
Latest version: v1.3.0

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- Allow to periodically save with any function [\362]( ([basnijholt](
- Update pre-commit versions [\359]( ([basnijholt](
- Add getting learner's data as pandas.DataFrame; add\_dataframe method [\358]( ([basnijholt](
- Add transparent logo in WebM format \(for dark mode\) [\356]( ([basnijholt](
- Docs in Markdown with Myst and change tutorials to Jupytext notebooks [\355]( ([basnijholt](
- Remove scipy deprecation warnings [\354]( ([eendebakpt](
- Replacing atomicwrites with os.write [\353]( ([juandaanieel](
- Fix class name issue with modern versions of dask.distributed [\351]( ([maiani](

[v0.13.2]( (2022-05-31)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Incompatibility of adaptive \(asyncio\) with python=3.10 [\344](
- Question: plot\_trisurf \(matplotlib\) directly from qhull [\343](
- Allow to choose colormap in learner2D.plot\(\) [\342](
- Warning when importing adaptive [\321](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Run seperate typeguard job \(because it is much slower\) [\350]( ([basnijholt](
- Skip ipyparallel test on MacOS [\349]( ([basnijholt](
- set loop to None in Python 3.10 [\348]( ([basnijholt](
- Switch from Tox to Nox [\347]( ([basnijholt](
- use 'from \_\_future\_\_ import annotations' [\346]( ([basnijholt](
- Update pre-commit filters versions [\345]( ([basnijholt](

[v0.13.1]( (2021-12-13)

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Splits up documentations page into "algo+examples" and rest [\330]( ([basnijholt](

**Fixed bugs:**

- fix 'asyncio.Task.current\_task' -\> 'asyncio.current\_task' [\331]( ([basnijholt](

**Closed issues:**

- Learner1D R -\> R^n - Infinite loop [\339](
- Wrong sign for right boundary with Sympy [\338](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Fix NaN issue for Learner1D R -\> R^n [\340]( ([Davide-sd](
- fix tutorial about using loky.get\_reusable\_executor on Windows [\336]( ([basnijholt](
- add a code example to the examples page [\335]( ([basnijholt](
- rename usage\_examples -\> gallery [\334]( ([basnijholt](
- pin scikit-learn to 0.24.2, because of [\#333]( ([basnijholt](
- use jupyter-sphinx instead of custom Sphinx directive [\332]( ([basnijholt](
- Add an animated logo that shows the working of Adaptive [\329]( ([basnijholt](
- Documentation conda environment update to latest versions [\328]( ([basnijholt](
- take out a cut from the 3D sphere, LearnerND example [\327]( ([basnijholt](
- Learner1D: return inf loss when the bounds aren't done [\271]( ([basnijholt](

[v0.13.0]( (2021-09-10)

[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- AverageLearner doesn't work with 0 mean [\275](
- call self.\_process\_futures on canceled futures when BlockingRunner is done [\320]( ([basnijholt](
- AverageLearner: fix zero mean [\276]( ([basnijholt](

**Closed issues:**

- Runners should tell learner about remaining points at end of run [\319](
- Cryptic error when importing lmfit [\314](
- change CHANGELOG to KeepAChangelog format [\306](
- jupyter notebook kernels dead after running "import adaptive" [\298](
- Emphasis on when to use adaptive in docs [\297](
- GPU acceleration [\296](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Learner1D type hints and add typeguard to pytest tests [\325]( ([basnijholt](
- AverageLearner type hints [\324]( ([basnijholt](
- Update doc string for resolution\_loss\_function [\323]( ([SultanOrazbayev](
- Update Readme to emphasise when adaptive should be used [\318]( ([thomasaarholt](
- add to\_numpy methods [\317]( ([basnijholt](
- AverageLearner1D added [\283]( ([AlvaroGI](
- Make LearnerND pickleable [\272]( ([basnijholt](
- add a FAQ [\242]( ([basnijholt](

[v0.12.2]( (2021-03-23)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- raise an AttributeError when attribute doesn't exists, closes \314 [\315]( ([basnijholt](

[v0.12.1]( (2021-03-23)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- write import differently for pypy [\313]( ([basnijholt](

[v0.12.0]( (2021-03-23)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- bump to Python≥3.7 [\312]( ([basnijholt](
- lazily evaluate the integrator coefficients [\311]( ([basnijholt](
- add resolution\_loss\_function for Learner1D [\310]( ([basnijholt](
- add "\(Code\) style fix or documentation update" to .github/pull\_request\ [\309]( ([basnijholt](
- remove the requirements from the tutorial landing page [\308]( ([basnijholt](
- add change log to the docs [\307]( ([basnijholt](
- remove automerge action [\305]( ([basnijholt](

[v0.11.3]( (2021-03-07)

