PyPi: Gdal



Safety vulnerability ID: 62283

This vulnerability was reviewed by experts

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Created at Oct 14, 2023 Updated at Feb 14, 2025
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Gdal 3.8.0 backports a security fix for CVE-2023-45853: MiniZip in zlib through 1.3 has an integer overflow.

Affected package


Latest version: 3.10.2

GDAL: Geospatial Data Abstraction Library

Affected versions

Fixed versions

Vulnerability changelog


* Add third_party/fast_float header library for fast string->double conversion
for CPLStrtodDelim()
* /vsimem/: make it safe to use in multi-threaded scenarios
* /vsimem/: implicitly create parent directories when creating file
* CPLParseXML(): do not call CPLErrorReset()
* CPLJSon: add setters for uint64_t
* Add CPLJSONArray::AddNull() and CPLJSONObject constructor with primitive types
* VSIUnixStdioHandle / VSIWin32Handle: make Close() be callable multiple times
to be friendly with VSIVirtualHandleUniquePtr
* /vsicurl/: avoid the same region to be downloaded at the same time from
concurrent threads (8041)
* /vsicurl/ / /vsicurl_streaming/: recognize IGNORE_FILENAME_RESTRICTIONS=YES
open option to skip any extension based filtering (8162)
* /vsicurl/: emit warnings if invalid values of CPL_VSIL_CURL_CHUNK_SIZE and
CPL_VSIL_CURL_CACHE_SIZE are used (8499)
* /vsicurl_streaming/: implement retry strategy if GDAL_HTTP_MAX_RETRY is set
* /vsis3_streaming/ and the like: implement ReadDir() by forwarding to
non-streaming filesystem (8191)
* IVSIS3LikeFSHandler::CopyFile(): retry with non-streaming source for more
* /vsis3/ and /vsioss/: less error prone management of redirects / region
* /vsiaz/: do not append trailing slash for directories deduced from
.gdal_marker_for_dir special file
* /vsiaz/: implement server-side copy from /vsis3/, /vsigs/, /vsiadls/,
/vsicurl/ to /vsiaz
* /vsiaz/: fix CopyObject() when source and target are both /vsiaz/ but in
different buckets
* /vsiaz/: update to version 2020-12-06 for GetSignedURL(), limit to https and
use blob resource type
* /vsi network file system: support r+ access under
CPL_VSIL_USE_TEMP_FILE_FOR_RANDOM_WRITE=YES by copying initial content of
remove file locally
* VSISync() network to network: implement SyncStrategy::TIMESTAMP
* Add VSIGetCanonicalFilename()
* CPLvsnprintf(): deal with '%.*f' formatting
* VSIFilesystemHandler: remove 'virtual' qualifier from ReadDir(), which now
forwards to ReadDirEx(); modify all implementations to implement ReadDirEx()
* Add /vsicached? virtual file system, as another way of doing the same as
VSICreateCachedFile() / VSI_CACHE=YES
* VSIFilesystemHandler::CopyFile(): detect wrong target file size w.r.t source
file size
* /vsi7z/: Accept ArcGIS Pro Project Packages extension
* cpl_vsil_win32: check return value of FlushFileBuffers(), and open file with
GENERIC_WRITE only if access=w or wb
* cpl_vsil_win32: implement a WRITE_THROUGH=YEs option to pass to VSIFOpenEx2L()


* GDALIdentifyDriverEx() and GDALDriver::QuietDelete(): do not call
* GDALDataset::Open(): take into account open options for OF_SHARED mode (7824)
* PAM .aux.xml: read geotransform from Esri GeodataXform.CoeffX/CoeffY elements
GPKG drivers to implement it
* Overview/RasterIO resampling: use Float64 as working data type for Float64
input data (8187)
* Add GDALRegisterPlugins function to register all/only plugins (8447)
* GDALDriver::DefaultCreateCopy(): in non-strict mode, turn (ignored) errors as
warnings and do not silence them
* Add a GDALPamDataset::SetDerivedDatasetName() method, and use it to be able to
save statistics of datasets returned by GDALMDArray::AsClassicDataset()
* Add GDALGetSubdatasetInfo() and related functions (8155)

