
Latest version: v1.16.2

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- Fixed an issue related to modification operations event synchronization


- Added sync project state to the project state initialization
- Fixed an issue related to `build_project_mapping` resolving for `appsync`, `swagger_ui`, and `lambda` functions with runtime .NET resources
- Fixed issue with building java artifacts for Unix OS


- Added support for the AppSync resource
- Added the possibility to generate `s3_bucket` meta for static website hosting without public access
- Added the possibility to manage CloudWatch logging for API Gateway resources
- Added an example of lambda function URL configuration to the Python example 'lambda-basic'
- Improve the assembling of the Java lambda artifacts by removing the redundant original-<lambda_name>.jar file from the bundle
- Improved `modification_lock` resolving to avoid conflicts in case of work a few users with the same project
- Improved logging during generation lambda functions and lambda layers
- Improved user message in case the bundle name was not resolved
- Improved output of the command `status`
- Improved logging during building .NET artifacts
- Standardized console user messages
- Added error summary to console log in case of unexpected error occurrence
- Added parameter `--errors_allowed` to the command `assemble_java_mvn`
- Update `zip_dir` to handle cases where the full path length exceeds 260 characters with a more informative error message
- Ensure `zip_dir` validates the existence of the base directory before proceeding with the zipping process
- Unify manage resources via create_pool (+ DynamoDB tables and CloudWatch alarms)
- Fixed events registering to the state file(.syndicate) in case of internal errors
- Fixed an issue related to generating the lambda function with runtime Java when the project root file deployment_resources.json is absent
- Fixed issue related to building a project that contains no lambda functions
- Fixed duplication lambda function and lambda layer records in the output file after updating the resources
- Fixed issue related to lambda function updating in case of changing lambda's alias name
- Fixed issue related to tests generation for lambda function with runtime Python
- Fixed duplication of the API Gateway of type `web_socket_api_gateway` during deployment
- Fix `tag_resources` and `untag_resources` to handle exceptions properly
- Update `apply_tags`, `remove_tags`, and `update_tags` to return success status
- Fix `clean` command for `output` folder to correctly resolve ARN for Lambda and properly process and remove the `outputs` folder if Lambda is part of the deployment
- Fix bucket name resolver to raise a user-friendly message if the bucket name does not match the specified regex
- Fix `deploy` for `ec2 launch template` with tags
- Add resource tags for `ec2 launch-template` and for versions in update and deploy operations
- Add support tags for `OAS V3` as part of the `oas_v3.json` file, using the `x-syndicate-openapi-tags` key
- Remove the directory 'target' that contains temporary files after assembling lambda artifacts
- Unused library `colorama` removed from the requirements
- Correct the return code of all the commands if they failed or were aborted
- Java plugin version updated to 1.15.0 with changes:
- Added the verification of Lambda resources existence to prevent deploy without Lambda resources
- Added support of the syndicate `--errors_allowed` flag to skip build process interruption in case of errors
- Java template updated to use the Syndicate Java plugin version 1.15.0 for the new lambda generation
- Java examples updated to use the Syndicate Java plugin version 1.15.0
- Fix bug when assembling multiple lambdas with different runtimes with `--force_bundle` flag


- Added `--skip_tests` option to `build`, `test` and `assemble_java_mvn` commands to not run tests during or after
building the bundle
- Added `--errors_allowed` option to `assemble_python` and `assemble` commands
- Improved logic of option `--errors_allowed` to allow dependency installing if it is not possible to find a
requirement that fits a specific platform. In this case, the dependencies will be installed independently
of each other or without specifying a specific platform (using default platform `any`). Python-specific feature
- Fixed updating lambda layers when the lambda no longer has layers
- Fixed logging not found exceptions during the clean operation
- Fixed handling of deployment output in case of failures on the stage describe resources in case of deploy/update fail
- Implemented handling of failures during the clean action
- Improved error message if errors occur during Python requirements installation
- Changed log level from info to warn if updating of the resource skipped because of absence in the deployment output
- Fixed deploying a new bundle if latest deploy output is missing
- Fixed a bug when the latest deployment section was updated when the `deploy` command ended with the ABORTED status
- Fixed an issue related to locking the state
- Added empty deployment package handling for lambda layer
- Fixed bug when meta output processor process the resource name incorrectly
- Fix `clean` command for `output` folder to correctly resolve ARN for Lambda and properly process and remove the `outputs` folder if Lambda is part of the deployment