[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- ProcessPoolExecutor behaviour on MacOS in interactive environment changed between Python versions [\301](
- can't pickle lru\_cache function with loky [\292](

**Closed issues:**

- Runner fails in the notebook [\299](

**Merged pull requests:**

- add pythonpublish.yml [\304]( ([basnijholt](
- fix docs build [\303]( ([basnijholt](
- test tox with py39 on Github Actions CI [\302]( ([basnijholt](
- make loky a default on Windows and MacOS but not on Linux [\300]( ([basnijholt](
- add learner1D.abs\_min\_log\_loss [\294]( ([basnijholt](
- bump pre-commit filter dependencies [\293]( ([basnijholt](
- fix docs [\291]( ([basnijholt](
- update to miniver 0.7.0 [\290]( ([basnijholt](
- add `\_plot\(\)` in README example [\288]( ([basnijholt](
- Update pre commit [\287]( ([basnijholt](
- Use m2r2 [\286]( ([basnijholt](
- temporarily pin scikit-learn\<=0.23.1 [\285]( ([basnijholt](
- add .zenodo.json [\284]( ([basnijholt](
- always serialize the function using cloudpickle [\281]( ([basnijholt](
- add a changelog [\232]( ([jbweston](

[v0.11.2]( (2020-08-07)

[Full Changelog](

[v0.11.1]( (2020-08-07)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**


[v0.12.0-dev]( (2020-05-20)

[Full Changelog](

[v0.11.0]( (2020-05-20)

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Make Runner work with unhashable points [\267](
- AverageLearner: implement min\_npoints [\274]( ([basnijholt](
- make the Runner work with unhashable points [\268]( ([basnijholt](
- make learners picklable [\264]( ([basnijholt](
- add support for loky [\263]( ([basnijholt](
- use \_\_name\_\_ == "\_\_main\_\_" for the MPIPoolExecutor [\260]( ([basnijholt](

**Fixed bugs:**

- ipyparallel fails in Python 3.8 [\249](
- Error on windows: daemonic processes are not allowed to have children [\225](
- prevent ImportError due to scikit-optimize and sklearn incompatibility [\278]( ([basnijholt](

**Closed issues:**

- add minimum number of points parameter to AverageLearner [\273](


**Merged pull requests:**

- minimally require ipyparallel 6.2.5 [\270]( ([basnijholt](
- fix docs build and pin pyviz\_comms=0.7.2 [\261]( ([basnijholt](

[v0.11.0-dev]( (2020-01-16)

[Full Changelog](

[v0.10.0]( (2020-01-15)

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- use tox for testing [\238](
- Time-based stop [\184](
- add a FAQ [\158](

**Fixed bugs:**

- live\_info looks is badly formatted in Jupyterlab [\250](
- SKOptLearner doesn't work for multi variate domain [\233](
- Does not work with lambda functions [\206](

**Merged pull requests:**

- add instructions for installing labextensions for Jupyterlab [\257]( ([basnijholt](
- MNT: add vscode config directory to .gitignore [\255]( ([tacaswell](
- disable test of runner using distributed [\253]( ([basnijholt](
- color the overhead between red and green [\252]( ([basnijholt](
- improve the style of the live\_info widget, closes \250 [\251]( ([basnijholt](
- use tox, closes \238 [\247]( ([basnijholt](
- add a Pull Request template [\246]( ([basnijholt](
- rename learner.ipynb -\> example-notebook.ipynb [\241]( ([basnijholt](
- correct short description in [\239]( ([jbweston](
- Power up pre-commit [\237]( ([basnijholt](
- add a section of "How to cite" Adaptive [\235]( ([basnijholt](
- Fix SKOptLearner for multi variate domain \(issue \233\) [\234]( ([caenrigen](
- add a time-base stopping criterion for runners [\229]( ([jbweston](
- update packages in tutorial's landing page [\224]( ([basnijholt](
- add \_RequireAttrsABCMeta and make the BaseLearner use it [\222]( ([basnijholt](
- 2D: add triangle\_loss [\221]( ([basnijholt](
- 2D: add interpolated\_on\_grid method [\216]( ([basnijholt](
- WIP: raise an error when using a lambda and default executor [\210]( ([basnijholt](

[v0.10.0-dev]( (2019-10-07)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Command-line tool [\217](


[v0.9.0]( (2019-09-23)

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- jupyter-sphinx update [\203](