Multidimensional API

* add Rename() methods. Implemented in MEM, netCDF, Zarr drivers
* add DeleteGroup(), DeleteMDArray(), DeleteAttribute()
methods. Implemented in MEM, netCDF (for attributes) and Zarr drivers
* GDALDatasetFromArray: fix write/update support
* GDALMDArrayMask: take into account attributes at construction time
* GetMask(): add a UNMASK_FLAGS option
* GDALMDArray::ComputeStatistics(): add option to set actual_range in netCDF
and Zarr when computing statistics
* GDALMDArray::AsClassicDataset(): add a LOAD_EXTRA_DIM_METADATA_DELAY option,
and expose it in Zarr driver
* GDALMDArray::AsClassicDataset(): allow to map band indexing arrays as band
metadata items with BAND_METADATA option
* Add GDALGroup::SubsetDimensionFromSelection()


* Warp average resampling: using Weighted incremental algorithm mean for numeric
* Warper: auto-enable OPTIMIZE_SIZE warping option when reasonable (7761)
* Geoloc transformer: warn if the input dataset is larger in width or height
compared to the geoloc array (7751)
* GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformer2(): deal with discontinuity of GCPs around
antimeridian (8371)
* TPS transformer: use an iterative method to refine the inverse transformation


* gdaladdo: add options to partially refresh existing overviews:
``--partial-refresh-from-projwin <ulx> <uly> <lrx> <lry>``,`
``--partial-refresh-from-source-extent <filename1,...,filenameN>``
* gdal_translate: emit warning when -a_scale/-a_offset + -unscale is specified
* gdal_translate: GTiff, COG, VRT, PNG and JPEG drivers recognize
COPY_SRC_MDD=AUTO/YES/NO and SRC_MDD=domain_name creation options
* gdal_translate: add -a_gt option to assign geotransform (8248)
* gdal_translate -scale: change dstMax value from 255.999 to 255
* gdal_translate: when specifying -srcwin, preserve source block size in the
temporary VRT if srcwin top,left is a multiple of the block size
* gdalwarp: in -tr mode (without -ts / -te), detect blank edge lines/columns
before warping and remove them (7905)
* gdalwarp: fix cutline processing when warping with a cutline geometry in UTM
1/60 crossing the antimeridian, on a raster in long/lat SRS (8163)
* gdalwarp: tune usage to allow both -s_coord_epoch and -t_coord_epoch
* gdalwarp: fix error when using -ct and -cutline (master only), and actually
use the -ct when possible if sourceCRS != targetCRS and targetCRS == cutlineCRS
* gdalwarp: do not enter a specific COG optimized code path when some of its
preconditons are not met (8655)
* gdalmdiminfo: output details of indexing variables that can be accessed only
from the array (typically for TileDB dimension labels)
* nearblack: add "-alg floodfill" to select a flood fill algorithm, to address
concave areas.
* gdalmdimtranslate: add support for resample=yes array spec option
* gdalbuildvrt: make -separate option process all bands of input datasets,
unless -b is specified (8584)
* gdal_polygonize: add a -overwrite switch (7913)
* gdal_rasterize_lib: fix error messages
* gdaltransform: add -s_coord_epoch and -t_coord_epoch
* multiple enhancements and new command line options
* avoid error trying to generate relative path
* Add sample Python script
* use math.isnan() (8196)
* fix wrong order of long,lat corner coordinates (8199)
* make --help and --help-general available in all utilities (3816)

Raster drivers

AAIGRID driver:
* writing: remove leading space on each line (8344)

ARG driver:
* mark it deprecated, removal planned for GDAL 3.9 (7920)

BAG driver:
* increase the efficiency of getting depth&uncertainty values from the
refinement grids
* use low-resolution grid as the last overview level in MODE=RESAMPLED_GRID
* add a MODE=INTERPOLATED mode using mostly bilinear interpolation of the
refinement grid nodes

COG driver:
* only update mode if the IGNORE_COG_LAYOUT_BREAK=YES open option is specified
* add a STATISTICS=AUTO/YES/NO creation option and forward gdal_translate
-stats to it (8169)
* Lerc: add a MAX_Z_ERROR_OVERVIEW creation option to separately control the
error threshold of overviews w.r.t the one of the full resolution image

