PyPi: Mlrun



Safety vulnerability ID: 59142

This vulnerability was reviewed by experts

The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.

Created at Jun 01, 2023 Updated at Dec 15, 2024
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Mlrun 1.4.0rc15 updates its dependency 'fastapi' to version '0.95.2' to include a security fix.

Affected package


Latest version: 1.7.1

Tracking and config of machine learning runs

Affected versions

Fixed versions

Vulnerability changelog

Features / Enhancements
* **Events**: Add support to audit secret actions to iguazio, 3711, tankilevitch
* **Feature Store**: Get-offline: enforce param `entity_timestamp_column` to be spcified only with param `entity_rows`, 3786, davesh0812
* **Build**: Bump alpine to 3.18, 3794, liranbg
* **System Tests**: Clear custom project names to delete after deletion, 3793, alonmr
* **Serving**: Add missing explain method, 3656, yanburman
* **KFP**: Align pipelines output with mlrun conventions, 3784, liranbg
* **CI**: Update dev_utilities, 3780, eliyahu77
* **Scaling**: Tune auto-scaling details, 3782, george0st
* **UI**: [Features & enhancement](

Bug fixes
* **Requirements**: Bump fastapi to fix security vulnerability, 3791, alonmr
* **Datastore**: Fix time zone error, 3788, gtopper
* **Spark**: Fix storing multiple keys from a spark dataframe into redis, 3789, alxtkr77
* **Serving**: Fix response for readiness status, 3776, Eyal-Danieli
* **CI**: Fix missing underscore when verifying run outputs, 3783, liranbg
* **Projects**: Fix no iteration parameter in `get_artifact_uri` method, 3775, quaark
* **UI**: [Bug fixes](

Pull requests:
ca091a4a [Events] Add support to audit secret actions to Iguazio (3711)
e21127f7 [Feature Store] get-offline: Enforce param `entity_timestamp_column` to be spcified only with param `entity_rows` (3786)
2ed6c0a0 [Build] Bump alpine to 3.18 (3794)
6df3a01b [System Tests] Clear custom project names to delete after deletion (3793)
afc3f0d6 [Serving] Add missing explain method (3656)
7f44e906 [Requirements] Bump fastapi to fix security vulnerability (3791)
749e2fea [Datastore] Fix time zone error (3788)
4623a675 [Spark] Fix storing multiple keys from a Spark dataframe into Redis (3789)
34974300 [Serving] Fix response for readiness status (3776)
c4bdf092 [KFP] Align pipelines output with mlrun conventions (3784)
811c1646 [CI] Update dev_utilities (3780)
02ef829f [CI] Fix missing underscore when verifying run outputs (3783)
30b5a29c [Projects] Fix no iteration parameter in `get_artifact_uri` method (3775)
d3fde657 [Scaling] Tune auto-scaling details (3782)


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Severity Details

CVSS Base Score

HIGH 7.5

CVSS v3 Details

HIGH 7.5
Attack Vector (AV)
Attack Complexity (AC)
Privileges Required (PR)
User Interaction (UI)
Scope (S)
Confidentiality Impact (C)
Integrity Impact (I)
Availability Availability (A)