- Added ability for `clean` command to automatically resolve if `--rollback` is needed.
- Fixed an issue related to `log group already exists` error while deploying or updating `lambda`.
- Updated `syndicate deploy --continue_deploy` command, now it can save output and actually continue deployment resources.
- Implemented `rollback_on_error` flag for `syndicate deploy` command. Is flag is `True`, all resources that have been deployed during deployment process, would be cleaned.
- Fixed an issue related to deploying multiple resources with same type, now it catches an `Exception` in case of a deployment error of one of the resources and returns it along with the outputs.
- Fixed `deploy` command responses.
- Added support of Python 3.12
- Fixed an issue related to ARNs resolving in case of empty resource name
- Fixed an issue related to improper filtering of resources in case of different types of filter usage
- Fixed an error related to SQS FIFO Queue availability regions
- Fixed an issue related to deploying SQS Queue with configured redrive_policy
- Fixed an issue when only the last s3 trigger was configured for the lambda
- Added `force_upload` action to all assemble commands