ENVI driver:
* warn if assigning different nodata value to different bands
* support Int64 and UInt64

ESRIC driver:
* Implement ESRI Tile Package (.tpkx) support (7799)

GRIB driver:
* allow opening files with invalid Earth of shape (7811)
* implement CCSDS Adaptive Entropy Coding decompression. Requires libaec (8092)
* only emit a CPLDebug() instead of a message on stdout when there are trailing
bytes (8574)
* GRIB2 SRS writing: add support for Rotated LatLong grids (fixes 8536)

GTiff driver:
* Performance improvement: avoid using block cache when writing whole blocks
(up to about twice faster in some scenarios)
* GTiff multi-threaded reader: catch errors emitted in worker threads and
re-emit them in main thread
* Internal libtiff: WebP codec: turn exact mode when creating lossless files
to avoid altering R,G,B values in areas where alpha=0 (8038)
* Lerc: add a MAX_Z_ERROR_OVERVIEW creation option to separately control the
error threshold of overviews w.r.t the one of the full resolution image
* SRS writer: write Projected 3D built as a pseudo-compound in .aux.xml
* Internal libtiff and libgeotiff: resynchronization with upstream

HDF5 driver:
* optimize code-paths for RasterIO() without resampling
* multidim: speed-up very slow cases of IRead()

ISG driver:
* make it able to read headers > 1024 bytes
* take into ISG format 2.0

JPEG driver:
* allow QUALITY down to 1
* redirect JPEG 'output message' to GDAL debug messages
* only take into account first Exif directory found

MBTiles driver:
* Add WEBP support (8409)

MEM driver:
* allocate a single buffer for band-interleaved data

netCDF driver:
* on reading, set NETCDF_DIM_xxx band metadata items in on-demand way (helps
with network accesses)
* do not set NETCDF_DIM_xxxx_VALUES dataset metadata items for variables of
unlimited dimensions on network access for performance reasons
* better error message when reading from /vsi is not possible (8398, 8378)
* renormalize CRS and geotransform to metric, typically for EUMETSAT OSI SAF
products. Add a PRESERVE_AXIS_UNIT_IN_CRS=YES/NO open option
* add support for EMIT band data ordering and geolocation array (
using glt_x/glt_y for multidimensional API)

NITF driver:
* add support for CSCSDB (Common Sensor Covariance Support Data) DES from

OpenFileGDB raster:
* add support for FileGDB v9 raster datasets
* add a RASTER_DATASET metadata item with the name of the RasterDataset (8427)

PDF driver:
* PDFium backend: update to support (and require) PDFium/5952
* Poppler backend: implement overviews by adjusting the DPI value (8233)
* PoDoFo backend: add support for PoDoFo >= 0.10.0 (8356)
* increase threshold to detect tile size and band count (8236, 8240)
* Various robustness fixes

PRF driver:
* add associated PRJ file read

Sentinel2 driver:
* additional metadata (8379)

TileDB driver:
* add read/write multidimensional support (requires libtiledb >= 2.15)
* TileDBRasterBand::IRasterIO(): use correct band indexing
* read/write Int8, Int64 and UInt64
* add capability to read arbitrary (i.e. not created by GDAL) 2D/3D dense
array (provided it uses uint64 dimension)
* Add support for TileDB 2.17

VRT driver:
* add `norm_diff` (8081), `min` and `max` pixel functions (8292)
* ignore <OverviewList> when external .vrt.ovr is present, as documented and
* vrt:// connection string: add `projwin`, `projwin_srs`, `tr`, `r`,
`srcwin`, `a_gt`, `oo`, `scale`, `unscale`, `a_coord_epoch`, `nogcp`, `eco`,
* VRTComplexSource (scaling typically): make sure to take into account
constraints from VRTRasterBand data type in RasterIO() (rather than just
taking into account output buffer data type)
* IRasterIO(): avoid edge effects at sources boundaries when downsampling with
non-nearest resampling
* VRTMDArraySourceFromArray: fix taking into account relativeToVRT=1
* allow a <ArraySource> element containing a 2D multidimensional array as a
VRTRasterBand source and through the use of a <DerivedArray> make it possible
to create a 2D array from a 3D or more multidimensional one, by slicing,
transposing, resampling, gridding, etc.
* VRTComplexSource: perf improvement: add specialization when only NODATA for
Byte/UInt16/Int16 data types
* VRTSimpleSource::GetFileList(): do not issue a stat() as it may be slow on
network drives
* VRTSourcedRasterBand::GetMinimum/GetMaximum(): limit to 1 second max when
iterating over sources
* VRTSourcedRasterBand::GetMinimum/GetMaximum(): use STATISTICS_MINIMUM/MAXIMUM
metadata first

