
Latest version: v0.3.0

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- improved BREP writer, many fixes, more robust
- bspline basis, new methods for the knot vector: interval lengths, interval centers
- bspline_approx - significantly faster, adaptive approximation, automatic detection of boundng rectangle
- bspline_plot - allow passing various style arguments
- preliminary Bspline surfaces intersection algorithm
- extrude algorithm

- Improved, but still not adaptive approximation of the intersection curves.

- based directly on gmsh api, version 4.6.0
- point and line primitives
- catching and better reporting the GMSH exceptions
- import BREP
- improved fragmentation
- better mesh_step propagations during operations
- fields - support of FieldExpr, Distance, Threshold, ... tested
- gmsh_io - modified API, read/write through GMSH library
with exception of the data write (append to the file not supported by GMSH lib)
- improved robustnes of the heal_mesh, move_all function

- fixed some bugs in the topology operations
- support for deformability of the Points, points with higherr deformability are attracted
to the points of lower deformability during the regularization
- new mechanism to track last polygon splitting operations

Stochastic (work in progress)
- : DFN stochastic fractures model


- bspline_approx - faster approximation of point grids by bspline surfaces
- preliminary version of working surface-surface intersections

added geometry subpackage
Creation of a layered BREP geometry from the LayerEditor format.


- ObjectSet.mesh_step can be used to associate a mesh step with a the object set.
Setting the mesh step is postponed right before the mesh is created otherwise the mesh step is forgotten by GMSH
during later geometric operations.
- GeometryOCC new methods:
operations: extrude, revolve
primitives: circle, disc, cylinder_discrete, disc_discrete
- Complex geometry of the Greet experiment is presented as a tutorial 'tutorials/01_Greet_experiment'.


- imporoved testing and publishing actions


Longterm goal to have own CAD like library producing only compatible geometries (indepdent of OCC).

- representation of B-spline curves and surfaces
- approximation of point clouds by B-spline curves and surfaces
- intersections of curves and surfaces
- composition of compatible 3D geometries using BREP format and B-splines
- ultimate goal: fast algorithms for B-spline logical operations
- work in progress

Wrapping 'gmsh-sdk' meat and bones into enjoyable being.

- documented interface to usefule GMSH options
- documented and usable wrapper for 'Fields'
- operations with groups of shapes
- own association of shapes with regions, assigned just before meshing or even after meshing
- work in progress

Decomposition of the plane into disjoint polygons by line segments.

- keep compatibility (i.e. single segment separting two polygons)
- support for merging close points and segments with sharp angles (enhance regularity of resulting mesh)
- support for assignment of regions (or other data) to the shapes (points, segments, polygons)
- support for undo/redo of the operations

How to make a release?


0. Repository preparation:
- check that master tests are green
- update documentation, at least files for subpackages
(detailed doc should be mantained continuously before merge to master)
- update

1. Determine the release version number: major.minor.patch
- Major for backward incompatible changes, changes in API.
- Minor for backward compatible changes, substantial API extension, possible slight changes in numerical results.
- Patch for fixes, minor improvements, no substantial new features.

2. Set the version in the

3. Push changes, wait for passed tests.

4. Create new release at github, using the same version code.

5. Wheels are automaticaly created and published to PYPI, see that this action has passed including the test installation.

Alternative, manual tagging:



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