**Closed issues:**

- jupyter-sphinx is pinned to non-existing branch [\199](

**Merged pull requests:**

- pass value\_scale to the LearnerND's loss\_per\_simplex function [\219]( ([basnijholt](
- add scatter\_or\_line argument to Learner1D.plot [\215]( ([basnijholt](
- remove MPI4PY\_MAX\_WORKERS where it's not used [\209]( ([basnijholt](
- use jupyter\_sphinx v0.2.0 from conda instead of my branch [\204]( ([basnijholt](
- Authors [\202]( ([basnijholt](
- Update tutorial.parallelism.rst [\201]( ([aeantipov](
- ensure atomic writes when saving a file [\200]( ([basnijholt](
- don't treat the no data case differently in the Learner1D [\195]( ([basnijholt](
- pin everything in the docs/environment.yml file [\194]( ([basnijholt](
- Add a SequenceLearner [\193]( ([basnijholt](
- Use black for code formatting [\191]( ([basnijholt](
- BalancingLearner: add a "cycle" strategy, sampling the learners one by one [\188]( ([basnijholt](

[v0.8.1]( (2019-05-07)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**


[v0.9.0-dev]( (2019-05-07)

[Full Changelog](

[v0.8.0]( (2019-05-07)

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- set python\_requires in [\179](

**Fixed bugs:**

- Learner2D.plot\(\) returns NaN [\181](
- Runner errors for Python 3.7 when done [\156](
- 2D: do not return points outside the bounds, closes \181 [\182]( ([basnijholt](

**Closed issues:**

- default loss of LearnerND changed? [\171](
- Add a page to the documentation of papers where adaptive is used [\163](

**Merged pull requests:**

- add support for mpi4py [\190]( ([basnijholt](
- use pytest rather than py.test [\189]( ([basnijholt](
- renormalize the plots value axis on every update [\186]( ([basnijholt](
- use setup\(..., python\_requires='\>=3.6'\), closes \179 [\180]( ([basnijholt](
- use the repo code in docs execute [\177]( ([basnijholt](
- do not inline the HoloViews JS [\176]( ([basnijholt](
- add a gallery page of Adaptive uses in scientific works [\174]( ([basnijholt](
- LearnerND: change the required loss to 1e-3 because the loss definition changed [\172]( ([basnijholt](
- Add logo to the documentation [\170]( ([basnijholt](
- import Iterable and Sized from [\161]( ([basnijholt](
- invoke conda directly in CI [\153]( ([basnijholt](
- change urls from GitLab to GitHub [\146]( ([basnijholt](

[v0.7.6]( (2019-03-21)

[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- live\_plot broken with latest holoviews and bokeh [\166](

**Merged pull requests:**

- do not force shutdown the executor in the cleanup [\164]( ([basnijholt](

[v0.7.5]( (2019-03-19)

[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- BalancingLearner puts all points in the first child-learner when asking for points with no data present [\159](

**Merged pull requests:**

- fix live\_plot [\167]( ([basnijholt](

[v0.7.4]( (2019-02-15)

[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- Loading data file with no data results in an error for the BalancingLearner [\148](
- Returning np.nan breaks the 1D learner [\145](
- fix bug in curvature\_loss [\152]( ([basnijholt](

**Merged pull requests:**

- handle NaN losses and add a test, closes \145 [\151]( ([basnijholt](
- handle empty data files when loading, closes \148 [\149]( ([basnijholt](

[v0.7.3]( (2019-01-29)

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Add a sequential executor [\138](
- Add tests for 1D interpolator learner [\136](
- Add integration learner [\135](
- Make the runner work with `asyncio` and inside Jupyter notebooks [\133](
- Add module for notebook integration and shortcuts for common executors [\132](
- Add homogeneous sampling learner [\131](
- Add a "balancing" learner [\130](
- Implement 2D and 3D learners [\129](
- Add a 0D averaging learner [\128](
- Write `interpolate` for the 1D learner such that it is more efficient [\126](
- Gracefully handle exceptions when evaluating the function to be learned [\125](
- Allow BalancingLearner to return arbitrary number of points from 'choose\_points' [\124](
- Increase the default refresh rate for 'live\_plot' [\120](
- remove default number of points to choose in `choose\_points` [\118](
- Consider using Gaussian process optimization as a learner [\115](
- Make `distributed.Client` work with automatic scaling of the cluster [\104](
- Improve plotting for learners [\83](
- \(refactor\) learner.tell\(x, None\) might be renamed to learner.tell\_pending\(x\) [\73](
- \(feature\) make interactive plots for learnerND plot\_slice method [\64](
- \(LearnerND\) make default loss function better [\63](
- allow for N-d output [\60](
- add cross-section plot [\58](
- \(BalancingLearner\) make new balancinglearner that looks at the total loss rather than loss improvement [\36](
- \(LearnerND\) allow any convex hull as domain [\25](
- \(Learner1D\) add possibility to use the direct neighbors in the loss [\20](

