Safety vulnerability ID: 61365
The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.
Micropython-mdns 1.3.0 updates its dependency 'wheel' to v0.38.0 to include a security fix.
Latest version: 1.6.0
MDNS for micropython with service discovery support
* chore: update documentation for new advertise function
Add documentation to show how service_host_name
in the advertise endpoint works. ([`3b969b8`](
* chore: fix Makefile for other configs
Make tty interface configurable ([`c2bb1e7`](
* chore: fix Dockerfile configuration
Remove the python installations in all Dockerfiles to allow
building the project with newer docker files. ([`89f2e58`](
* feat: add support for configurable service hostnames
Instead of fixing the service host name to the hostname
of the host, make it possible to add a new parameter
`host` into the `advertise` function of the service and allow it to
register its own advertised name in the service.
Usage example:
loop = uasyncio.get_event_loop()
client = Client(own_ip_address)
responder = Responder(
own_ip=lambda: own_ip_address,
host=lambda: &34;my-awesome-microcontroller-{}&34;.format(responder.generate_random_postfix()),
def announce_service():
responder.advertise(&34;_myawesomeservice&34;, &34;_tcp&34;, port=12345, data={&34;some&34;: &34;metadata&34;, &34;for&34;: [&34;my&34;, &34;service&34;]}, service_host_name=&34;myoverwrittenhost&34;)
* feat: add build for micropython 1.20 ([`01b7996`](
* fix: make all imports absolute
Fix which might help using the library in a frozen module. ([`bafe176`](
* fix: requirements.txt to reduce vulnerabilities
The following vulnerabilities are fixed by pinning transitive dependencies:
- ([`c717474`](
* Version 1.3.0 ([`afe2f04`](
* Merge pull request 7 from cbrand/snyk-fix-7f31355a1fdab2fb82c5f78ff819d38f
[Snyk] Security upgrade wheel from 0.30.0 to 0.38.0 ([`8a92073`](
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