------------- * Updating regression requirements, teach `atlas-densities cell-densities fit-average-densities` to have `--min-data-points` (81)
* Fix nans in compute_region_volumes (80)
* Add r_square values to the results of the fitting. (68) * Add check to the region filter in case the input dataset is all equal to 0 for the region of interest. (74) * Fix fitting and optimization steps (75) * Faster _compute_region_cell_counts (72) * Cleanup app tests (78) * Faster compute average intensities (73) * Speedup mtype density creation from probability maps using voxcell's ValueToIndexVoxels (79)
* remove pkg_resources, use importlib (62) * Drop literature values from regions that are not in hierarchy or not in the annotation volume (61)
* add ``atlas-densities combination manipulate``
* The following *cell-density* sub-commands can now optionally take a ``--group-ids-config-path``: *cell-density*, *glia-cell-densities*, *inhibitory-and-excitatory-neuron-densities*, *fit-average-densities*
Otherwise they use the default config for the AIBS atlas.