Safety vulnerability ID: 61444
The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.
Dbt-databricks 1.6.5 updates the Databricks SDK dependency so as to prevent reliance on an insecure version of 'requests'.
Latest version: 1.8.7
The Databricks adapter plugin for dbt
- When installing python libraries onto clusters, you can now specify an index_url (Thanks casperdamen123) ([367](
- Log job run information such as run_id when submitting Python jobs to databricks (Thanks jeffrey-harrison) ([454](
- Node info now gets added to SQLQueryStatus (Thanks colin-rogers-dbt) ([453](
- Fixing python model compatibility with newer DBRs ([459](
- Updated the Databricks SDK dependency so as to prevent reliance on an insecure version of requests ([460](
- Update logic around submitting python jobs so that if the cluster is already starting, just wait for it to start rather than failing ([461](
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