PyPi: Bdi-Kit



Safety vulnerability ID: 75053

This vulnerability was reviewed by experts

The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.

Created at Jun 27, 2024 Updated at Jan 20, 2025
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Bdi-kit updates its nltk requirement to >=3.9.1 to address security vulnerability CVE-2024-39705.

Affected package


Latest version: 0.5.0

bdi-kit library

Affected versions

Fixed versions

Vulnerability changelog


We are pleased to announce the release of bdikit version 0.4.0.
This version includes some new features and breaking changes,
including a change in the minimum Python version supported (3.9)
and support to search top-k best-value matches for a given pair
of table attributes.

Below is a list of the main changes included in this release:

- chore: Update instructions
- fix: Check whether the values are numeric
- fix: Add supported versions of Python
- chore: remove bdi-viz (84)
- feat: Support for top-k value matches
- chore: ensure nltk version is >=3.9.1 to fix a security issue
- chore: Remove unnecessary transitive dependency: conllu<5.0.0
- chore: Fix syntax highlighting in docs
- docs: Add documentation for value-matching methods
- fix: Address preview_domain() issue when there are no sample values (92)


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