We are excited to announce the release of version 3.0.3 of our software, which includes both major and minor updates.
Major updates in version 3.0.3 include:
Developed BasinMaker delineation functions under the ArcGIS Pro python environment to improve the user experience.
Added a new function to the BasinMaker post-processing functions called Add_Point_Of_Interest_Sites_In_Routing_Product, which allows users to define the point of interest in the developed routing product.
Minor updates in version 3.0.3 include:[](https://basinmaker.readthedocs.io/en/latest/overview.html#minor-updates-in-version-3-0-3-include)
Add an new parameter to function Remove_Small_Lakes and Decrease_River_Network_Resolution to allow users remove tiny subbasins in the routing network.
Fixed the observed bugs in the previous version.