
Latest version: v1.9.5

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- The automatic run retry daemon has been updated so that there is a single source of truth for if a run will be retried and if the retry has been launched. Tags are now added to run at failure time indicating if the run will be retried by the automatic retry system. Once the automatic retry has been launched, the run ID of the retry is added to the original run.
- When canceling a backfill of a job, the backfill daemon will now cancel all runs launched by that backfill before marking the backfill as canceled.
- Dagster execution info (tags such as `dagster/run-id`, `dagster/code-location`, `dagster/user` and Dagster Cloud environment variables) typically attached to external resources are now available under `DagsterRun.dagster_execution_info`.
- `SensorReturnTypesUnion` is now exported for typing the output of sensor functions.
- [dagster-dbt] dbt seeds now get a valid code version (Thanks [marijncv](https://github.com/marijncv)!).
- Manual and automatic retries of runs launched by backfills that occur while the backfill is still in progress are now incorporated into the backfill's status.
- Manual retries of runs launched by backfills are no longer considered part of the backfill if the backfill is complete when the retry is launched.
- [dagster-fivetran] Fivetran assets can now be materialized using the FivetranWorkspace.sync_and_poll(…) method in the definition of a `fivetran_assets` decorator.
- [dagster-fivetran] `load_fivetran_asset_specs` has been updated to accept an instance of `DagsterFivetranTranslator` or custom subclass.
- [dagster-fivetran] The `fivetran_assets` decorator was added. It can be used with the `FivetranWorkspace` resource and `DagsterFivetranTranslator` translator to load Fivetran tables for a given connector as assets in Dagster. The `build_fivetran_assets_definitions` factory can be used to create assets for all the connectors in your Fivetran workspace.
- [dagster-aws] `ECSPipesClient.run` now waits up to 70 days for tasks completion (waiter parameters are configurable) (Thanks [jenkoian](https://github.com/jenkoian)!)
- [dagster-dbt] Update dagster-dbt scaffold template to be compatible with uv (Thanks [wingyplus](https://github.com/wingyplus)!).
- [dagster-airbyte] A `load_airbyte_cloud_asset_specs` function has
been added. It can be used with the `AirbyteCloudWorkspace` resource and `DagsterAirbyteTranslator` translator to load your Airbyte Cloud connection streams as external assets in Dagster.
- [ui] Add an icon for the `icechunk` kind.
- [ui] Improved ui for manual sensor/schedule evaluation.


- Fixed database locking bug for the `ConsolidatedSqliteEventLogStorage`, which is mostly used for tests.
- [dagster-aws] Fixed a bug in the ECSRunLauncher that prevented it from accepting a user-provided task definition when DAGSTER_CURRENT_IMAGE was not set in the code location.
- [ui] Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause the asset graph to fail to render on initial load.
- [ui] Fix global auto-materialize tick timeline when paginating.



- Global op concurrency is now enabled on the default SQLite storage. Deployments that have not been migrated since `1.6.0` may need to run `dagster instance migrate` to enable.
- Introduced `map_asset_specs` to enable modifying `AssetSpec`s and `AssetsDefinition`s in bulk.
- Introduced `AssetSpec.replace_attributes` and `AssetSpec.merge_attributes` to easily alter properties of an asset spec.
- [ui] Add a "View logs" button to open tick logs in the sensor tick history table.
- [ui] Add Spanner kind icon.
- [ui] The asset catalog now supports filtering using the asset selection syntax.
- [dagster-pipes, dagster-aws] `PipesS3MessageReader` now has a new parameter `include_stdio_in_messages` which enables log forwarding to Dagster via Pipes messages.
- [dagster-pipes] Experimental: A new Dagster Pipes message type `log_external_stream` has been added. It can be used to forward external logs to Dagster via Pipes messages.
- [dagster-powerbi] Opts in to using admin scan APIs to pull data from a Power BI instance. This can be disabled by passing `load_powerbi_asset_specs(..., use_workspace_scan=False)`.
- [dagster-sigma] Introduced an experimental `dagster-sigma snapshot` command, allowing Sigma workspaces to be captured to a file for faster subsequent loading.


