PyPi: Aisee



Safety vulnerability ID: 72414

This vulnerability was reviewed by experts

The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.

Created at Apr 17, 2024 Updated at Jul 30, 2024
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Aisee upgraded PyTorch to version 2.2.0 or higher to address a security vulnerability identified as CVE-2024-31580.

Affected package


Latest version: 0.1.1

aisee is a Python package for image classification using PyTorch and timm created by Instituto de Ingeniería del Conocimiento

Affected versions

Fixed versions

Vulnerability changelog

- Upgraded PyTorch to version >2.2.0 due to a security vulnerability.
- Changed the ruff command from `poetry run ruff .` to `poetry run ruff check .` .
- Ignore the ruff rule PLR0912.


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