PyPi: Sphractal



Safety vulnerability ID: 65446

This vulnerability was reviewed by experts

The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.

Created at Jul 25, 2023 Updated at Feb 13, 2025
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Sphractal version 0.18.4 updates its certifi dependency to version 2023.7.22 from the previous 2023.5.7, in response to addressing the security concern CVE-2023-37920.

Affected package


Latest version: 1.1.13

Package to estimate fractal dimension of 3D surfaces formed from overlapping spheres via box-counting algorithm.

Affected versions

Fixed versions

Vulnerability changelog


* build(poetry.lock): resolved dependencies vulnerability ([`216b0d3`](

* build(dist): removed dist/ directory ([`043389f`](

* build(fastbc): ignored fastbc/ ([`3e0933a`](

* build(poetry.lock): updated crytography package version ([`6962299`](

* build(fastbc): updated commits from fastbc/ repo ([`d32f9d3`](

* build(condaforge): removed staged-recipes ([`e262310`](

* build: allowed PSR to bump package version in as well ([`823f80b`](

* build(condaforge): added staged-recipes for publication to conda-forge ([`0c09dab`](

* build(setup): included in pyproject.toml ([`4412644`](

* build: ignored dist/ ([`d3b183a`](

* build: added information to be displayed for pip show in pyproject.toml ([`ef9a3c1`](

* build(setup): added ([`7c58f40`](

* build(dist): stopped ignoring dist/ ([`43f1264`](

* build: preparing for releasev0.3.0 ([`25ee6ba`](

* build: updated poetry.lock ([`1e1d824`](

* build: updated all dependencies ([`3af9a9e`](

* build: added dependencies ([`442a6ca`](


* docs(boxCnt): improved conciseness of the docstring for runBoxCnt() ([`083f977`](

* docs(example): explained the choice of numPoints in example.ipynb ([`8f45bd2`](

* docs(example): updated example.ipynb with recoloured and reoriented figures ([`9c17801`](

* docs(surfVoxel): simplified docstring for voxelBoxCnts() ([`4d7a395`](

* docs(surfVoxel): updated recommendations of resource allocations for voxelBoxCnts() ([`e0eedb0`](

* docs(example): updated example.ipynb ([`578d85d`](

* docs(readme): fixed paragraphing problems

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Yik Chang Ting <> ([`a637259`](

* docs(readme): fixed fastbc repo link

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Yik Chang Ting <> ([`c43c213`](

* docs(readme): added figures to readme

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Yik Chang Ting <> ([`813de14`](

* docs(readme): removed dollar signs from readme ([`c6fc475`](

* docs(example): updated example notebook ([`76ecff9`](

* docs(readme): updated variable name change on readme ([`ff81621`](

* docs(readme): added background section to readme ([`bcfbb62`](

* docs(readme): omitted features under development ([`b9af10a`](

* docs(example): fixed a typo in example.ipynb ([`157adc3`](

* docs(readme): fixed typo in readme ([`92b38b8`](

* docs(findSlope): added in-line comments for findSlope() ([`573a20c`](

* docs(example): updated example.ipynb with new figures ([`8341718`](

* docs(example): deleted .virtual_documents from docs/ ([`78dbe38`](

* docs(example): updated example.ipynb to make sure fastBC executable could be detected ([`42cd8a6`](

* docs(readme): updated readme to specify the delay in point cloud functionalities ([`4d73e24`](

* docs(readme): updated readme ([`a5e3aa0`](

* docs(readme): updated readme ([`3ab9697`](

* docs(mult): added recommendations for radMult and alphaMult to ([`90f31b4`](

* docs(example): completed example.ipynb ([`4b60535`](

* docs(findSurf): tidied up docstring for findSurf() ([`8bb5fb9`](

* docs(help): elaborated docstring to be returned from help() ([`543925b`](

* docs: updated readme for C++ file and docstrings for functions ([`a30fff9`](

* docs: updated readme and example ([`c142036`](

* docs: updated readme and example ([`47c4e72`](

* docs: updated readme and example ([`476ff31`](


* feat(datasets): added functions to access the case study atomic data ([`126b444`](

