Safety vulnerability ID: 65901
The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.
Salt 3006.6 upgrades its pycryptodome library to version 3.19.1 as a security measure in response to CVE-2023-52323.
Latest version: 3007.1
Portable, distributed, remote execution and configuration management system
- Salt no longer time bombs user installations on code using `salt.utils.versions.warn_until_date` [665924](
- Fix un-closed transport in tornado netapi [65759](
- CVE-2024-22231 Prevent directory traversal when creating syndic cache directory on the master
CVE-2024-22232 Prevent directory traversal attacks in the master's serve_file method.
These vulerablities were discovered and reported by:
Yudi Zhao(Huawei Nebula Security Lab),Chenwei Jiang(Huawei Nebula Security Lab) [565](
- Update some requirements which had some security issues:
* Bump to `pycryptodome==3.19.1` and `pycryptodomex==3.19.1` due to
* Bump to `gitpython==3.1.41` due to
* Bump to `jinja2==3.1.3` due to [#65830](
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