New stuff
- `lcmath`: The `phase_bin_magseries_with_errs` function can now accept
per-measurement weights to allow different errors for each measurement. Added
by lgbouma.
- `services.tesslightcurves`: The `get_eleanor_lightcurves` function now accepts
an optional `targetdata_kwargs` dict to pass in custom target info parameters
to the underlying `eleanor.TargetData` constructor. Added by lgbouma.
- `services`: A new `alltesslightcurves` module to get all available TESS light
curves for an object was added by mchris42.
- `checkplot.png`: The `_make_phased_magseries_plot` function now accepts a
`trimylim` kwarg to remove large outliers. Added by lgbouma.
- Gaia EDR3 support is now available in all functions in the `services.gaia`
module and the dependent functions in the `checkplot`, `identifiers`, and
`varclass.starfeatures` modules. Set the `data_release` kwarg to 'dr2' for
using DR2, and 'edr3' to get data from EDR3.
The Vizier TAP service mirror for EDR3 (currently) uses column names that are
different from the Gaia main EDR3 and Heidelberg EDR3 mirrors. The
`services.gaia.objectlist_conesearch`, `services.gaia.objectlist_radeclbox`,
and `services.gaia.objectid_search` functions will fall back to DR2 if the
Vizier mirror is used. To avoid this, use another mirror, setting the
`gaia_mirror` kwarg to either 'gaia' or 'heidelberg'.
- The default timeout for the SkyView service clients in `plotbase` and
`services.skyview` has been changed to 45 seconds.
- Minor fixes for deprecated methods in `matplotlib` and `numpy`.
- `services.gaia`: The Heidelberg mirror URL now uses HTTPS and should no longer
fail all the time.