* feat(data): added atomic coordinates used for case studies ([`8111d48`](

* feat(data): added validation data ([`7161b6e`](

* feat(boxCnt): changed &39;lenRange&39; into &39;trimLen&39; ([`8c9eeaf`](

* feat(surfVoxel): implemented parallelisation functionalities for generation of point cloud representation of surface (1)

* docs(boxCnt): updated docstrings of runBoxCnt()

* refactor(surfExact): renamed variables related to multiprocessings in

* docs(exactSurf): modified docstring for the &39;exactSurf&39; parameter of runBoxCnt()

* feat(surfVoxel): initialised parallelisation implementation for voxel representation

* build(fastbc): updated fastbc repo

* perf(surfVoxel): first stable version with parallelisation for surfVoxel functionalities

* build(fastbc): updated fastbc commits

* fix(surfVoxel): corrected the equation to get minAtomCPU


Co-authored-by: Jonathan Ting <>
Co-authored-by: github-actions <> ([`1a576ed`](

* feat(data): updated example xyz files for scaling tests ([`2e65389`](

* feat(boxLenConc): optimised resource allocations for more general cases ([`b107c07`](

* feat(data): unified and included more example data ([`c4cbe5e`](

* feat(data): added more example data and updated functionalities to get them ([`d65c3d2`](

* feat(findSlope): added notebook option to findSlope() plots ([`f6c6123`](

* feat(boxCnt): moved box-counting functions for each representation to respective modules ([`e8bbe38`](

* feat: renamed modules, functions, variables to more concise names ([`0119301`](

* feat(minValFromBound): added the input argument to related functionalities for exact surface representation ([`0ad3a49`](

* feat(figType): renamed options for figType based on seaborn style ([`f1a8fb1`](

* feat(boxLenConc): implemented automatic parallelisation functionalities ([`b4f6c36`](

* feat(findSlope): added functionalities to generate publication-ready figures ([`5653519`](

* feat(pointcloud): implemented and provided clear instructions to use point cloud surface representation related functionalities ([`62d247c`](

* feat: added CI/CD workflow ([`8a78e22`](

* feat(init): added imports for more functions ([`f655fef`](

* feat(findNN): allowed calcBL to be specified ([`b5c123c`](

* feat(datasets): added and new module to get its path ([`89f20dd`](

* feat: add example data and datasets module ([`83e9473`](

* feat: added all source codes ([`f73f23c`](


* fix(readme): fixed readme broken links ([`dabe6e4`](

* fix(tests): added test function for getCaseStudyDataPaths() ([`d324685`](

* fix(surfVoxel): imported cpu_count() from multiprocessing ([`640025f`](

* fix(test): updated ted test function for validation data ([`dcc47b9`](

* fix(findTargetAtoms): enabled the function to handle single atom case ([`2650e06`](

* fix: enabled findNN() and findSurf() to handle single atom input ([`8cfdae4`](

* fix(test): updated test functions related to example data ([`d40e923`](

* fix(datasets): fixed a typo in getWeakScalingDataPaths() ([`533b5c7`](

* fix(datasets): added functions to get example data to package namespace ([`1302cdc`](

* fix(datasets): updated functions to get the xyz files used for scaling tests ([`05f61fb`](

* fix(maxWorkers): fix zero cpu for parallelisation error ([`af00b98`](

* fix(boxLenScanMaxWorkers): fixed formula for resource allocations ([`165ec58`](

* fix(fastbc): updated fastbc submodule name ([`43a9976`](

* fix(findTargetAtoms): fixed the function for rmInSurf=False ([`c21fd67`](

* fix(test): updated test functions ([`894d223`](

* fix(readme): fixed broken links in readme ([`3e68a87`](

* fix(findSlope): reverted to producing figures with png format ([`a6ed73e`](

* fix(version): fixed PSR not bumping pyproject.toml version mistake ([`e2e01bb`](

