PyPi: Catboost



Safety vulnerability ID: 60766

This vulnerability was reviewed by experts

The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.

Created at Jun 15, 2023 Updated at Dec 12, 2024
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Catboost 1.2.1 updates its dependency 'snappy-java' to version '' to include a fix for an Integer Overflow vulnerability.

Affected package


Latest version: 1.2.7

CatBoost Python Package

Affected versions

Fixed versions

Vulnerability changelog

New features
* Allow to optimize specific ranking loss functions with YetiRank and YetiRankPairwise by specifying `mode` parameter. See [Which Tricks are Important for Learning to Rank?]( paper for details (this family of losses is called `YetiLoss` there). CPU-only for now.
* Add Kernel Gradient Boosting support (use `catboost.sample_gaussian_process` function). 2408, thanks to TakeOver. See [Gradient Boosting Performs Gaussian Process Inference]( paper for details.
* LambdaMart loss: support new target metrics MRR, ERR and MAP.
* StochasticRank loss: support new target metrics ERR and MRR.
* Support MultiRMSE on GPU. 2264, 2390
* Load JSON model format in Java Client. 1627, thanks to timotta
* Implement exporting of Multiclass models to C++ and Python. 2284, thanks to antoninkriz

* Speedup BM25 feature calcers 3x
* Use `int` instead of deprecated ``. 2378
* Add `ModelCalcerWrapper::CalcFlatTransposed`, 2413 thanks to faucct
* Update dependencies to avoid known vulnerabilities

* Fix __shfl_up_sync mask. 2339
* TFocalMetric negative values fix. 2386, thanks to diditforlulz273
* Focal loss: Use user-defined alpha and gamma
* Fix exception propagation: Rethrow exceptions caused by user's python code as C++ exceptions
* CatBoost trained with user defined objective was incompatible with ShapValues calculation
* Avoid nan's in Newton step calculation for RMSEWithUncertainty
* Fix score method for y with shape (N, 1). 2405
* Fix scalePosWeight support for Spark. 2470


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Severity Details

CVSS Base Score

HIGH 7.5

CVSS v3 Details

HIGH 7.5
Attack Vector (AV)
Attack Complexity (AC)
Privileges Required (PR)
User Interaction (UI)
Scope (S)
Confidentiality Impact (C)
Integrity Impact (I)
Availability Availability (A)