Safety vulnerability ID: 61503
The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.
Fonttools is affected by a XML External Entity Injection (XXE) Vulnerability. As of fonttools>=4.28.2 the subsetting module has a XML External Entity Injection (XXE) vulnerability which allows an attacker to resolve arbitrary entities when a candidate font (OT-SVG fonts), which contains a SVG table, is parsed. This allows attackers to include arbitrary files from the filesystem fontTools is running on or make web requests from the host system.
Latest version: 4.55.3
Tools to manipulate font files
- [subset] Set up lxml ``XMLParser(resolve_entities=False)`` when parsing OT-SVG documents
to prevent XML External Entity (XXE) attacks (9f61271dc):
- [varLib.iup] Added workaround for a Cython bug in ``iup_delta_optimize`` that was
leading to IUP tolerance being incorrectly initialised, resulting in sub-optimal deltas
(60126435d, cython/cython5732).
- [varLib] Added new command-line entry point ``fonttools varLib.avar`` to add an
``avar`` table to an existing VF from axes mappings in a .designspace file (0a3360e52).
- [instancer] Fixed bug whereby no longer used variation regions were not correctly pruned
after VarData optimization (3268).
- Added support for Python 3.12 (3283).
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