* fix(version): updated pyproject.toml for PSR to bump version in it as well ([`2ce1374`](

* fix(setup): turned tuple for classifiers in into list ([`5fa7910`](

* fix(test): commented out tests for functionalities related to point cloud representation temporarily ([`86c5192`](

* fix(test): fixed missing directory error when running pytest from package root ([`062c4db`](

* fix(mkdir): made sure that directories are generated before files are ([`c529767`](

* fix(cicd): updated ci-cd workflow ([`24b253c`](

* fix(findSurf): fixed &39;numNeigh&39; option in findSurf() ([`796d14c`](

* fix(scanAllAtoms): scanAllAtoms() now prints 1/eps instead of magnFac ([`2c3b4a3`](

* fix(datasets): getExampleDataPath() returns str instead of PosixPath ([`6989942`](


* perf(findSurf): sped up alpha shape algorithm ([`427536d`](

* perf(boxLenConc): reduced the number of times of calling cpu_counts() ([`c0911cf`](


* refactor(datasets): added getCaseStudyDataPaths() to package namespace ([`47508f6`](

* refactor(numPoints): made the variable name consistent across the package ([`4d419b9`](

* refactor(boxCnt): made box count outputs printed more concise ([`47aacc3`](

* refactor(fastbc): updated fastbc submodule name ([`26a2f8d`](

* refactor(findNN): removed unnecessary space and repeated codes ([`2dc8afd`](

* refactor(boxCnt): renamed PC to VX and ES to EX ([`ec9f93c`](

* refactor(surfPointClouds): renamed to ([`1be2ab5`](

* refactor: renamed alphaMult in findNN() to radMult ([`ba452d0`](

* refactor(import): reordered import sequences following best practices ([`feeed14`](

* refactor: reformatted the files to follow pep8 ([`8b54722`](

* refactor(gitignore): ignored and removed files under development ([`312761a`](

* refactor: added sphractal-feedstock to .gitmodules ([`efa0361`](

* refactor(radType): changed default radType to &39;atomic&39; ([`d272ea9`](

* refactor(bin): added compiled C++ GPU code ([`b6e6fb6`](


* style(exactBoxCnts): removed a print statement from the function ([`139b046`](

* style: included more information in printing statements of getSphereBoxCnts() ([`e6bfcee`](

* style: added space in print statements for better visibility ([`1584c60`](


* test(trimLen): updated change in variable name ([`e442aa6`](

* test(example): updated test functions for functions related to example data ([`fb1c8f0`](

* test: updated test functions and fixtures for findTargetAtoms() ([`35c7a55`](

* test(example): added test function for new example function ([`d07b85e`](

* test: uncommented a test function for findSlope() ([`6d6b75b`](

* test: updated docstrings in test functions that are commented out ([`ed69a98`](

* test: added unit tests for higher level functions ([`f1269a5`](

* test: added tests for some functions ([`1350d4c`](


* Merge branch &39;main&39; of ([`3de0d64`](

* Merge branch &39;main&39; of ([`ff4fe90`](

* Merge branch &39;main&39; of into main ([`2830ed3`](

* Merge branch &39;main&39; of into main ([`dacfae8`](

* feat(nexactBoxCnts: added numCPUs as input argument to the function ([`f1e01c9`](

* Merge branch &39;main&39; of into main ([`428347a`](

* Merge branch &39;main&39; of into main ([`d0577b6`](

* Merge branch &39;main&39; of into main ([`be2f0ea`](

* Merge branch &39;main&39; of into main ([`7af5410`](

* Update ci-cd.yml ([`fcd19ca`](

* initial package setup ([`268b378`](


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Severity Details

CVSS Base Score


CVSS v3 Details

Attack Vector (AV)
Attack Complexity (AC)
Privileges Required (PR)
User Interaction (UI)
Scope (S)
Confidentiality Impact (C)
Integrity Impact (I)
Availability Availability (A)