PyPi: Aucmedi



Safety vulnerability ID: 65619

This vulnerability was reviewed by experts

The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.

Created at Jan 19, 2024 Updated at Nov 29, 2024
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Aucmedi version 0.9.0 upgrades its Pillow dependency to version 10.2.0 from 9.3.0 in response to CVE-2023-50447.

Affected package


Latest version: 0.10.0

AUCMEDI - a framework for Automated Classification of Medical Images

Affected versions

Fixed versions

Vulnerability changelog

:sparkles: New Features
- [`7b88203`]( - **Architecture**: added ConvNeXt 3D architectures *(commit by muellerdo)*
- [`2cfec6e`]( - **Architecture**: integrated ConvNeXt 3D architectures into AUCMEDI environment *(commit by muellerdo)*
- [`cb41966`]( - added multi-modality support *(commit by muellerdo)*
- [`5fd029c`]( - **sitk_loader**: allow more dynamic resampling in terms of multi-modality *(commit by muellerdo)*
- [`979a660`]( - **Architectures**: removed 2D ResNeXt image architecture support *(commit by muellerdo)*
- [`76866a9`]( - **Architecture**: added 2D ResNeXt (50 & 101), again... *(commit by muellerdo)*

:bug: Bug Fixes
- [`a7e335c`]( - **Ensemble**: fixed incorrect callback extension *(commit by muellerdo)*
- [`78b3078`]( - classes parameter (np.array) *(commit by Sassy-Nazogram)*
- [`f6945b8`]( - **Evaluation**: changed datatype from float to object for ROC multi-lists *(commit by muellerdo)*
- [`6d0df6a`]( - **Evaluation**: replaced np.object with object due to deprecated *(commit by muellerdo)*
- [`8cb896f`]( - **Evaluation**: specified groupby column to be consistent with pandas 2.X *(commit by muellerdo)*

:recycle: Refactors
- [`4530bb9`]( - **AutoML**: added Tensorflow Addons F1 to AutoML train again *(commit by muellerdo)*
- [`e5940db`]( - **Tutorials**: reverted to TF addons F1 metric in the tutorials *(commit by muellerdo)*

:white_check_mark: Tests
- [`c2ce77b`]( - **Architecture**: added unittesting for ConvNeXt 3D *(commit by muellerdo)*
- [`7549dc8`]( - unittesting for 3D multi-modality data loading *(commit by muellerdo)*
- [`4414024`]( - **sitk_loader**: improved unittesting for resampling of multi-modality nii/mha volumes *(commit by muellerdo)*

:construction_worker: Build System
- [`800713b`]( - increased package version 3D-classification-models to 1.0.7 *(commit by muellerdo)*
- [`4caf08d`]( - Updated to version 0.8.2 *(commit by muellerdo)*
- [`7750c96`]( - **Tensorflow**: incrased package version to 2.11.1 *(commit by muellerdo)*
- [`8837e06`]( - **Tensorflow-Addons**: removed TF-addon and keras-applications support *(commit by muellerdo)*
- [`2ce29b2`]( - updated dependency list *(commit by muellerdo)*
- [`8b7da52`]( - **Python**: dropped Python3.8 for CI and added 3.9 & 3.10 *(commit by muellerdo)*
- [`6cbe6e9`]( - **Python**: removed Python 3.12 again from CI as there is no TF1.4 support there *(commit by muellerdo)*
- [`2de4ba3`]( - **Tensorflow-Addons**: added TFaddons back due to requirements for Keras ViT.. *(commit by muellerdo)*
- [`fc11a51`]( - **Keras-Applications**: added also back Keras Applications (and 2D ResNeXt) as classification-models-3D require it... *(commit by muellerdo)*
- [`6990dd5`]( - **Python**: converted python version to strings to be 3.10 instead of 3.1 *(commit by muellerdo)*
- [`7152f87`]( - **plotnine**: upgraded plotnine to version 0.12.0 *(commit by muellerdo)*
- [`5db39c1`]( - **plotnine**: fixed version to 0.12.4 *(commit by muellerdo)*
- [`c48c4c9`]( - **scikit**: updated scikit-learn & scikit-image *(commit by muellerdo)*
- [`ba40783`]( - **Pillow**: updated Pillow to 10.2.0 for security *(commit by muellerdo)*
- [`da8c660`]( - updated to version 0.9.0 *(commit by muellerdo)*

:memo: Documentation Changes
- [`812bb88`]( - **Tutorials**: fixed incorrect link - solves #200 *(commit by muellerdo)*

:wrench: Chores
- [`444c11d`]( - updated copyright to 2023 *(commit by muellerdo)*
- [`729a275`]( - merged dev branch to ConvNeXt3D PR *(commit by muellerdo)*
- [`22d5415`]( - updated copyright to 2024 *(commit by muellerdo)*
- [`a155af8`]( - updated copyright on website *(commit by muellerdo)*


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Severity Details

CVSS Base Score

HIGH 8.1

CVSS v3 Details

HIGH 8.1
Attack Vector (AV)
Attack Complexity (AC)
Privileges Required (PR)
User Interaction (UI)
Scope (S)
Confidentiality Impact (C)
Integrity Impact (I)
Availability Availability (A)