- Fixed a bug that caused `DagsterExecutionStepNotFoundError` errors when trying to execute an asset check step of a run launched by a backfill.
- Fixed an issue where invalid cron strings like "0 0 30 2 \*" that represented invalid dates in February were still allowed as Dagster cron strings, but then failed during schedule execution. Now, these invalid cronstrings will raise an exception when they are first loaded.
- Fixed a bug where `owners` added to `AssetOut`s when defining a `graph_multi_asset` were not added to the underlying `AssetsDefinition`.
- Fixed a bug where using the `&` or `|` operators on `AutomationCondition`s with labels would cause that label to be erased.
- [ui] Launching partitioned asset jobs from the launchpad now warns if no partition is selected.
- [ui] Fixed unnecessary middle truncation occurring in dialogs.
- [ui] Fixed timestamp labels and "Now" line rendering bugs on the sensor tick timeline.
- [ui] Opening Dagster's UI with a single job defined takes you to the Overview page rather than the Job page.
- [ui] Fix stretched tags in backfill table view for non-partitioned assets.
- [ui] Open automation sensor evaluation details in a dialog instead of navigating away.
- [ui] Fix scrollbars in dark mode.
- [dagster-sigma] Workbooks filtered using a `SigmaFilter` no longer fetch lineage information.
- [dagster-powerbi] Fixed an issue where reports without an upstream dataset dependency would fail to translate to an asset spec.


- [dagster-powerbi] `DagsterPowerBITranslator.get_asset_key` is deprecated in favor of `DagsterPowerBITranslator.get_asset_spec().key`
- [dagster-looker] `DagsterLookerApiTranslator.get_asset_key` is deprecated in favor of `DagsterLookerApiTranslator.get_asset_spec().key`
- [dagster-sigma] `DagsterSigmaTranslator.get_asset_key` is deprecated in favor of `DagsterSigmaTranslator.get_asset_spec().key`
- [dagster-tableau] `DagsterTableauTranslator.get_asset_key` is deprecated in favor of `DagsterTableauTranslator.get_asset_spec().key`



- Added `run_id` to the `run_tags` index to improve database performance. Run `dagster instance migrate` to update the index. (Thanks, [HynekBlaha](https://github.com/HynekBlaha)!)
- Added icons for `kind` tags: Cassandra, ClickHouse, CockroachDB, Doris, Druid, Elasticsearch, Flink, Hadoop, Impala, Kafka, MariaDB, MinIO, Pinot, Presto, Pulsar, RabbitMQ, Redis, Redpanda, ScyllaDB, Starrocks, and Superset. (Thanks, [swrookie](https://github.com/swrookie)!)
- Added a new icon for the Denodo kind tag. (Thanks, [tintamarre](https://github.com/tintamarre)!)
- Errors raised from defining more than one `Definitions` object at module scope now include the object names so that the source of the error is easier to determine.
- [ui] Asset metadata entries like `dagster/row_count` now appear on the events page and are properly hidden on the overview page when they appear in the sidebar.
- [dagster-aws] `PipesGlueClient` now attaches AWS Glue metadata to Dagster results produced during Pipes invocation.
- [dagster-aws] `PipesEMRServerlessClient` now attaches AWS EMR Serverless metadata to Dagster results produced during Pipes invocation and adds Dagster tags to the job run.
- [dagster-aws] `PipesECSClient` now attaches AWS ECS metadata to Dagster results produced during Pipes invocation and adds Dagster tags to the ECS task.
- [dagster-aws] `PipesEMRClient` now attaches AWS EMR metadata to Dagster results produced during Pipes invocation.
- [dagster-databricks] `PipesDatabricksClient` now attaches Databricks metadata to Dagster results produced during Pipes invocation and adds Dagster tags to the Databricks job.
- [dagster-fivetran] Added `load_fivetran_asset_specs` function. It can be used with the `FivetranWorkspace` resource and `DagsterFivetranTranslator` translator to load your Fivetran connector tables as external assets in Dagster.
- [dagster-looker] Errors are now handled more gracefully when parsing derived tables.
- [dagster-sigma] Sigma assets now contain extra metadata and kind tags.
- [dagster-sigma] Added support for direct workbook to warehouse table dependencies.
- [dagster-sigma] Added `include_unused_datasets` field to `SigmaFilter` to disable pulling datasets that aren't used by a downstream workbook.
- [dagster-sigma] Added `skip_fetch_column_data` option to skip loading Sigma column lineage. This can speed up loading large instances.
- [dagster-sigma] Introduced an experimental `dagster-sigma snapshot` command, allowing Sigma workspaces to be captured to a file for faster subsequent loading.

