
Latest version: v1.3.2

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- Allow to periodically save with any function [\362]( ([basnijholt](
- Update pre-commit versions [\359]( ([basnijholt](
- Add getting learner's data as pandas.DataFrame; add\_dataframe method [\358]( ([basnijholt](
- Add transparent logo in WebM format \(for dark mode\) [\356]( ([basnijholt](
- Docs in Markdown with Myst and change tutorials to Jupytext notebooks [\355]( ([basnijholt](
- Remove scipy deprecation warnings [\354]( ([eendebakpt](
- Replacing atomicwrites with os.write [\353]( ([juandaanieel](
- Fix class name issue with modern versions of dask.distributed [\351]( ([maiani](

[v0.13.2]( (2022-05-31)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Incompatibility of adaptive \(asyncio\) with python=3.10 [\344](
- Question: plot\_trisurf \(matplotlib\) directly from qhull [\343](
- Allow to choose colormap in learner2D.plot\(\) [\342](
- Warning when importing adaptive [\321](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Run seperate typeguard job \(because it is much slower\) [\350]( ([basnijholt](
- Skip ipyparallel test on MacOS [\349]( ([basnijholt](
- set loop to None in Python 3.10 [\348]( ([basnijholt](
- Switch from Tox to Nox [\347]( ([basnijholt](
- use 'from \_\_future\_\_ import annotations' [\346]( ([basnijholt](
- Update pre-commit filters versions [\345]( ([basnijholt](

[v0.13.1]( (2021-12-13)

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Splits up documentations page into "algo+examples" and rest [\330]( ([basnijholt](

**Fixed bugs:**

- fix 'asyncio.Task.current\_task' -\> 'asyncio.current\_task' [\331]( ([basnijholt](

**Closed issues:**

- Learner1D R -\> R^n - Infinite loop [\339](
- Wrong sign for right boundary with Sympy [\338](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Fix NaN issue for Learner1D R -\> R^n [\340]( ([Davide-sd](
- fix tutorial about using loky.get\_reusable\_executor on Windows [\336]( ([basnijholt](
- add a code example to the examples page [\335]( ([basnijholt](
- rename usage\_examples -\> gallery [\334]( ([basnijholt](
- pin scikit-learn to 0.24.2, because of [\#333]( ([basnijholt](
- use jupyter-sphinx instead of custom Sphinx directive [\332]( ([basnijholt](
- Add an animated logo that shows the working of Adaptive [\329]( ([basnijholt](
- Documentation conda environment update to latest versions [\328]( ([basnijholt](
- take out a cut from the 3D sphere, LearnerND example [\327]( ([basnijholt](
- Learner1D: return inf loss when the bounds aren't done [\271]( ([basnijholt](

[v0.13.0]( (2021-09-10)

[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- AverageLearner doesn't work with 0 mean [\275](
- call self.\_process\_futures on canceled futures when BlockingRunner is done [\320]( ([basnijholt](
- AverageLearner: fix zero mean [\276]( ([basnijholt](

**Closed issues:**

- Runners should tell learner about remaining points at end of run [\319](
- Cryptic error when importing lmfit [\314](
- change CHANGELOG to KeepAChangelog format [\306](
- jupyter notebook kernels dead after running "import adaptive" [\298](
- Emphasis on when to use adaptive in docs [\297](
- GPU acceleration [\296](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Learner1D type hints and add typeguard to pytest tests [\325]( ([basnijholt](
- AverageLearner type hints [\324]( ([basnijholt](
- Update doc string for resolution\_loss\_function [\323]( ([SultanOrazbayev](
- Update Readme to emphasise when adaptive should be used [\318]( ([thomasaarholt](
- add to\_numpy methods [\317]( ([basnijholt](
- AverageLearner1D added [\283]( ([AlvaroGI](
- Make LearnerND pickleable [\272]( ([basnijholt](
- add a FAQ [\242]( ([basnijholt](

[v0.12.2]( (2021-03-23)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- raise an AttributeError when attribute doesn't exists, closes \314 [\315]( ([basnijholt](

[v0.12.1]( (2021-03-23)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- write import differently for pypy [\313]( ([basnijholt](

