PyPi: Starwhale



Safety vulnerability ID: 59460

This vulnerability was reviewed by experts

The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.

Created at Jun 01, 2023 Updated at Nov 29, 2024
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Starwhale 0.5.5 updates its dependency 'vite' to version '4.4.0' to include a fix for a Path Equivalence vulnerability.

Affected package


Latest version: 0.6.15

An MLOps Platform for Model Evaluation

Affected versions

Fixed versions

Vulnerability changelog

🧭 What's Changed
* bug(dataset): clear Text._content for datastore (2500) tianweidut
* chore(client): add max_batch_size for update_table in tablewriter (2496) tianweidut
* chore(client): force to limit pydantic version < 2.0.0 (2484) tianweidut
* chore(client): update huggingface dataset string/binary convert logical (2498) tianweidut
* chore(console): add confirm when cancelling or pausing tasks (2495) jialeicui
* chore(console): disable sharing resource in private project (2499) jialeicui
* chore(controller): make view config in eval project scope (2492) jialeicui
* chore(controller): prefer using pod failed reason (2457) jialeicui
* chore(controller): refine docker image building (2503) jialeicui
* chore(controller): refine the exposed links (2504) jialeicui
* controller: add conda config to system setting (2502) anda-ren
* e2e: add artifacts download case to e2e & make local e2e easier (2465) anda-ren
* feat(client): switch to round-robin for blob cache server selection (2481) xuchuan
* feat(console): add datastore result view to job (2486) waynelwz
* feat(console): support auto release (2488) waynelwz
* feat(dataset): support dataset build from huggingface dataset (2476) tianweidut
* fix(client): check if exists when upload built-in runtime in the progress of model copy (2493) goldenxinxing
* fix(console): unstable e2e when check checkbox (2489) waynelwz
* fix(controller): search built-in runtime by model project id (2487) goldenxinxing
* fix(controller): set project id for model BO (2491) goldenxinxing
* fix(controller): task may be running after cancelled (2490) jialeicui
* hotfix(example): fix ag_news example evaluation typo (2505) tianweidut
* update(console): optimize grid viewer support complex data, more user friendly interactive (2479) waynelwz
* update(console): project menu order (2474) waynelwz
* update(console): require_dataset = null as default (2480) waynelwz
* update(console): support init lang by location (2473) waynelwz
* update(console): support job failed reason, add new copy & text component (2472) waynelwz
* update(console): table list content same with viewport to avoid scroll be blocking, add useCached hook (2494) waynelwz
* update: upgrade vite avoid vulnerabilities (2475) waynelwz
⚙️ Who Contributes
anda-ren, goldenxinxing, jialeicui, tianweidut, waynelwz and xuchuan


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Severity Details

CVSS Base Score

HIGH 7.5

CVSS v3 Details

HIGH 7.5
Attack Vector (AV)
Attack Complexity (AC)
Privileges Required (PR)
User Interaction (UI)
Scope (S)
Confidentiality Impact (C)
Integrity Impact (I)
Availability Availability (A)