WCS driver:
* remove non-standard 'FORMAT' parameter from 'DescribeCoverage' requests

Zarr driver:
* allow update support in classic mode
* Zarr V3: update to current specification (breaks backward compatibility)
* implement GDALDriver::Rename(), Delete() and CopyFiles()
* ignore filename restrictions when reading tile data files (8162)
* add MULTIBAND=YES/NO, DIM_X and DIM_Y open options (8237)
* classic raster API: write multi-band datasets as Zarr 3D arrays (writing
them as several 2D arrays as in GDAL 3.7 can be asked with the
SINGLE_ARRAY=NO creation option)
* fix writing partial tiles

OGR 3.8.0 - Overview of Changes


* exportToGEOS(): do not drop M dimension with GEOS >= 3.12
* Add OGR_G_IsClockwise() and map it to SWIG
* core and ogr2ogr: add logic so that ogr2ogr can try a driver specific
implementation of GDALVectorTranslate()
* OGRParseDate(): restrict valid times to HH:MM:SS(.sss) with at least 2 figures
* Add OGR_F_DumpReadableAsString
* ArrowArray interface: make PostFilterArrowArray() deal with attribute filter,
and enable that in Parquet&Arrow drivers
* OGRLayer::GetArrowStream(): do not issue ResetReading() at beginning of
iteration, but at end instead, so SetNextByIndex() can be honoured
* ArrowStream interface: make TIMEZONE="unknown", "UTC", "(+|:)HH:MM" or any
other Arrow supported value as an option of the generic implementation
* Add OGRLayer::WriteArrowBatch()
* ArrowArray: implement fast 'FID IN (...)' / 'FID = ...' attribute filter in
generic GetNextArrowArray(), and use it for FlatGeoBuf one too (when it has a
spatial index) (8590)
* GetArrowStream(): support a GEOMETRY_METADATA_ENCODING=GEOARROW option (8605)
* GetNextArrowArray() implementations: automatically adjust batch size of list/
string/binary arrays do not saturate their capacity (2 billion elements)
* OGRGeometry classes: add addGeometry()/addRing()/addCurve() methods accepting
a std::unique_ptr
* OGRLineString/Polygon/MultiPolygon/MultiLineString: make it possible to run
importFromWkb() on the same object and limiting the number of dynamic memory
* organizePolygons: Remove handling of nonpolygonal geometries
* OGRGeometryFactory::transformWithOptions() WRAPDATELINE=YES: remove heuristics
about points exactly at +/- 180 (8645)
* gml2ogrgeometry: reject empty <gml:Triangle/>
* OGRGF_DetectArc(): harden tolerance when detecting consecutive arcs to avoid
incorrect arc center computation (8332)
* OGR SQL: allow MIN() and MAX() on string fields
* SQLite dialect: when the underlying layer has a FID column name, enable the
user to use it as an alias of ROWID
* SQLite dialect: error out with explicit message on unsupported commands (8430)
* Add OGRFieldDefn::GetTZFlag()/SetTZFlag(), and OGR_TZFLAG_ constants
* GDALDataset::ICreateLayer(): now takes a const OGRSpatialReference* instead of
a OGRSpatialReference*. Affects out-of-tree drivers (8493)
* OGR Python drivers: support WKB geometries


