
Latest version: v0.5.3

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New stuff

- `lcmath`: The `phase_bin_magseries_with_errs` function can now accept
per-measurement weights to allow different errors for each measurement. Added
by lgbouma.

- `services.tesslightcurves`: The `get_eleanor_lightcurves` function now accepts
an optional `targetdata_kwargs` dict to pass in custom target info parameters
to the underlying `eleanor.TargetData` constructor. Added by lgbouma.

- `services`: A new `alltesslightcurves` module to get all available TESS light
curves for an object was added by mchris42.

- `checkplot.png`: The `_make_phased_magseries_plot` function now accepts a
`trimylim` kwarg to remove large outliers. Added by lgbouma.

- Gaia EDR3 support is now available in all functions in the `services.gaia`
module and the dependent functions in the `checkplot`, `identifiers`, and
`varclass.starfeatures` modules. Set the `data_release` kwarg to 'dr2' for
using DR2, and 'edr3' to get data from EDR3.

The Vizier TAP service mirror for EDR3 (currently) uses column names that are
different from the Gaia main EDR3 and Heidelberg EDR3 mirrors. The
`services.gaia.objectlist_conesearch`, `services.gaia.objectlist_radeclbox`,
and `services.gaia.objectid_search` functions will fall back to DR2 if the
Vizier mirror is used. To avoid this, use another mirror, setting the
`gaia_mirror` kwarg to either 'gaia' or 'heidelberg'.


- The default timeout for the SkyView service clients in `plotbase` and
`services.skyview` has been changed to 45 seconds.

- Minor fixes for deprecated methods in `matplotlib` and `numpy`.


- `services.gaia`: The Heidelberg mirror URL now uses HTTPS and should no longer
fail all the time.



- `periodbase`: fix check for Astropy version tags so the import doesn't fail
when the version contains letters.



- `lcproc.catalogs.add_cpinfo_to_lclist`: make sure the catalog dict's 'columns'
key's value is a list so it can be appended to.


This is a new major release. Support for Python 2.7 has been dropped. Astrobase
now requires Python 3.5+.

New stuff

- New `services.tesslightcurves` module to retrieve TESS HLSP light curves from
MAST. This requires the astroquery, eleanor, and lightkurve packages. By
- `services.identifiers`: new `tic_to_gaiadr2` function. By lgbouma.


- `periodbase.kbls`: now resorts the input times, mags, errs by time to avoid a
segfault in the wrapped `eebls` Fortran code. Should fix 94.
- `services.lccs`: now includes the logging bits to make it an actually
standalone module.


- `periodbase`: all period-finder functions now resort their input times, mags,
errs arrays by time before operating on them.
- `cpserver`: reorganized the Tornado handlers into their own modules.
- various `flake8` formatting fixes all over the package
- removed Python 2 specific code all over the package


- The deprecated `astrobase.varbase.lcfit` module has been removed. Use the
top-level `astrobase.lcfit` subpackage instead.


New stuff

- New `services.limbdarkening` module to retrieve limb-darkening Claret+ 2017
coefficients from Vizier (just for the TESS band for now). Added by lgbouma.
- New `services.identifiers` module to convert between SIMBAD, GAIA DR2, and TIC
identifiers for objects. Added by lgbouma.
- New `imageutils` module for some simple FITS operations.
- Added the `fivetransitparam_fit_magseries` function to `lcfit.transits` for
fitting a line plus a Mandel-Agol transit model with everything fixed leaving
the t0, period, a/Rstar, Rp/Rstar, and inclination as free parameters. Added
by lgbouma.


- Minor fixes to the `checkplot` and `services` subpackages.



- All `lcfit` functions now use `scipy.optimize.curve_fit` instead of
`scipy.optimize.leastsq` previously. This appears to produce much more
reasonable fit parameter error estimates.
- `periodbase.kbls`: The BLS stats functions now check for a sensible transit
model when calculating stats (transit depth, duration, SNR, refit period and
- `checkplot.png`: Added option to overplot circle on DSS
finder-charts. `checkplot.png.twolsp_checkplot_png` can now return a
`matplotlib.Figure`. Added by lgbouma in 86.


- `lcproc.tfa`: Fixed caching of collected LC info when generating a TFA
- `checkplotserver`: Fixed column errors in exported CSV from the interface


- Removed deprecated function
`astrotess.get_time_flux_errs_from_Ames_lightcurve`. Use
`astrotess.read_tess_fitslc` instead.
- Removed deprecated module `services/`. Use `services/` instead.

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