PyPi: Redisvl



Safety vulnerability ID: 75563

This vulnerability was reviewed by experts

The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.

Created at Feb 11, 2025 Updated at Feb 21, 2025
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Redisvl updates cryptography from 43.0.3 to 44.0.1 due to the CVE-2024-12797.

Affected package


Latest version: 0.4.1

Python client library and CLI for using Redis as a vector database

Affected versions

Fixed versions

Vulnerability changelog


🚀 New Features

- Add nested JSON example to docs (287)
- Expand CLI usage examples and docs (285)
- Support Redis 8 (282)
- Support for int8 and uint8 dtypes in RedisVL Vectorizers (279)
- Use ULID instead of UUID4 (277)
- Support Python 3.13 (272)

🐛 Bug Fixes

- Patch dependabot security vulnerability in extras dependency (284)

🧰 Maintenance

- Refactor async client connection-handling (280)
- Upgrade to Pydantic V2 models (281)
- Avoid looking at local variables for deprecation warnings (283)
- Deprecate global distance_threshold with semantic router (275)
- Support Python 3.13 (272)
- Only check for workerid if workerinput is present (274)
- Add nightly CI run and optional manual workflow dispatch (271)
- Modularize testing suite (278)
- Add pre-commit hook (273)
- Improve CI test runtime with pytest-xdist (270)
- Consider vectorizer the owner of dtype (267)

We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!

abrookins, justin-cechmanek, rbs333 and tylerhutcherson


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