* Add OGRCoordinateTransformationOptions::SetOnlyBest() /
OCTCoordinateTransformationOptionsSetOnlyBest() (7753)
* OGRProjCT::Transform(): do not emit generic error message if a specific one
has already been emitted
* SetFromUserInput(): add support for urn:ogc:def:coordinateMetadata (PROJ >=
* SetFromUserInput(): recognize 'EPSG:XXXXYYYY' (PROJ >= 9.4)
* Add OSRHasPointMotionOperation() (PROJ >= 9.4)
* OGR_CT: handle point motion operations (PROJ >= 9.4)


* ogrinfo: speed-up string concatenation
* ogrinfo: add support for DateTime field domains
* ogrinfo: emit distinct error message if the file doesn't exist or can't be
opened (8432)
* ogrinfo: output timezone flag
* ogr2ogr: calls FlushCache() (8033)
* ogr2ogr: tune usage to allow both -s_coord_epoch and -t_coord_epoch
* ogr2ogr: better deal when reprojecting curve geometries to a non-curve
geometry type (8332)
* ogr2ogr: use Arrow interface in reading and writing when possible
* make -select '' work (or gdal.VectorTranslate(selectFields=[]))

Vector drivers

Arrow/Parquet driver:
* emit ARROW:extension:name=ogc.wkb in Feature field metadata, and return it
also through GetArrowStream() for Parquet
* implement faster spatial filtering with ArrowArray interface
* optimize attribute filter on FID column
* support/reading nested list/map datatypes as JSON
* implement full spatial filtering (not just bbox intersection)
* reading and writing: use field TZFlag
* implement WriteArrowBatch() specific implementation
* support LargeString and LargeBinary for geometry columns (read support only)

CSV driver:
* reader: change to use separator with the most occurrences (7831)
* implement GetFileList() and return .csvt if used (8165)

DGN driver:
* CreateFeature(): fix crash on empty geometries (ossfuzz56771)

DXF driver:
* Preserve attributes in nested block insertions

ESRIJSON driver:
* add support for esriFieldTypeSingle and esriFieldTypeDate data types

FlatGeoBuf driver:
* GetNextArrowArray(): implement full spatial filtering (not just bbox

GeoJSON driver:
* add AUTODETECT_JSON_STRINGS layer creation option (8391)
* writer: when writing with limited coordinate precision, run MakeValid() to
avoid creating invalid geometries
* reading: set field TZFlag
* writer: in RFC7946 mode, refine logic to determine if a multipolygon spans
over the antimeridian to write correct bbox (qgis/qgis42827)
* writer: use faster file write() primitive and detect write() errors

GeoJSONSeq driver:
* add AUTODETECT_JSON_STRINGS layer creation option (8391)
* writer: use faster file write() primitive and detect write() errors

GeoPackage driver:
* use much faster creation of RTree with a in-memory RTree building
* speed-up HasMetadataTables() on dataset with many layers
* speed-up unique constraint discovery on dataset with many layers
* more efficient retrieval of layer extent from RTree content
* deal with DateTime fields without milliseconds or seconds, as allowed by
GeoPackage 1.4 (8037)
* add a DATETIME_PRECISION layer creation option (8037)
* implement SetNextByIndex() on table layers (by appending
'OFFSET -1 LIMIT index')
* make GetArrowStream() honour SetNextByIndex()
* add a CRS_WKT_EXTENSION=YES/NO dataset creation option to force addition of
definition_12_063 column
* add a METADATA_TABLES creation option to control creation of system metadata
* GetNextArrowArray(): implement full spatial filtering (not just bbox
* GetNextArrowArray(): only do multi-threaded prefetch if more than 1 GB RAM
* make invalid attribute filter to cause error in main thread (so Python
binding can emit an exception)
* GPKG / SQLite dialect: improve detection of geometry columns when first row
is NULL (8587)
* make GetFeatureCount() do full geometry intersection and not just bounding
box (8625)

GPX driver:
* add a CREATOR dataset creation option

HANA driver:
* Set sessionVariable:APPLICATION in connection string
* Support connections using a user store key (7946)

Memory driver:
* add a FID layer creation option to specify the FID column name

MVT/MBTiles driver:
* take into account tileStats metadata item to decide if a field of type
'number' might be Integer or Integer64
* MVT writer: clamp generated tile x, y coordinates to \[0,(1<<z)-1\]

