Log messages about successful checksum verification ([131](
- Removed reduntant message in `dds ls` ([132](
- Pagination of tables if too long ([133](
- Warning about non existent files when using `--source-path-file` option in `dds put` ([134](
- `--tree` option for `dds ls` - display whole file tree ([136](

2021-08-25 - 2021-09-08

- Custom exceptions and code cleanup ([143](

2021-09-08 - 2021-09-22

- Install `pytest` in github action ([151](
- `method` moved to base class ([152](
- Module used in testing ([154](
- Make error message readable ([155](
- Changed CLI to match the new authentication in the API ([156](

2021-09-22 - 2021-10-06

- Added detection of Windows legacy versions ([159](
- Removed tests involving requests ([166](

2021-10-06 - 2021-10-20

- Tests removed ([169](
- Project creation functionality ([167](
- `--is-sensitive` option added to project creation ([171](
- Changes to match the web changes regarding user inheritance and roles: [627]( ([#172](
- Errors during upload logged directly instead of waiting for clean up at the end ([173](
- Changed from `resolve` to `abspath` ([175](
- Option to display users involved in projects: `dds ls --users` ([174](
- `invite` command ([158](

2021-10-20 - 2021-11-03

- Refactoring of `dds rm` ([179](
- Formatting of the project lists moved to the CLI ([184](
- Removed the update of the project size after upload ([185](

2021-11-03 - 2021-11-17

- Bug fix regarding usage values ([189](
- Functionality to associate users with projects ([186](
- Config option removed ([190](
- `expanduser` added since `os.path.abspath` does not expand the `~` symbol ([191](
- Save encrypted token after authentication and use for subsequent commands([193](

2021-11-17 - 2021-12-01

- Username not required since sessions used ([195](
- Color in `pytest` ([197](
- Filename displayed in bucket replaced by UUID ([196](
- `--no-prompt` flag, `Session`->`Auth`, new `auth` subcommands: `login`, `logout`, `info` ([198](
- Tests for adding users and listing projects/files ([199](
- `--json` flag to `dds ls` to output list of project as json format ([201](

2021-12-01 - 2021-12-15

- `sphinx` for automatic generation of documentation ([202](
- `status` command ([204](
- Removed all occurrences of `os.umask` ([206](
- Changed logging level back to `INFO` and output progress bars to stderr ([207](
- Changed download procedure from `boto3` to `requests` to handle presigned urls ([203](

2021-12-15 - 2021-12-29: _Christmas_

- Updated token expiration information ([209](
- Group command `user` ([200](
- `project` command and subcommands `grant`&`revoke` ([210](

2021-12-29 - 2022-01-12

- Grouped commands into `auth`, `user`, `project` and `data`. Created common options and arguments. ([213](
- Command for displaying user info ([214](

2022-01-12 - 2022-01-26

- Timestamps converted to local timezone when displaying ([217](
- Project ID always sent in request as `param` - consistency changes ([220](

2022-01-26 - 2022-02-09

- File paths replaced by UUID to prevent sensitive information in Safespring storage ([225](
- Commands to activate and deactivate users ([226](
- Authentication with HOTP ([222](
- Handling of `ApiResponseError` to avoid huge error printout ([228](

2022-02-09 - 2022-02-23

- Add `dds project access fix` command for reseting user access when reset password ([236](
- Save failed files to log and print out help message after ([237](
- Change `--is_sensitive` to `--non-sensitive` ([246](
- Display logged in user in header ([244](
- Updated token expiration information ([245](

2022-02-23 - 2022-03-09

- Introduced a `--no-mail` flag in the CLI respectively a `send_email: True/False` json parameter to fix [issue 924]( ([#253](
- Added documentation and test protocol ([252](
- Temporary unit option when adding user ([261](
- Added windows docs (by Matthias Zepper) ([276](
- Removed pinned package versions and bumped rick-click, should work for Python 3.7 up to 3.10 ([288](
- Remove local token when requesting deletion of own account ([297]([303](
- Add Role when listing project users ([316](
- Pin rich-click `>=1.2.1` to solve exception handling errors ([327](
- Add a `--token-path` argument to tell where the token should be saved and which token to be used. ([329](
- Remove `--username` option ([331](
- Add support for the zero-conf environment in dds_web ([337](
- Increase request timeout to 30 ([344](
- Make sure "already uploaded" does not give an error output ([341](
- URL in the logo changing with DDS_CLI_ENV ([349](
- Show message "Any users with errors were not added to the project" when emails failed to validate during project creation ([356](
- Ask user confirmation for project abort, archive and delete([357](
- Replaced the default help messages of Click for the `--version` and `--help` options as requested in [issue 338](
- Explicit error message for `--destination` when the path exists ([371](
- Escape variables that are printed in the cli (avoiding e.g. hidden text and bad coloring) ([364](