Introducing: `dagster-airlift` (experimental)

`dagster-airlift` is coming out of stealth. See the initial Airlift RFC [here](https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/discussions/25279), and the following documentation to learn more:

- A full [Airflow migration tutorial](https://docs.dagster.io/integrations/airlift/tutorial/overview).
- A tutorial on [federating between Airflow instances](https://docs.dagster.io/integrations/airlift/federation-tutorial/overview).

More Airflow-related content is coming soon! We'd love for you to check it out, and post any comments / questions in the `airflow-migration` channel in the Dagster slack.


- Fixed a bug in run status sensors where setting incompatible arguments `monitor_all_code_locations` and `monitored_jobs` did not raise the expected error. (Thanks, [apetryla](https://github.com/apetryla)!)
- Fixed an issue that would cause the label for `AutomationCondition.any_deps_match()` and `AutomationCondition.all_deps_match()` to render incorrectly when `allow_selection` or `ignore_selection` were set.
- Fixed a bug which could cause code location load errors when using `CacheableAssetsDefinitions` in code locations that contained `AutomationConditions`
- Fixed an issue where the default multiprocess executor kept holding onto subprocesses after their step completed, potentially causing `Too many open files` errors for jobs with many steps.
- [ui] Fixed an issue introduced in 1.9.2 where the backfill overview page would sometimes display extra assets that were targeted by the backfill.
- [ui] Fixed "Open in Launchpad" button when testing a schedule or sensor by ensuring that it opens to the correct deployment.
- [ui] Fixed an issue where switching a user setting was immediately saved, rather than waiting for the change to be confirmed.
- [dagster-looker] Unions without unique/distinct criteria are now properly handled.
- [dagster-powerbi] Fixed an issue where reports without an upstream dataset dependency would fail to translate to an asset spec.
- [dagster-sigma] Fixed an issue where API fetches did not paginate properly.


- Added an [Airflow Federation Tutorial](https://docs.dagster.io/integrations/airlift/federation-tutorial/overview).
- Added `dagster-dingtalk` to the list of [community supported libraries](https://docs.dagster.io/integrations#community-supported-libraries).
- Fixed typos in the `dagster-wandb` (Weights and Biases) documentation. (Thanks, [matt-weingarten](https://github.com/matt-weingarten)!)
- Updated the [Role-based Access Control (RBAC)](https://docs.dagster.io/dagster-plus/account/managing-users/managing-user-roles-permissions) documentation.
- Added additional information about filtering to the [`dagster-sigma`](https://docs.dagster.io/integrations/sigma) documentation.

Dagster Plus

- [ui] Fixed an issue with filtering and catalog search in branch deployments.
- [ui] Fixed an issue where the asset graph would reload unexpectedly.