NAS driver:
* remove unused nas relation layer and remove GML driver's out-of-band
attribute handling only used for it
* support gfs notation for attributes to handle attributes for codelists
(fixes norBIT/alkis-import65)
* Fix (and refactor) update operations for GID7

MySQL driver:
* fix compliance issues with test_ogrsf

OAPIF driver:
* bump default limit to 1000 and honor schema from API (8566)

ODS driver:
* add FIELD_TYPES and HEADERS open options (8028)

OpenFileGDB driver:
* add support for DateTime field domains
* expose layer alias name in ALIAS_NAME layer metadata item

Parquet driver:
* emit GeoParquet 1.0.0 version number
* add a COORDINATE_PRECISION layer creation option
* add fast implementation of Arrow Array interface when requesting WKT as WKB
* make Parquet driver recognize a geometry column if it has
ARROW:extension:name=ogc.wkb/ogc.wkt field metadata
* add a GEOM_POSSIBLE_NAMES and CRS open options for wider compatibility with
datasets not following GeoParquet dataset-level metadata
* fix ExecuteSQL() MIN/MAX optimization on a UINT32 field on a Parquet 2 file
* optimize SELECT MIN(FID), MAX(FID)
* restrict FID column detection to Int32/Int64 data types
* use statistics to skip row groups that don't match attribute filter (8225)
* use statistics of bbox.minx/miny/max/maxy fields (as found in Ouverture Maps
datasets) to implement fast GetExtent()

PDF driver:
* (minimal) take into account BMC operator to correctly handle BMC/EMC pairs
w.r.t BDC/EMC ones (8372)
* Read vector unstructured: take into account OCMD constructs as found in
recent USGS GeoPDFs (8372)
* ignore non-relevant StructTreeRoot in most recent USGS GeoPDFs (8372)

PGDump driver:
* use faster file write() primitive

PostgreSQL driver:
* do not override search_path when not needed (8641)

Shapefile driver:
* use VSIGetCanonicalFilename() in GetFileList() (8164)
* be tolerant with .prj with lon, lat axis order (fixes 8452)

TileDB driver:
* GetNextArrowArray(): implement full spatial filtering (not just bbox

XLSX driver:
* add FIELD_TYPES and HEADERS open options (8028)

WFS driver:
* Don't issue STARTINDEX if feature count is small (8146)
* do not emit twice DescribeFeatureType request on servers with complex
features and a single layer
* ExecuteSQL(): skip leading spaces that could cause the rest of the function
to malfunction
* correctly paginate when number of features is lower than page size (8653)
* use numberMatched when present to avoid last empty GetFeature request, and
set GetFeatureCount()

SWIG Language Bindings

All bindings:
* Map multidimensional API Rename() methods
* Increment FeatureDefn ref count on ogr.Layer.GetLayerDefn()
* add ogr.CreateRangeFieldDomainDateTime() and Domain.GetMinAsString()
* Expose GetConfigOptions()
* add gdal.SuggestedWarpOutput()
* Expose GDALClose

Java bindings:
* add Read/WriteRaster abilities for GDT_UInt64 & GDT_Int64 (7893)
* make multidimensional API usable (8048)
* implement ogr.CreateCodedFieldDomain() and FieldDomain.GetEnumeration()
* eliminate some deprecations / compiler warnings (8055)
* Add FieldDefn::GetFieldType() compatibility method

Python bindings:
* Allow passing options as dict
* Return context manager from Create, CreateDataSource
* Use ogr.DataSource and gdal.Dataset as context managers
* make gdal.Group.GetGroupNames() and GetMDArrayNames() return an empty list instead of None
* detect invalid use of ReleaseResultSet() (7782)
* Invalidate band and layer refs when dataset closes
* Invalidate mask, overview references after dataset close
* Invalidate refs from CreateLayer on datasource close
* Invalidate refs from CopyLayer on datasource close
* Avoid crash when using dataset after Destroy or Release
* Avoid crashes when using orphaned Geometry refs
* GetArrowStreamAsNumPy(): various fixes
* Fix gdal.config_options to prevent migration of config options in and out of
thread-local storage (8018)
* accept numpy.int64/float64 arguments for xoff, yoff, win_xsize, win_ysize,
buf_xsize, buf_ysize arguments of ReadAsArray() (8026)
* make check that libgdal version >= python bindings version (8029)
* fix CoordinateTransform.TransformPoint(sequence of 3 or 4 values)
* Use DumpReadable for Feature __repr__
* add a outputGeotransform option to gdal.Translate()
* Accept os.PathLike arguments where applicable
* make Feature.SetField(field_idx_or_name, binary_values) work
* add feature.SetFieldBinary(field_idx_or_name, binary_values)
* throw exceptions (when enabled) on gdal_array.OpenArray()/OpenNumPyArray()/
* improve performance of CSLFromPySequence() on large sequences
(like > 100,000 strings)
* Allow ExecuteSQL context manager to work on empty datasources
* make sure that CPL_DEBUG=ON and gdal.UseExceptions() work fine during
gdal.VectorTranslate() (and similar) (8552)