2022-03-09 - 2022-03-23

- New `dds user ls` command for listing unit users ([384](
- When using `dds project access fix`, list the projects which where not possible to update access in ([379](
- Add `Access` column to show user if they have access or not ([383](
- New `--mount-dir` option for `dds data put` where the `DataDelivery...` folders will be created if specified ([393](
- File permission fixing for the token on Windows ([395](
- New unit group command unit module ([398](
- `--unit` option for Super Admins to list unit users ([397](
- Removed `dds project status abort` and added `--abort` flag to `dds project status archive` ([404](
- Delete temporary folder before `DownloadError` and `UploadError` ([407](
- Allow delete of both folder and files ([411](
- Report number of files deleted for "rm folder" ([408](
- Change log to correct json ([426](
- `--is-invite` option in `dds user delete` to allow delete of invites (temporary) ([415](
- Github Action to automatically build the executables (with help from zishanmirza) and the documentations with Sphinx.([419](,[#423](
- Github Action to automatically deploy the documentation to Github Pages. ([436](
- Refactor version handling to allow PyInstaller builds. ([439](

2022-03-23 - 2022-04-06

- Patch: Add a message when the project access would be fixed for a user. ([446](

2022-04-06 - 2022-04-20

- `motd` command to add new message of the day via new endpoint ([449](
- Patch: Message in docstrings to urge users to reauthenticate before upload and download ([450](
- Pin versions in `requirements-dev.txt`: New version of `sphinx-click` makes `:nested: full` not work anymore (direct commit:

2022-04-20 - 2022-05-04

- Patch: Update help message about `--principal-investigator` option ([465](
- Removed all CLI tests because needs redo ([469](
- (Re)Added parsing of project specific errors for `dds project access fix` and `dds user add -p` ([491](

2022-05-04 - 2022-05-18

- Enable use of app for second factor authentication instead of email. ([259](

2022-06-15 - 2022-06-29

- Display message of the day at top before output ([498](
- Change token check message for Windows to more user friendly ([500](
- New command: List all users as Super Admin and find existing users ([504](
- Add possibility of allowing group access to authenticated session ([502](

Summer 2022

- Check for DDS_CLI_ENV = "test-instance" in order to allow testing of features before production ([506](
- List all active motds instead of latest and new command for deactivating motds ([505](
- New spinner when getting project private ([510](

2022-08-18 - 2022-09-02

- Change in command: twofactor - activate and deactivate ([519](

2022-09-02 - 2022-09-16

- Add storage usage information in the Units listing table for Super Admin ([523](
- Set project as busy / not busy when starting / finishing a upload ([525](
- Set project as busy / not busy when starting / finishing a download ([526](
- Set project as busy / not busy when starting / finishing a deletion ([527](

2022-09-16 - 2022-09-30

- New command: `dds motd send [id]` to send MOTds to users ([532](
- Add project public_id to the temporary DDS directory to allow deliveries initiated at the same time ([533](
- New command: `dds maintenance [setting]` to set maintenance mode ([535](
- New command: `dds project status busy [OPTIONS]` to check for / list busy projects as Super Admin ([536](

2022-09-30 - 2022-10-14

- Improved message displayed to user when data already uploaded ([541](
- New message displayed when KeyboardInterrupt used during upload / download ([542](
- Do not set projects as busy when uploading/downloading/deleting ([549](
- Command for listing invites ([547](

2022-10-14 - 2022-10-28

- Limit projects listing to active projects only; a `--show-all` flag can be used for listing all projects, active and inactive ([556](
- Display name of creator when listing projects ([557](
- New command: `dds project info [OPTIONS]` to display information about specific project ([561](
- New option for `dds data put`: `--destination` - allow upload to existing or new directory ([559](