**Fixed bugs:**

- Distinguish actual loss and estimated loss [\139](
- Set the bounds in a smarter way [\127](
- some points get cluttered [\86](
- 2D learner specifies a 1D point causing 2D learner to fail [\81](
- Method 'Learner.tell' is ambiguous [\80](
- Learner1D fails with extremely narrow features [\78](
- AverageLearner math domain error [\77](
- \(LearnerND\) scale y-values [\61](
- Learner1D breaks if right bound is added before the left bound [\45](
- Learner1D's bound check algo in self.ask doesn't take or self.pending\_points [\44](
- Learner1D fails when function returns a list instead of a numpy.array [\43](
- Learner1D fails when a point \(x, None\) is added when x already exists [\42](
- Learner1D.ask breaks when adding points in some order [\41](
- Learner1D doesn't correctly set the interpolated loss when a point is added [\40](
- Learner1D could in some situations return -inf as loss improvement, which would make balancinglearner never choose to improve [\35](
- LearnerND fails for BalancingLearner test [\34](
- Learner2D suggests same point twice [\30](
- \(LearnerND\) if you stop the runner, and then try to continue, it fails. [\23](

**Closed issues:**

- Add Authors file and review license [\137](
- make the runner request points until it's using all cores [\123](
- Remove \_choose\_points [\121](
- Fix extremely long kernel restart times [\119](
- live plotting: add a universal visual cue that the goal is achieved. [\117](
- ipyparallel shouldn't be a dependency [\114](
- adaptive fails to discover features [\113](
- add tests for 2D learner [\111](
- DataSaver doesn't work with the BalancingLearner [\110](
- deleted issue [\108](
- removing optional dependencies [\106](
- Improve ipython event loop integration [\105](
- Use holoviews.TriMesh when it makes it to a release [\103](
- save live plots into internal datastructure [\101](
- To-dos before making the repo public [\100](
- set the correct loss\_improvement for the AverageLearner [\95](
- Ensure a minimum resolution [\92](
- change the error message in runner [\91](
- The ProcessPoolExecutor doesn't work on Windows [\90](
- 1D and 2D learner: stop interpolating function instead of the loss [\87](
- Discontinuities in zero should be detected and be approximated with some margin [\85](
- \(minor bug\) learner.choose\_points gives wrong number of points in one very particular case [\84](
- 2D: if boundary point fails it will never be re-evaluated ... [\82](
- Learner2D + BalancingLearner too slow to use on many cores [\79](
- BalancingLearner.from\_product doesn't work with the DataSaver [\74](
- Follow-up from "WIP: Add LearnerND that does not interpolate the values of pending points" [\70](
- \(triangulation\) make method for finding initial simplex part of the triangulation class [\68](
- \(refactor\) LearnerND.\_ask can be refactored to be so much more readable [\67](
- \(LearnerND\) make choose point in simplex better [\62](
- Make learnerND datastructures immutable where possible [\54](
- Rename LearnerND to TriangulatingLearner [\51](
- tell\_many method [\49](
- Set up documentation [\48](
- DeprecationWarning: sorted\_dict.iloc is deprecated. Use SortedDict.keys\(\) instead. [\47](
- The example given in data\ doesn't compile. [\46](
- What should learners do when fed the same point twice [\39](
- How should learners handle data that is outside of the domain [\38](
- No tests for the 'BalancingLearner' [\37](


- \(Learner1D\) improve time complexity [\13](
- Typo in documentation for` adaptive.learner.learner2D.uniform\_loss\(ip\)` [\12](
- \(LearnerND\) fix plotting of scaled domains [\11](
- suggested points lie outside of domain [\7](

**Merged pull requests:**

- fix \_get\_data for the BalancingLearner [\150]( ([basnijholt](

[v0.7.2]( (2018-12-17)

[Full Changelog](

[v0.7.1]( (2018-12-17)

[Full Changelog](

[v0.8.0-dev]( (2018-12-07)

[Full Changelog](

[v0.7.0]( (2018-12-07)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- gif in the README [\1](

[v0.7.0-dev]( (2018-10-09)

[Full Changelog](

[v0.6.0]( (2018-10-01)

[Full Changelog](

[v0.5.0]( (2018-08-20)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Issue using distributed [\3](

[v0.4.1]( (2018-05-28)

[Full Changelog](

[v0.5.0-dev]( (2018-05-24)

[Full Changelog](

[v0.4.0]( (2018-05-24)

[Full Changelog](

[v0.4.0-dev]( (2018-04-12)

[Full Changelog](

[v0.3.0]( (2018-03-28)

[Full Changelog](

[v0.2.1]( (2018-03-03)

[Full Changelog](

[v0.3.0-dev]( (2018-02-23)

[Full Changelog](

[v0.2.0]( (2018-02-23)

[Full Changelog](

[v0.2.0-dev]( (2018-02-21)

[Full Changelog](

[v0.1.0]( (2018-02-21)

[Full Changelog](

\* *This Changelog was automatically generated by [github_changelog_generator](*

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