GDAL/OGR 3.7.0 Releases Notes

GDAL/OGR 3.7.0 is a feature release.
Those notes include changes since GDAL 3.6.0, but not already included in a
GDAL 3.6.x bugfix release.

In a nutshell...

* [RFC 87]( Add
GDT_Int8 support
* [RFC 88]( switch
to GoogleTest framework for C++ tests (3525)
* [RFC 89](
SQL query logging callback (6967)
* [RFC 90](
Direct access to compressed raster data
* [RFC 91](
GDALDataset::Close() method
* [RFC 93](
OGRLayer::UpdateFeature() method
* [RFC 94](
Numeric fields width/precision metadata
* ogrinfo: make it accessible through a new GDALVectorInfo() C API call, and
a -json switch
* Add read-only raster driver NOAA_B to read NOAA GEOCON/NADCON5 .b grids
* Add read-only raster driver NSIDCbin for Sea Ice Concentrations (7263)
* Add read-only vector GTFS (General Transit Feed Specification) driver
* TileDB: add read/write vector side
* Add support for [SOZip]( (Seek Optimized ZIP) with enhanced
/vsizip/ virtual file system and a new sozip utility
* OpenFileGDB: add read-only support for raster datasets (.gdb v10)
* PNG: 1.7-2.0x speed-up in whole image decompression with libdeflate on
Intel/AMD CPUs. Benefits GPKG, MRF drivers
* [RFC 69](
C++ code reformatting
* Code linting and security fixes
* Remove any traces of Rasdaman driver, now moved to OSGeo/gdal-extra-drivers
repository (4808)

Backward compatibility issues


New installed files

* data/gfs.xsd: XML schema for .gfs files (6655)
* data/gml_registry.xsd: new file with XML schema of gml_registry.xml (6716)
* data/ogrinfo_output.schema.json: to validate ogrinfo -json output
* data/gdalinfo_output.schema.json: to validate gdalinfo -json output (fixes 6850)
* data/grib2_table_4_2_0_21.csv
* data/grib2_table_4_2_2_6.csv
* bin/sozip


* make BUILD_JAVA/CSHARP/PYTHON_BINDINGS default value dependent on the
presence of requirements, and error out if those variables are set but
requirements are missing
* Python bindings: remove generated files and require SWIG to be present
* Fix build with -DOGR_ENABLE_DRIVER_GML=OFF (6647)
* make it possible to build on Linux if linux/fs.h is missing by explicitly
* Add support for (future) libjpeg-turbo 2.2 with its 8/12 bit dual mode (6645)
* PDF driver with PDFium support must be built against PDFium from
* No longer alias VSILFILE* to FILE* in non-DEBUG builds (6790)
* Add build option for using static Arrow/Parquet build (7082)
* Enable OpenCL at build-time, but disable it at runtime by default unless
the USE_OPENCL warping option or GDAL_USE_OPENCL config option is set (7224)
* Fix MSVC x64 builds with /arch:AVX2 (7625)

New optional dependencies

* libarchive for new /vsi7z/ and /vsirar/ virtual file systems


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Severity Details

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CVSS v3 Details

Attack Vector (AV)
Attack Complexity (AC)
Privileges Required (PR)
User Interaction (UI)
Scope (S)
Confidentiality Impact (C)
Integrity Impact (I)
Availability Availability (A)