[v0.12.0]( (2021-03-23)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- bump to Python≥3.7 [\312]( ([basnijholt](
- lazily evaluate the integrator coefficients [\311]( ([basnijholt](
- add resolution\_loss\_function for Learner1D [\310]( ([basnijholt](
- add "\(Code\) style fix or documentation update" to .github/pull\_request\ [\309]( ([basnijholt](
- remove the requirements from the tutorial landing page [\308]( ([basnijholt](
- add change log to the docs [\307]( ([basnijholt](
- remove automerge action [\305]( ([basnijholt](

[v0.11.3]( (2021-03-07)

[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- ProcessPoolExecutor behaviour on MacOS in interactive environment changed between Python versions [\301](
- can't pickle lru\_cache function with loky [\292](

**Closed issues:**

- Runner fails in the notebook [\299](

**Merged pull requests:**

- add pythonpublish.yml [\304]( ([basnijholt](
- fix docs build [\303]( ([basnijholt](
- test tox with py39 on Github Actions CI [\302]( ([basnijholt](
- make loky a default on Windows and MacOS but not on Linux [\300]( ([basnijholt](
- add learner1D.abs\_min\_log\_loss [\294]( ([basnijholt](
- bump pre-commit filter dependencies [\293]( ([basnijholt](
- fix docs [\291]( ([basnijholt](
- update to miniver 0.7.0 [\290]( ([basnijholt](
- add `\_plot\(\)` in README example [\288]( ([basnijholt](
- Update pre commit [\287]( ([basnijholt](
- Use m2r2 [\286]( ([basnijholt](
- temporarily pin scikit-learn\<=0.23.1 [\285]( ([basnijholt](
- add .zenodo.json [\284]( ([basnijholt](
- always serialize the function using cloudpickle [\281]( ([basnijholt](
- add a changelog [\232]( ([jbweston](

[v0.11.2]( (2020-08-07)

[Full Changelog](

[v0.11.1]( (2020-08-07)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**


[v0.12.0-dev]( (2020-05-20)

[Full Changelog](

[v0.11.0]( (2020-05-20)

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Make Runner work with unhashable points [\267](
- AverageLearner: implement min\_npoints [\274]( ([basnijholt](
- make the Runner work with unhashable points [\268]( ([basnijholt](
- make learners picklable [\264]( ([basnijholt](
- add support for loky [\263]( ([basnijholt](
- use \_\_name\_\_ == "\_\_main\_\_" for the MPIPoolExecutor [\260]( ([basnijholt](

**Fixed bugs:**

- ipyparallel fails in Python 3.8 [\249](
- Error on windows: daemonic processes are not allowed to have children [\225](
- prevent ImportError due to scikit-optimize and sklearn incompatibility [\278]( ([basnijholt](

**Closed issues:**

- add minimum number of points parameter to AverageLearner [\273](


**Merged pull requests:**

- minimally require ipyparallel 6.2.5 [\270]( ([basnijholt](
- fix docs build and pin pyviz\_comms=0.7.2 [\261]( ([basnijholt](

[v0.11.0-dev]( (2020-01-16)

[Full Changelog](

[v0.10.0]( (2020-01-15)

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- use tox for testing [\238](
- Time-based stop [\184](
- add a FAQ [\158](

**Fixed bugs:**

- live\_info looks is badly formatted in Jupyterlab [\250](
- SKOptLearner doesn't work for multi variate domain [\233](
- Does not work with lambda functions [\206](

**Merged pull requests:**

- add instructions for installing labextensions for Jupyterlab [\257]( ([basnijholt](
- MNT: add vscode config directory to .gitignore [\255]( ([tacaswell](
- disable test of runner using distributed [\253]( ([basnijholt](
- color the overhead between red and green [\252]( ([basnijholt](
- improve the style of the live\_info widget, closes \250 [\251]( ([basnijholt](
- use tox, closes \238 [\247]( ([basnijholt](
- add a Pull Request template [\246]( ([basnijholt](
- rename learner.ipynb -\> example-notebook.ipynb [\241]( ([basnijholt](
- correct short description in [\239]( ([jbweston](
- Power up pre-commit [\237]( ([basnijholt](
- add a section of "How to cite" Adaptive [\235]( ([basnijholt](
- Fix SKOptLearner for multi variate domain \(issue \233\) [\234]( ([caenrigen](
- add a time-base stopping criterion for runners [\229]( ([jbweston](
- update packages in tutorial's landing page [\224]( ([basnijholt](
- add \_RequireAttrsABCMeta and make the BaseLearner use it [\222]( ([basnijholt](
- 2D: add triangle\_loss [\221]( ([basnijholt](
- 2D: add interpolated\_on\_grid method [\216]( ([basnijholt](
- WIP: raise an error when using a lambda and default executor [\210]( ([basnijholt](

