PyPi: Nemo



Safety vulnerability ID: 52402

This vulnerability was reviewed by experts

The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.

Created at Oct 16, 2022 Updated at Mar 05, 2025
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Nemo 4.3.0 updates its dependency 'django' to v3.2.16 to include security fixes.

Affected package


Latest version: 7.0.2

NEMO is a laboratory logistics web application. Use it to schedule reservations, control tool access, track maintenance issues, and more.

Affected versions

Fixed versions

Vulnerability changelog

Update notes

1. New `User Office` and `Accounting Officer` roles have been added. They allow a greater level of granularity in NEMO. Consequently, `Staff` users won't be able to edit user information or see the billing information for other users by default. To give a user any of the new roles, go to `Detailed Administration -> Users` select the user and **check** the `User office` or `Accounting officer` checkbox and **uncheck** the `Staff` box. More information can be found in the feature manual.
1. A cron job for access expiration email reminders needs to be enabled for the feature to work. A systemd version for docker is available in the [systemd folder](
2. A cron job for managing tool qualifications needs to be enabled for the feature to work. A systemd version for docker is available in the [systemd folder](
3. A cron job for managing recurring charges needs to be enabled for the feature to work. A systemd version for docker is available in the [systemd folder](

New features
* Added recurring consumable charges, which allows charging users for the same consumable at a given frequency. For example, charging user for renting user bins every year.
* Recurring charges can be exported (including potential errors)
* The quantity can be forced to a certain number in customization (for example when it should only and always be just one)
* The recurring charges can be locked so non facility managers can only assign them to user and not change the frequency or linked consumable.
* A consumable category can be set in customization to limit recurring charges to only consumables belonging to that category.
* Validating customers (inactive, access expired, etc.) can be deactivated for recurring charges in customizations.
* Users can set email reminders for their recurring charges in User preferences.
* Added Tool qualification expiration to remove tool qualification from users after a certain number of days. It needs to be enabled in Customization -> User. An example of the email template can be found [here]( There are 2 separate cases that can be customized:
1. Number of days since the user last used a tool. For example, remove tools from the user qualifications if they have not used it for 6 months.
2. Number of days without using a tool since the user was trained on that tool. For example, remove tools from the user qualifications if they haven't used it in the 2 weeks after being trained on it.
* Added Access expiration reminder email to remind users a certain number of days before their access expires. It needs to be enabled in Customization -> User. An example of the email template can be found [here](
* Added an optional `EMAIL_USE_DEFAULT_AND_REPLY_TO` option in `` to use the default server email for all communication and setting the reply-to of the email to the actual sender. This option is helpful when using an email server that doesn't allow spoofing (for example a unique Gmail address).
* Added an optional `USERNAME_REGEX` option in `` to validate usernames.
* Added an optional `MAIN_URL` option in ``. This is useful when running multiple instances of NEMO, so all email links are sent to the same URL.
* Added audit log library that can be customized to track any changes in NEMO. See [setup instructions on the wiki](
* Added a few contributions from `Cornell NanoScale Facility`:
* Added `Discipline`, a new configurable category that can be set on projects and users (Chemistry, Electronics etc.).
* Added `Safety trainings`, a new configurable list of trainings that can be checked/unchecked for each user.
* Added `Onboarding phases`, a new configurable list of items that can be checked/unchecked for each user.
* Added user and project document upload, which can be enabled in `Customization -> Application` and `Customization -> Projects & accounts`.

* Added `unit_id` for interlocks using Modbus and added last reply time.
* Added tooltips with tool information in the status dashboard page.
* All email templates can now use global variables like `site_title`, `facility_name` etc.
* Updated autocomplete to be either synchronous or asynchronous, the ladder considerably speeding load time of pages like "Users".
* The user search bar is now available when viewing/modifying users to facilitate switching between them.
* Consumables can now be `reusable` which will prevent the quantity from ever decreasing when withdrawals are made.
* Added customization in `Customization -> User` to hide inactive user in the users page and made the modify user page go back to previous pagination page upon success. Thanks `USC Nanofab` for the contributions!
* Added customization in `Customization -> Project & accounts` to hide inactive accounts, inactive projects, and to collapse the project list by default. Thanks `Polytechnique Montréal - LMF` for the contributions!
* Added a way to change the calendar time format in `Customization -> Calendar`.
* Updated buttons in the entire application to have a consistent color and icon for same functionality.
* Optimized Safety Data Sheets page and added sorting by Hazard.
* Users now have the option to opt out from some of the email notifications in User preferences.
* Added Safety Data Sheets CSV export.
* Made pagination number of results per page sticky when navigating away and back. Also added an "all" option.
* Broadcast email feature now allows selecting multiple tools/areas/projects/accounts.

Bug fixes
* Fixed delayed docker container removal when stopping NEMO. Thanks r-xyz for the contribution!

* added django-audit-log 2.2.1
* added pytz 2022.6
* cryptography 37.0.4 -> 38.0.4
* django 3.2.15 -> 3.2.16 (vulnerability)
* django-auditlog 2.2.0 -> 2.2.1
* django-mptt 0.13.4 -> 0.14.0
* djangorestframework 3.13.1 -> 3.14.0
* drf-excel 2.1.0 -> 2.2.0
* Pillow 9.2.0 -> 9.3.0


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Severity Details

CVSS Base Score

HIGH 7.5

CVSS v3 Details

HIGH 7.5
Attack Vector (AV)
Attack Complexity (AC)
Privileges Required (PR)
User Interaction (UI)
Scope (S)
Confidentiality Impact (C)
Integrity Impact (I)
Availability Availability (A)