- improved BREP writer, many fixes, more robust
- bspline basis, new methods for the knot vector: interval lengths, interval centers
- bspline_approx - significantly faster, adaptive approximation, automatic detection of boundng rectangle
- bspline_plot - allow passing various style arguments
- preliminary Bspline surfaces intersection algorithm
- extrude algorithm
- Improved, but still not adaptive approximation of the intersection curves.
- based directly on gmsh api, version 4.6.0
- point and line primitives
- catching and better reporting the GMSH exceptions
- import BREP
- improved fragmentation
- better mesh_step propagations during operations
- fields - support of FieldExpr, Distance, Threshold, ... tested
- gmsh_io - modified API, read/write through GMSH library
with exception of the data write (append to the file not supported by GMSH lib)
- improved robustnes of the heal_mesh, move_all function
- fixed some bugs in the topology operations
- support for deformability of the Points, points with higherr deformability are attracted
to the points of lower deformability during the regularization
- new mechanism to track last polygon splitting operations
Stochastic (work in progress)
- : DFN stochastic fractures model
- bspline_approx - faster approximation of point grids by bspline surfaces
- preliminary version of working surface-surface intersections
added geometry subpackage
Creation of a layered BREP geometry from the LayerEditor format.