PyPi: Scancodeio



Safety vulnerability ID: 68075

This vulnerability was reviewed by experts

The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.

Created at Apr 16, 2024 Updated at Jul 02, 2024
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Scancodeio 34.4.0 updates its dependency 'gunicorn' to v22.0.0 to include a security fix.

Affected package


Latest version: 34.7.0

Automate software composition analysis pipelines

Affected versions

Fixed versions

Vulnerability changelog


- Upgrade Gunicorn to v22.0.0 security release.

- Display the list of fields available for the advanced search syntax in the modal UI.

- Add support for CycloneDX 1.6 outputs and inputs.
Also, the CycloneDX outputs can be downloaded as 1.6, 1.5, and 1.4 spec versions.

- Update matchcode-toolkit to v4.1.0

- Add a new function
`scanpipe.pipes.matchcode.fingerprint_codebase_resources()`, which computes
approximate file matching fingerprints for text files using the new
`get_file_fingerprint_hashes` function from matchcode-toolkit.

- Rename the `purldb-scan-queue-worker` management command to `purldb-scan-worker`.

- Add `docker-compose.purldb-scan-worker.yml` to run as a PurlDB
scan worker service.


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