
Latest version: v1.8.7

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- The `AssetSpec` constructor now raises an error if an invalid group name is provided, instead of an error being raised when constructing the `Definitions` object.
- `dagster/relation_identifier` metadata is now automatically attached to assets which are stored using a DbIOManager.
- [ui] Streamlined the code location list view.
- [ui] The “group by” selection on the Timeline Overview page is now part of the query parameters, meaning it will be retained when linked to directly or when navigating between pages.
- [dagster-dbt] When instantiating `DbtCliResource`, the `project_dir` argument will now override the `DBT_PROJECT_DIR` environment variable if it exists in the local environment (thanks, [marijncv](https://github.com/marijncv)!).
- [dagster-embedded-elt] dlt assets now generate `rows_loaded` metadata (thanks, [kristianandre](https://github.com/kristianandre)!).
- Added support for pydantic version 1.9.0.


- Fixed a bug where setting `asset_selection=[]` on `RunRequest` objects yielded from sensors using `asset_selection` would select all assets instead of none.
- Fixed bug where the tick status filter for batch-fetched graphql sensors was not being respected.
- [examples] Fixed missing assets in `assets_dbt_python` example.
- [dagster-airbyte] Updated the op names generated for Airbyte assets to include the full connection ID, avoiding name collisions.
- [dagster-dbt] Fixed issue causing dagster-dbt to be unable to load dbt projects where the adapter did not have a `database` field set (thanks, [dargmuesli](https://github.com/dargmuesli)!)
- [dagster-dbt] Removed a warning about not being able to load the `dbt.adapters.duckdb` module when loading dbt assets without that package installed.


- Fixed typo on the automation concepts page (thanks, [oedokumaci](https://github.com/oedokumaci)!)

Dagster Plus

- You may now wipe specific asset partitions directly from the execution context in user code by calling `DagsterInstance.wipe_asset_partitions`.
- Dagster+ users with a "Viewer" role can now create private catalog views.
- Fixed an issue where the default IOManager used by Dagster+ Serverless did not respect setting `allow_missing_partitions` as metadata on a downstream asset.



- Fixed an issue where runs in Dagster+ Serverless that materialized partitioned assets would sometimes fail with an `object has no attribute '_base_path'` error.
- [dagster-graphql] Fixed an issue where the `statuses` filter argument to the `sensorsOrError` GraphQL field was sometimes ignored when querying GraphQL for multiple sensors at the same time.



- Updated multi-asset sensor definition to be less likely to timeout queries against the asset history storage.
- Consolidated the `CapturedLogManager` and `ComputeLogManager` APIs into a single base class.
- [ui] Added an option under user settings to clear client side indexeddb caches as an escape hatch for caching related bugs.
- [dagster-aws, dagster-pipes] Added a new `PipesECSClient` to allow Dagster to interface with ECS tasks.
- [dagster-dbt] Increased the default timeout when terminating a run that is running a `dbt` subprocess to wait 25 seconds for the subprocess to cleanly terminate. Previously, it would only wait 2 seconds.
- [dagster-sdf] Increased the default timeout when terminating a run that is running an `sdf` subprocess to wait 25 seconds for the subprocess to cleanly terminate. Previously, it would only wait 2 seconds.
- [dagster-sdf] Added support for caching and asset selection (Thanks, [akbog](https://github.com/akbog)!)
- [dagster-dlt] Added support for `AutomationCondition` using `DagsterDltTranslator.get_automation_condition()` (Thanks, [aksestok](https://github.com/aksestok)!)
- [dagster-k8s] Added support for setting `dagsterDaemon.runRetries.retryOnAssetOrOpFailure` to False in the Dagster Helm chart to [prevent op retries and run retries from simultaneously firing on the same failure.](https://docs.dagster.io/deployment/run-retries#combining-op-and-run-retries)
- [dagster-wandb] Removed usage of deprecated `recursive` parameter (Thanks, [chrishiste](https://github.com/chrishiste)!)


