PyPi: Sqlparse


Safety vulnerability ID: 67887

This vulnerability was reviewed by experts

The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.

Created at Apr 30, 2024 Updated at Dec 10, 2024
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Sqlparse 0.5.0 addresses a potential denial of service (DoS) vulnerability related to recursion errors in deeply nested SQL statements. To mitigate this issue, the update replaces recursion errors with a general SQLParseError, improving the resilience and stability of the parsing process.

Affected package


Latest version: 0.5.3

A non-validating SQL parser.

Affected versions

Fixed versions

Vulnerability changelog


Notable Changes

* Drop support for Python 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7.
* Python 3.12 is now supported (pr725, by hugovk).
* IMPORTANT: Fixes a potential denial of service attack (DOS) due to recursion
error for deeply nested statements. Instead of recursion error a generic
SQLParseError is raised. See the security advisory for details:
The vulnerability was discovered by uriyay-jfrog. Thanks for reporting!


* Splitting statements now allows to remove the semicolon at the end.
Some database backends love statements without semicolon (issue742).
* Support TypedLiterals in get_parameters (pr649, by Khrol).
* Improve splitting of Transact SQL when using GO keyword (issue762).
* Support for some JSON operators (issue682).
* Improve formatting of statements containing JSON operators (issue542).
* Support for BigQuery and Snowflake keywords (pr699, by griffatrasgo).
* Support parsing of OVER clause (issue701, pr768 by r33s3n6).

Bug Fixes

* Ignore dunder attributes when creating Tokens (issue672).
* Allow operators to precede dollar-quoted strings (issue763).
* Fix parsing of nested order clauses (issue745, pr746 by john-bodley).
* Thread-safe initialization of Lexer class (issue730).
* Classify TRUNCATE as DDL and GRANT/REVOKE as DCL keywords (based on pr719
by josuc1, thanks for bringing this up!).
* Fix parsing of PRIMARY KEY (issue740).


* Optimize performance of matching function (pr799, by admachainz).


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