Safety vulnerability ID: 75248
The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.
Geoschem-gcpy updates `jinja` to 3.1.5 due to the CVE-2024-56326.
Latest version: 1.6.0
- Added example script `gcpy/examples/hemco/` (creates the HEMCO standalone configuration file `HEMCO_sa_Spec.rc`)
- Added module `` for scraping statistics from GEOS-Chem Classic cloud benchmarks
- Added dry deposition velocity comparison plots in 1-month cloud benchmarks
- Added `gcpy/benchmark/modules/` to compute the table of species changes between versions
- Added `gcpy/kpp/` folder containing scripts to plot output from the KPP-Standalone box model
- Added ReadTheDocs documentation for plotting output from the KPP-Standalone box model
- Changed format of `% diff` column from `12.3e` to `12.3f` in benchmark timing tables
- Updated `gcpy/benchmark/modules/emission_species.yml` file with emission species for GEOS-Chem 14.5.0
- Updated `gcpy/benchmark/modules/benchmark_categories.yml` with the latest categories for GEOS-Chem 14.5.0
- Updated `gcpy/benchmark/modules/lumped_species.yml` with speciations for GEOS-Chem 14.5.0
- Add `DryDep` to list of collections included in benchmark summary table
- Updated `checkout` GitHub action to v4
- Updated `CodeQL` GitHub action to v3
- Updated `publish-python` GitHub action to v5
- In environment files `gcpy_environment.yml` and `gcpy_requirements.txt`:
- Update `python` to 3.12.0
- Update `xesmf` to 0.8.5
- Update `esmf` and `esmpy` to 8.6.1
- In environment files `read_the_docs_environment.yml` and `read_the_docs_requirements.txt`
- Update `jinja` to 3.1.5 (fixes a security issue)
- Update `gcpy/` with the new Python package version numbers
- Updated code in `gcpy/benchmark/modules/` to replace whitespace in Ref and Dev labels with underscores
- Fixed formatting error in `.github/workflows/stale.yml` that caused the Mark Stale Issues action not to run
- Now flag differences greater than +/- 10% in benchmark timing table outputs
- Fixed error in computation of dynamic ratio plot min & max values in `plot/`
- Fixed erroneous species classification in `gcpy/benchmark/modules/benchmark_categories.yml`
- Fixed type errors in `calc_rectilinear_lon_edge` and `calc_rectangular_lat_edge` by casting the length of the output array from `float` to `int`
- Removed `gcpy/benchmark/modules/species_database.yml` file and corresponding code pointing to this
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