- [ui] Fixed a bug where in-progress runs from a backfill could not be terminated from the backfill UI.
- [ui] Fixed a bug that caused an "Asset must be part of at least one job" error when clicking on an external asset in the asset graph UI
- Fixed an issue where viewing run logs with the latest 5.0 release of the watchdog package raised an exception.
- [ui] Fixed issue causing the “filter to group” action in the lineage graph to have no effect.
- [ui] Fixed case sensitivity when searching for partitions in the launchpad.
- [ui] Fixed a bug which would redirect to the events tab for an asset if you loaded the partitions tab directly.
- [ui] Fixed issue causing runs to get skipped when paging through the runs list (Thanks, [HynekBlaha](https://github.com/HynekBlaha)!)
- [ui] Fixed a bug where the asset catalog list view for a particular group would show all assets.
- [dagster-dbt] fix bug where empty newlines in raw dbt logs were not being handled correctly.
- [dagster-k8s, dagster-celery-k8s] Correctly set `dagster/image` label when image is provided from `user_defined_k8s_config`. (Thanks, [HynekBlaha](https://github.com/HynekBlaha)!)
- [dagster-duckdb] Fixed an issue for DuckDB versions older than 1.0.0 where an unsupported configuration option, `custom_user_agent`, was provided by default
- [dagster-k8s] Fixed an issue where Kubernetes Pipes failed to create a pod if the op name contained capital or non-alphanumeric containers.
- [dagster-embedded-elt] Fixed an issue where dbt assets downstream of Sling were skipped


- [dagser-aws]: Direct AWS API arguments in `PipesGlueClient.run` have been deprecated and will be removed in `1.9.0`. The new `params` argument should be used instead.

Dagster Plus

- Fixed a bug that caused an error when loading the launchpad for a partition, when using Dagster+ with an agent with version below 1.8.2.
- Fixed an issue where terminating a Dagster+ Serverless run wouldn’t forward the termination signal to the job to allow it to cleanly terminate.



- Fixed an issue where viewing run logs with the latest 5.0 release of the watchdog package raised an exception.
- Fixed a bug that caused an "Asset must be part of at least one job" error when clicking on an external asset in the asset graph UI

Dagster Plus

- The default io_manager on Serverless now supports the `allow_missing_partitions` configuration option.
- Fixed a bug that caused an error when loading the launchpad for a partition, when using in Dagster+ with an agent with version below 1.8.2



- When different assets within a code location have different `PartitionsDefinition`s, there will no longer be an implicit asset job `__ASSET_JOB_...` for each `PartitionsDefinition`; there will just be one with all the assets. This reduces the time it takes to load code locations with assets with many different `PartitionsDefinition`s.



- [ui] Improved performance of the Automation history view for partitioned assets
- [ui] You can now delete dynamic partitions for an asset from the ui
- [dagster-sdf] Added support for quoted table identifiers (Thanks, [akbog](https://github.com/akbog)!)
- [dagster-openai] Add additional configuration options for the `OpenAIResource` (Thanks, [chasleslr](https://github.com/chasleslr)!)
- [dagster-fivetran] Fivetran assets now have relation identifier metadata.


- [ui] Fixed a collection of broken links pointing to renamed Declarative Automation pages.
- [dagster-dbt] Fixed issue preventing usage of `MultiPartitionMapping` with `dbt_assets` (Thanks, [arookieds](https://github.com/arookieds)!)
- [dagster-azure] Fixed issue that would cause an error when configuring an `AzureBlobComputeLogManager` without a `secret_key` (Thanks, [ion-elgreco](https://github.com/ion-elgreco) and [HynekBlaha](https://github.com/HynekBlaha)!)


- Added API docs for `AutomationCondition` and associated static constructors.
- [dagster-deltalake] Corrected some typos in the integration reference (Thanks, [dargmuesli](https://github.com/dargmuesli)!)
- [dagster-aws] Added API docs for the new `PipesCloudWatchMessageReader`

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