
Latest version: v3.1.0

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Major updates in version 3.1.0 include:

- Fix the lake inflow subbasin bug in the previous version.


We are excited to announce the release of version 3.0.3 of our software, which includes both major and minor updates.

Major updates in version 3.0.3 include:
Developed BasinMaker delineation functions under the ArcGIS Pro python environment to improve the user experience.

Added a new function to the BasinMaker post-processing functions called Add_Point_Of_Interest_Sites_In_Routing_Product, which allows users to define the point of interest in the developed routing product.

Minor updates in version 3.0.3 include:[](
Add an new parameter to function Remove_Small_Lakes and Decrease_River_Network_Resolution to allow users remove tiny subbasins in the routing network.

Fixed the observed bugs in the previous version.





Replace saga:union with grass v.overlay

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