[v0.10.0-dev]( (2019-10-07)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Command-line tool [\217](


[v0.9.0]( (2019-09-23)

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- jupyter-sphinx update [\203](

**Closed issues:**

- jupyter-sphinx is pinned to non-existing branch [\199](

**Merged pull requests:**

- pass value\_scale to the LearnerND's loss\_per\_simplex function [\219]( ([basnijholt](
- add scatter\_or\_line argument to Learner1D.plot [\215]( ([basnijholt](
- remove MPI4PY\_MAX\_WORKERS where it's not used [\209]( ([basnijholt](
- use jupyter\_sphinx v0.2.0 from conda instead of my branch [\204]( ([basnijholt](
- Authors [\202]( ([basnijholt](
- Update tutorial.parallelism.rst [\201]( ([aeantipov](
- ensure atomic writes when saving a file [\200]( ([basnijholt](
- don't treat the no data case differently in the Learner1D [\195]( ([basnijholt](
- pin everything in the docs/environment.yml file [\194]( ([basnijholt](
- Add a SequenceLearner [\193]( ([basnijholt](
- Use black for code formatting [\191]( ([basnijholt](
- BalancingLearner: add a "cycle" strategy, sampling the learners one by one [\188]( ([basnijholt](

[v0.8.1]( (2019-05-07)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**


[v0.9.0-dev]( (2019-05-07)

[Full Changelog](

[v0.8.0]( (2019-05-07)

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- set python\_requires in [\179](

**Fixed bugs:**

- Learner2D.plot\(\) returns NaN [\181](
- Runner errors for Python 3.7 when done [\156](
- 2D: do not return points outside the bounds, closes \181 [\182]( ([basnijholt](

**Closed issues:**

- default loss of LearnerND changed? [\171](
- Add a page to the documentation of papers where adaptive is used [\163](

**Merged pull requests:**

- add support for mpi4py [\190]( ([basnijholt](
- use pytest rather than py.test [\189]( ([basnijholt](
- renormalize the plots value axis on every update [\186]( ([basnijholt](
- use setup\(..., python\_requires='\>=3.6'\), closes \179 [\180]( ([basnijholt](
- use the repo code in docs execute [\177]( ([basnijholt](
- do not inline the HoloViews JS [\176]( ([basnijholt](
- add a gallery page of Adaptive uses in scientific works [\174]( ([basnijholt](
- LearnerND: change the required loss to 1e-3 because the loss definition changed [\172]( ([basnijholt](
- Add logo to the documentation [\170]( ([basnijholt](
- import Iterable and Sized from [\161]( ([basnijholt](
- invoke conda directly in CI [\153]( ([basnijholt](
- change urls from GitLab to GitHub [\146]( ([basnijholt](

[v0.7.6]( (2019-03-21)

[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- live\_plot broken with latest holoviews and bokeh [\166](

**Merged pull requests:**

- do not force shutdown the executor in the cleanup [\164]( ([basnijholt](

[v0.7.5]( (2019-03-19)

[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- BalancingLearner puts all points in the first child-learner when asking for points with no data present [\159](

**Merged pull requests:**

- fix live\_plot [\167]( ([basnijholt](

[v0.7.4]( (2019-02-15)

[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- Loading data file with no data results in an error for the BalancingLearner [\148](
- Returning np.nan breaks the 1D learner [\145](
- fix bug in curvature\_loss [\152]( ([basnijholt](

**Merged pull requests:**

- handle NaN losses and add a test, closes \145 [\151]( ([basnijholt](
- handle empty data files when loading, closes \148 [\149]( ([basnijholt](

[v0.7.3]( (2019-01-29)

