Safety vulnerability ID: 66978
The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.
Baybe 0.8.2 has updated its onnx dependency to version 1.16.0 or newer to address the security issue CVE-2024-27318.
Latest version: 0.11.3
A Bayesian Back End for Design of Experiments
- Simulation user guide
- Example for transfer learning backtesting utility
- `pyupgrade` pre-commit hook
- Better human readable `__str__` representation of objective and targets
- Alternative dataframe deserialization from `pd.DataFrame` constructors
- More detailed and sophisticated search space user guide
- Support for Python 3.12
- Upgraded syntax to Python 3.9
- Bumped `onnx` version to fix vulnerability
- Increased threshold for low-dimensional GP priors
- Replaced `fit_gpytorch_mll_torch` with `fit_gpytorch_mll`
- `telemetry` dependency is no longer a group (enables Poetry installation)
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