2022-10-28 - 2022-11-11

- Bug: Catch Timeout exception for when requests are too slow ([563](
- Check that `dds data get` is used with either `--get-all` or `--source`/`--source-path-fail` and display appropriate message ([564](

2022-11-25 - 2022-12-09

- Bug: Switch from using `os.path` to `pathlib` in order to facilitate cross-OS uploads-/downloads- and listing operations ([573](

2022-12-09 - 2023-01-06: Longer sprint due to Christmas

- Dependency: Bump `jwcrypto` due to CVE-2022-3102 ([557](
- New command: `dds project info change [OPTIONS]` to change project information ([575](
- Documentation: Structure changes and examples ([585](
- Workflow: Python-setup action v1 bumped to v2 ([588](

2023-01-09 - 2023-01-20

- Workflow: Scan with Trivy on PR and schedule ([591](
- Workflow: Publish to TestPyPi on PR and release ([592](
- Workflow: Scan with Snyk on PR and schedule ([593](
- Documentation: Important testing instructions and instructions on how to install from TestPyPi ([597](

2023-01-20 - 2023-02-03

- Documentation: Instructions on how to verify PyPI package integrity ([598](
- Version: 2.2.6 ([601](

2023-02-03 - 2023-02-17

- Workflow: Lint yaml files ([605](
- Logging: Reduce debug level logging and remove logging from root ([606](
- Add separate executables for Ubuntu latest (currently 22.04) and Ubuntu 20.04 ([604](
- Bug: PyInstaller command not valid for Linux and macOS ([612](

2023-02-17 - 2023-03-03

_Nothing merged in CLI during this sprint_

2023-03-03 - 2023-03-17

- Bug: Return error code 1 if error during upload ([615](
- Clarification: Users should check that the error-file has been generated, and keep it in case we need it for debugging purposes ([616](
- Bug: Catch UnicodeEncodeError during API request to avoid unclear error message upon usage of non-latin1 characters in username and password ([617](
- Workflow: Restructure and clarify PR template ([618](
- Workflow: Changelog changed to Sprintlog and CHANGELOG.rst created for version changes ([621](

2023-03-17 - 2023-03-31

- New command: `dds stats` to get project and data statistics ([624](
- Logging: Removed debug level logs ([625](

2023-03-31 - 2023-04-14

_Nothing merged in CLI during this sprint_

2023-04-14 - 2023-04-28

- Documentation: How to set environment variables in Windows ([626](
- Documentation: Password management recommendations ([627](

2023-04-28 - 2023-05-12

- Workflow: Added Pylint to scan code ([630](

2023-05-12 - 2023-05-26

- Url to testing instance updated after move to new cluster ([631](
- Dependency: Bump `cryptography` due to CVE-2023-0286 and dependabot ([635](

2023-06-26 - 2023-08-04

- Dependency: Bump `cryptography` to 41.0.3 due to security vulnerability alerts(s) ([639](

2023-08-07 - 2023-08-18

- Dependency: Bump `PyYAML` to 6.0.1 due to docker issues ([642](

2023-08-21 - 2023-09-01

- Print understandable message when request response doesn't contain json ([638](
- New option in `dds user ls`: `--save-emails` for Super Admins to save emails to file ([641](
- New version: 2.5.0 ([646](
- New command `dds maintenance status` for Super Admins to check current Maintenance mode status ([644](
- Workflow: Github Pages action fixed by bumping versions ([648](

2023-09-04 - 2023-09-15

- Updated command: `dds stats` prints tables with stats collected from API ([643](
- Dependency: Bump `requests` to 2.31.0 ([649](

2023-09-18 - 2023-09-29

- GitHub Actions to generate the documentation fixed ([1473])(


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Severity Details

CVSS Base Score

HIGH 7.5

CVSS v3 Details

HIGH 7.5
Attack Vector (AV)
Attack Complexity (AC)
Privileges Required (PR)
User Interaction (UI)
Scope (S)
Confidentiality Impact (C)
Integrity Impact (I)
Availability Availability (A)