Safety vulnerability ID: 53733
The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.
Dapla-toolbelt-pseudo 0.2.1 updates its dependency 'cryptography' to v39.0.1 to include security fixes.
Latest version: 2.2.6
Pseudonymization extensions for Dapla
* dapla-toolbelt-pseudo 0.2.1 (106) damirmedakovic
* Update vulnerable cryptography package (104) damirmedakovic
* Stat 393 fix function names (102) MAllport
* Don't run tests twice on PR (97) mmwinther
* STAT-375: Change sid to sid_fields (96) mmwinther
* Add (85) damirmedakovic
:package: Dependencies
* Bump ipython from 8.8.0 to 8.11.0 (93) dependabot
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