PyPi: Notolog



Safety vulnerability ID: 73478

This vulnerability was reviewed by experts

The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.

Created at May 16, 2024 Updated at Feb 01, 2025
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Notolog 1.0.2 updates its dependency 'cryptography' to include a security fix.

Affected package


Latest version: 1.1.3

Notolog - Python Markdown Editor

Affected versions

Fixed versions

Vulnerability changelog

- Added the index of searched text occurrences within the document, alongside the count of such occurrences. This enhancement provides more detailed search results and helps users locate text more precisely.

- Extracted SearchForm from the ToolBar class into a separate file and updated relevant lexeme names for case-sensitive search.

- Updated themes to enhance the document's search field, ensuring compatibility with the new functionality.
- Upgraded the `cryptography` package dependency from version '42.0.7' to '43.0.1' or later to incorporate the latest security improvements.
- Updated tests, particularly for the ToolBar and SearchForm classes.

- Adjusted the searched occurrence counter to respond to the case-sensitive search checkbox for accurate results.


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