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Add a sequential executor [\138](
- Add tests for 1D interpolator learner [\136](
- Add integration learner [\135](
- Make the runner work with `asyncio` and inside Jupyter notebooks [\133](
- Add module for notebook integration and shortcuts for common executors [\132](
- Add homogeneous sampling learner [\131](
- Add a "balancing" learner [\130](
- Implement 2D and 3D learners [\129](
- Add a 0D averaging learner [\128](
- Write `interpolate` for the 1D learner such that it is more efficient [\126](
- Gracefully handle exceptions when evaluating the function to be learned [\125](
- Allow BalancingLearner to return arbitrary number of points from 'choose\_points' [\124](
- Increase the default refresh rate for 'live\_plot' [\120](
- remove default number of points to choose in `choose\_points` [\118](
- Consider using Gaussian process optimization as a learner [\115](
- Make `distributed.Client` work with automatic scaling of the cluster [\104](
- Improve plotting for learners [\83](
- \(refactor\) learner.tell\(x, None\) might be renamed to learner.tell\_pending\(x\) [\73](
- \(feature\) make interactive plots for learnerND plot\_slice method [\64](
- \(LearnerND\) make default loss function better [\63](
- allow for N-d output [\60](
- add cross-section plot [\58](
- \(BalancingLearner\) make new balancinglearner that looks at the total loss rather than loss improvement [\36](
- \(LearnerND\) allow any convex hull as domain [\25](
- \(Learner1D\) add possibility to use the direct neighbors in the loss [\20](

**Fixed bugs:**

- Distinguish actual loss and estimated loss [\139](
- Set the bounds in a smarter way [\127](
- some points get cluttered [\86](
- 2D learner specifies a 1D point causing 2D learner to fail [\81](
- Method 'Learner.tell' is ambiguous [\80](
- Learner1D fails with extremely narrow features [\78](
- AverageLearner math domain error [\77](
- \(LearnerND\) scale y-values [\61](
- Learner1D breaks if right bound is added before the left bound [\45](
- Learner1D's bound check algo in self.ask doesn't take or self.pending\_points [\44](
- Learner1D fails when function returns a list instead of a numpy.array [\43](
- Learner1D fails when a point \(x, None\) is added when x already exists [\42](
- Learner1D.ask breaks when adding points in some order [\41](
- Learner1D doesn't correctly set the interpolated loss when a point is added [\40](
- Learner1D could in some situations return -inf as loss improvement, which would make balancinglearner never choose to improve [\35](
- LearnerND fails for BalancingLearner test [\34](
- Learner2D suggests same point twice [\30](
- \(LearnerND\) if you stop the runner, and then try to continue, it fails. [\23](

**Closed issues:**

- Add Authors file and review license [\137](
- make the runner request points until it's using all cores [\123](
- Remove \_choose\_points [\121](
- Fix extremely long kernel restart times [\119](
- live plotting: add a universal visual cue that the goal is achieved. [\117](
- ipyparallel shouldn't be a dependency [\114](
- adaptive fails to discover features [\113](
- add tests for 2D learner [\111](
- DataSaver doesn't work with the BalancingLearner [\110](
- deleted issue [\108](
- removing optional dependencies [\106](
- Improve ipython event loop integration [\105](
- Use holoviews.TriMesh when it makes it to a release [\103](
- save live plots into internal datastructure [\101](
- To-dos before making the repo public [\100](
- set the correct loss\_improvement for the AverageLearner [\95](
- Ensure a minimum resolution [\92](
- change the error message in runner [\91](
- The ProcessPoolExecutor doesn't work on Windows [\90](
- 1D and 2D learner: stop interpolating function instead of the loss [\87](
- Discontinuities in zero should be detected and be approximated with some margin [\85](
- \(minor bug\) learner.choose\_points gives wrong number of points in one very particular case [\84](
- 2D: if boundary point fails it will never be re-evaluated ... [\82](
- Learner2D + BalancingLearner too slow to use on many cores [\79](
- BalancingLearner.from\_product doesn't work with the DataSaver [\74](
- Follow-up from "WIP: Add LearnerND that does not interpolate the values of pending points" [\70](
- \(triangulation\) make method for finding initial simplex part of the triangulation class [\68](
- \(refactor\) LearnerND.\_ask can be refactored to be so much more readable [\67](
- \(LearnerND\) make choose point in simplex better [\62](
- Make learnerND datastructures immutable where possible [\54](
- Rename LearnerND to TriangulatingLearner [\51](
- tell\_many method [\49](
- Set up documentation [\48](
- DeprecationWarning: sorted\_dict.iloc is deprecated. Use SortedDict.keys\(\) instead. [\47](
- The example given in data\ doesn't compile. [\46](
- What should learners do when fed the same point twice [\39](
- How should learners handle data that is outside of the domain [\38](
- No tests for the 'BalancingLearner' [\37](


