Safety vulnerability ID: 51715
The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.
Osxphotos 0.51.8 updates its dependency 'mako' to v1.2.2 to include a security fix.
Latest version: 0.69.2
Export photos from Apple's macOS Photos app and query the Photos library database to access metadata about images.
- Updated dependencies [`43fcdbc`](
- Tested on 12.6, 792 [`eedc2f0`](
> 11 September 2022
- Feature read iphone db 745 [`791`](
- fix: requirements.txt to reduce vulnerabilities [`789`](
- fix: dev_requirements.txt to reduce vulnerabilities [`725`](
- Refactor phototemplate [`788`](
- Refactored ExportResults [`786`](
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