PyPi: Requests


Safety vulnerability ID: 71064

This vulnerability was reviewed by experts

The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.

Created at May 20, 2024 Updated at Nov 29, 2024
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Affected versions of Requests, when making requests through a Requests `Session`, if the first request is made with `verify=False` to disable cert verification, all subsequent requests to the same host will continue to ignore cert verification regardless of changes to the value of `verify`. This behavior will continue for the lifecycle of the connection in the connection pool. Requests 2.32.0 fixes the issue, but versions 2.32.0 and 2.32.1 were yanked due to conflicts with CVE-2024-35195 mitigation.

Affected package


Latest version: 2.32.3

Python HTTP for Humans.

Affected versions

Fixed versions

Vulnerability changelog


- Fixed an issue where setting `verify=False` on the first request from a
Session will cause subsequent requests to the _same origin_ to also ignore
cert verification, regardless of the value of `verify`.

- `verify=True` now reuses a global SSLContext which should improve
request time variance between first and subsequent requests. It should
also minimize certificate load time on Windows systems when using a Python
version built with OpenSSL 3.x. (6667)
- Requests now supports optional use of character detection
(`chardet` or `charset_normalizer`) when repackaged or vendored.
This enables `pip` and other projects to minimize their vendoring
surface area. The `Response.text()` and `apparent_encoding` APIs
will default to `utf-8` if neither library is present. (6702)

- Fixed bug in length detection where emoji length was incorrectly
calculated in the request content-length. (6589)
- Fixed deserialization bug in JSONDecodeError. (6629)
- Fixed bug where an extra leading `/` (path separator) could lead
urllib3 to unnecessarily reparse the request URI. (6644)


- Requests has officially added support for CPython 3.12 (6503)
- Requests has officially added support for PyPy 3.9 and 3.10 (6641)
- Requests has officially dropped support for CPython 3.7 (6642)
- Requests has officially dropped support for PyPy 3.7 and 3.8 (6641)

- Various typo fixes and doc improvements.

- Requests has started adopting some modern packaging practices.
The source files for the projects (formerly `requests`) is now located
in `src/requests` in the Requests sdist. (6506)
- Starting in Requests 2.33.0, Requests will migrate to a PEP 517 build system
using `hatchling`. This should not impact the average user, but extremely old
versions of packaging utilities may have issues with the new packaging format.


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