Safety vulnerability ID: 64765
The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.
Deepchecks version 0.18.0 updates its dependency on jupyter-server to version 2.7.2 from 1.24.0, addressing security vulnerability CVE-2023-39968.
Latest version: 0.19.1
Package for validating your machine learning model and data
- fix typos in [skip ci] (2699) [2699]( ([Eyal C](
- add RayanAAY-ops as a contributor for code, and ideas (2733) [2733]( ([allcontributors[bot]](
- d1c07ab: Change nlp model properties to use onnx optimized models (Nadav Barak) [2681](
- 3eaca24: Remove empty_gpu for cached models (Nadav Barak) [2682](
- 9890fd5: Part of the vulnerability fixes required by Snyk (2683) (Noam Bressler) [2683](
- 3f148f1: Fix CI/CD (2685) (Harsh Jain) [2685](
- c2bbd59: Bump dev version (2686) (Noam Bressler) [2686](
- cf4a7ea: Added support for filterting check results by name (2695) (Harsh Jain) [2695](
- a40e8c3: modification of language property text (2704) (Nadav Barak) [2704](
- 9806488: Change lexical density to a 0-1 float (2708) (Noam Bressler) [2708](
- f8eaa0c: Vulnerability issues fix by Synk (2703) (Harsh Jain) [2703](
- 6ff7d2a: Code optimization for cleaning special chars from string (2698) (Manish Kumar) [2698](
- 76b92c8: change_weak_segments_na_logic (2709) (JKL98ISR) [2709](
- c4af7dd: segments bug fix with na (2712) (Nadav Barak) [2712](
- 708bac7: weak segment should have maximum of 1 category (2705) (Nadav Barak) [2705](
- 7bb31d1: remove ipython req (2716) (Noam Bressler) [2716](
- 42cf4b3: improved documentation (2717) (Nadav Barak) [2717](
- 7639a35: Limit a newer sklearn version that breaks _ProbaScorer (2723) (Noam Bressler) [2723](
- 2ef42a0: Fix build (2731) (Noam Bressler) [2731](
- 5db924d: Remove benchmark history check (2732) (Noam Bressler) [2732](
- 32cb218: update ver and docs (Noam Bressler)
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