Safety vulnerability ID: 58955
The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.
Highcharts-maps 1.2.0 updates its dependency 'requests' to v2.31.0 to include a security fix.
Latest version: 1.7.1
High-end Map Data Visualization for the Python Ecosystem
* **ENHANCEMENT:** Align the API to **Highcharts (JS) v.11.1** (21). In particular, this includes:
* Changes inherited from **Highcharts Core for Python v.1.2.0**. See `here <>`__.
* Added ``TiledWebMapOptions`` / ``TiledWebMapSeries`` support.
* **ENHANCEMENT:** Added support for the inclusion of scripts based on features used in the chart (6).
* **ENHANCEMENT:** Added ``dict`` support to ```` and ````.
* **BUGFIX:** Fixed de-serialization error in ```` which
prevented the population of ``.properties``.
* **DOCS:** Several documentation fixes.
* **DEPENDENCY:** Bumped ``requests`` version for security patch.
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