- Added support lambda layers with runtime DotNet
- Tagging added to `oas_v3 openapi` API Gateway.
- SNS topic deletion fixed.
- Added an example of a lambda function with runtime `dotnet`
- Fixed silent overwriting existing lambda with runtime Java during the command `syndicate generate lambda`


- Changed deployment flow to work despite the latest deployment failed
- Changed deployment flow with the flag `--continue_deploy` to work despite the latest deployment being absent or succeeded
- Implemented rolling back on error mechanism(flag `--rollback_on_error`) for deployment flow with the flag `--continue_deploy`
- Added support of lambda functions with runtime DotNet
- Added possibility to deploy/update resource-specific tags
- Added confirmation request mechanism for the `update` command in case the latest deployment failed
- Added the flag `--force` for the `update` command to run an update without confirmation request in case the latest deployment failed
- Added proper messages for commands `update` and `clean` if deployed resources are absent(output file not found)
- Added logging of resource names that cause errors to improve error diagnostics
- Added enhanced logging of the `build` command execution
- Added validation for existence of bundle and deploy names
- Added validation for incompatible parameters(`--events`, `--resources`) of the command `syndicate status`
- Added the possibility to add resource-specific tags via the resource meta generation(flag `--tags`)
- Added tags support to the Syndicate Java plugin. The `Tags` and the `Tag` annotations added to the plugin. The Java plugin version updated to 1.14.0
- Changed the Java lambda template to use the Syndicate Java plugin version 1.14.0 for the new lambda generation.
- Event status added to the command `syndicate status` output
- Reworked lambda triggers update to compare local event sources meta with the previous remote one
- Reworked lambda triggers deletion to not list every resource of the trigger type to remove it from lambda (**EPMCEOOS-6112**)
- The key `operation_status` in `latest_deploy` section of the syndicate state file(.syndicate) renamed to `is_succeeded`
- Fixed lock resolving issue
- Fixed an issue related to bucket name resolving in the s3_bucket policy
- Added logging of resource names that cause errors to improve error diagnostics
- Fix the resource update issue that occurs when a deploy_name is specified by user (not default one) but deployment
output for the latest deployment is empty
- Fixed an issue where updating only certain resources caused the deployment output to be overwritten with only these
resources, instead of updating the existing meta
- Fixed deployment failure if resource name is the same as resource type
- Fixed an issue related to resource name resolving if ARN is a list item
- Fixed an issue related to name resolving if one resource name contains another resource name
- Fixed an issue when a lambda deployment fails when a trigger defined in meta does not exist
- Fixed an issue related to updating lambda triggers
- Fixed lambda event source mapping inactivity after deployment
- Improved logging for the deletion of a resource that does not exist in the account
- Improved logging in case of the absence of resources to clean
- Fixed Lambda Layer packaging for the NodeJS runtime
- Fixed an issue where newly added resources (after deploy) were causing the update operation to fail
- Fixed a synchronization issue that prevented the batch job queue from being deleted before its state was fully updated
- Fixed an issue related to removing CloudWatch alarms that were used for Dynamodb autoscaling
- Fixed an issue with the absence of lambda's information in the output file in case deployment failed on the trigger configuration step
- Fixed an issue related to losing state after partial clean
- Fixed an issue related to the latest output resolving
- Fixed an issue related to the API Gateway throttling and cache configuration for ANY method
- Fixed an issue with `--force_upload` being required while syndicate assemble

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