
Latest version: v1.0.1

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Minor bug fixes and improvements. Documentation cleanup


climakitae at 1.0.0 now splits the codebase into 2 repos: [climakitae]( and [climakitaegui]( All GUI based code using the holoviz universe (panel, hvplot, etc.) has been moved to climakitaegui (ckg). This allows climakitae (ck) to have a more minimal install requirement allowing users to access the core data retrieval functionality of ck without the difficult build requirements of ckg.

What’s new?

- Code split into 2 repos. For GUI based functions in ckg, base classes are set in ck and then imported and extended in ckg. Some work had been previously done on this internally to ck but now the gui code is in a completely different repo.
- Functions needed only for other functions (helper functions) were moved from module level into the sub-functions.
- Documentation improvements to core functions.


- All panel based user interface code moved to ckg
- New data query and retrieval tools added so that possible data outputs can be searched for and I single get_data call can be done.


- GUIs for explore tools moved to ckg. Base functions remain.


| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| Pull up one of the ‘explore’ toolkits (interactive panel with GUI) | app = ck.Application()<br>app.explore.warming_levels() | from climakitae.explore import warming_levels<br>wl = warming_levels()<br> |
| timeseries toolkit | from climakitae import timeseriestools as tst<br>timeseries = tst.Timeseries(my_data)<br>timeseries.explore() | from climakitae.explore import timeseries as tst<br>timeseries = tst.TimeSeries(my_data)<br>timeseries.explore() |


This is the 0.0.2 release of Climakitae just before a major refactoring of the codebase.



Has known vulnerabilities

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