Safety vulnerability ID: 70710
The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.
Vyper is a pythonic Smart Contract Language for the Ethereum virtual machine. In versions 0.3.10 and prior, using the `create_from_blueprint` builtin can result in a double eval vulnerability when `raw_args=True` and the `args` argument has side-effects. It can be seen that the `_build_create_IR` function of the `create_from_blueprint` builtin doesn't cache the mentioned `args` argument to the stack. As such, it can be evaluated multiple times (instead of retrieving the value from the stack). No vulnerable production contracts were found. Additionally, double evaluation of side-effects should be easily discoverable in client tests. As such, the impact is low. As of time of publication, no fixed versions exist. See CVE-2024-32647.
Latest version: 0.4.0
Vyper: the Pythonic Programming Language for the EVM
Vyper is a pythonic Smart Contract Language for the Ethereum virtual machine. In versions 0.3.10 and prior, using the `create_from_blueprint` builtin can result in a double eval vulnerability when `raw_args=True` and the `args` argument has side-effects. It can be seen that the `_build_create_IR` function of the `create_from_blueprint` builtin doesn't cache the mentioned `args` argument to the stack. As such, it can be evaluated multiple times (instead of retrieving the value from the stack). No vulnerable production contracts were found. Additionally, double evaluation of side-effects should be easily discoverable in client tests. As such, the impact is low. As of time of publication, no fixed versions exist. See CVE-2024-32647.
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