- \(Learner1D\) improve time complexity [\13](
- Typo in documentation for` adaptive.learner.learner2D.uniform\_loss\(ip\)` [\12](
- \(LearnerND\) fix plotting of scaled domains [\11](
- suggested points lie outside of domain [\7](

**Merged pull requests:**

- fix \_get\_data for the BalancingLearner [\150]( ([basnijholt](

[v0.7.2]( (2018-12-17)

[Full Changelog](

[v0.7.1]( (2018-12-17)

[Full Changelog](

[v0.8.0-dev]( (2018-12-07)

[Full Changelog](

[v0.7.0]( (2018-12-07)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- gif in the README [\1](

[v0.7.0-dev]( (2018-10-09)

[Full Changelog](

[v0.6.0]( (2018-10-01)

[Full Changelog](

[v0.5.0]( (2018-08-20)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Issue using distributed [\3](

[v0.4.1]( (2018-05-28)

[Full Changelog](

[v0.5.0-dev]( (2018-05-24)

[Full Changelog](

[v0.4.0]( (2018-05-24)

[Full Changelog](

[v0.4.0-dev]( (2018-04-12)

[Full Changelog](

[v0.3.0]( (2018-03-28)

[Full Changelog](

[v0.2.1]( (2018-03-03)

[Full Changelog](

[v0.3.0-dev]( (2018-02-23)

[Full Changelog](

[v0.2.0]( (2018-02-23)

[Full Changelog](

[v0.2.0-dev]( (2018-02-21)

[Full Changelog](

[v0.1.0]( (2018-02-21)

[Full Changelog](

\* *This Changelog was automatically generated by [github_changelog_generator](*

Making a Adaptive release

This document guides a contributor through creating a release of Adaptive.

Preflight checks

The following checks should be made *before* tagging the release.

Check that all issues are resolved

Check that all the issues and merge requests for the appropriate
have been resolved. Any unresolved issues should have their milestone

Ensure that all tests pass

For major and minor releases we will be tagging the ``main`` branch.
This should be as simple as verifying that the
[latest CI pipeline](

Verify that `` is up-to-date

The following command shows the number of commits per author since the last
annotated tag:

t=$(git describe --abbrev=0); echo Commits since $t; git shortlog -s $t..

Make a release, but do not publish it yet

Tag the release

Make an **annotated, signed** tag for the release. The tag must have the name:

git tag -s v<version> -m "version <version>"

Update the changelog

docker run -it --rm -v "$(pwd)":/usr/local/src/your-app ferrarimarco/github-changelog-generator -u python-adaptive -p adaptive -t API_TOKEN_HERE

and commit the relevant parts using

git commit -p

Build a source tarball and wheels and test it

rm -fr build dist
python sdist bdist_wheel

This creates the file `dist/adaptive-<version>.tar.gz`. It is a good idea to unpack it
and check that the tests run:

tar xzf dist/adaptive*.tar.gz
cd adaptive-*
py.test .

Create an empty commit for new development and tag it

git commit --allow-empty -m 'start development towards v<version+1>'
git tag -am 'Start development towards v<version+1>' v<version+1>-dev

Where `<version+1>` is `<version>` with the minor version incremented
(or major version incremented and minor and patch versions then reset to 0).
This is necessary so that the reported version for any further commits is
`<version+1>-devX` and not `<version>-devX`.

Publish the release

Push the tags

git push origin v<version> v<version+1>-dev

Upload to PyPI

twine upload dist/*

Update the [conda-forge recipe](

* Fork the [feedstock repo](
* Change the version number and sha256 in `recipe/meta.yaml` and commit to your fork
* Open a [Pull Request](
* Type `conda-forge-admin, please rerender` as a comment
* When the tests succeed, merge

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