- Introduced a new constructor, `AssetOut.from_spec`, that will construct an `AssetOut` from an `AssetSpec`.
- [ui] Column tags are now displayed in the `Column name` section of the asset overview page.
- [ui] Introduced an icon for the `gcs` (Google Cloud Storage) kind tag.
- [ui] Introduced icons for `report` and `semanticmodel` kind tags.
- [ui] The tooltip for a tag containing a cron expression now shows a human-readable, timezone-aware cron string.
- [ui] Asset check descriptions are now sourced from docstrings and rendered in the UI. (Thanks, [marijncv](https://github.com/marijncv)!)
- [dagster-aws] Added option to propagate tags to ECS tasks when using the `EcsRunLauncher`. (Thanks, [zyd14](https://github.com/zyd14)!)
- [dagster-dbt] You can now implement `DagsterDbtTranslator.get_code_version` to customize the code version for your dbt assets. (Thanks, [Grzyblon](https://github.com/Grzyblon)!)
- [dagster-pipes] Added the ability to pass arbitrary metadata to `PipesClientCompletedInvocation`. This metadata will be attached to all materializations and asset checks stored during the pipes invocation.
- [dagster-powerbi] During a full workspace scan, owner and column metadata is now automatically attached to assets.


- Fixed an issue with `AutomationCondition.execution_in_progress` which would cause it to evaluate to `True` for unpartitioned assets that were part of a run that was in progress, even if the asset itself had already been materialized.
- Fixed an issue with `AutomationCondition.run_in_progress` that would cause it to ignore queued runs.
- Fixed an issue that would cause a `default_automation_condition_sensor` to be constructed for user code servers running on dagster version `< 1.9.0` even if the legacy `auto_materialize: use_sensors` configuration setting was set to `False`.
- [ui] Fixed an issue when executing asset checks where the wrong job name was used in some situations. The correct job name is now used.
- [ui] Selecting assets with 100k+ partitions no longer causes the asset graph to temporarily freeze.
- [ui] Fixed an issue that could cause a GraphQL error on certain pages after removing an asset.
- [ui] The asset events page no longer truncates event history in cases where both materialization and observation events are present.
- [ui] The backfill coordinator logs tab no longer sits in a loading state when no logs are available to display.
- [ui] Fixed issue which would cause the "Partitions evaluated" label on an asset's automation history page to incorrectly display `0` in cases where all partitions were evaluated.
- [ui] Fix "Open in Playground" link when testing a schedule or sensor by ensuring that it opens to the correct deployment.
- [ui] Fixed an issue where the asset graph would reload unexpectedly.
- [dagster-dbt] Fixed an issue where the SQL filepath for a dbt model was incorrectly resolved when the dbt manifest file was built on a Windows machine, but executed on a Unix machine.
- [dagster-pipes] Asset keys containing embedded `/` characters now work correctly with Dagster Pipes.


- Community-hosted integrations are now listed on the [Integrations](https://docs.dagster.io/integrations) page.
- Added a [tutorial](https://docs.dagster.io/integrations/airlift/tutorial/overview), [reference page](https://docs.dagster.io/integrations/airlift/reference) and [API docs](https://docs.dagster.io/_apidocs/libraries/dagster-airlift) for `dagster-airlift`.
- Fixed a typo in the label for superseded APIs. (Thanks, [matt-weingarten](https://github.com/matt-weingarten)!)


- The `types-sqlalchemy` package is no longer included in the `dagster[pyright]` extra package.

Dagster Plus

- [ui] The Environment Variables table can now be sorted by name and update time.
- [ui] The code location configuration dialog now contains more metadata about the code location.
- [ui] Fixed an issue where the incorrect user icons were shown in the Users table when a search filter had been applied.



- `dagster project scaffold` now has an option to create dagster projects from templates with excluded files/filepaths.
- [ui] Filters in the asset catalog now persist when navigating subdirectories.
- [ui] The Run page now displays the partition(s) a run was for.
- [ui] Filtering on owners/groups/tags is now case-insensitive.
- [dagster-tableau] the helper function `parse_tableau_external_and_materializable_asset_specs` is now available to parse a list of Tableau asset specs into a list of external asset specs and materializable asset specs.
- [dagster-looker] Looker assets now by default have owner and URL metadata.
- [dagster-k8s] Added a per_step_k8s_config configuration option to the k8s_job_executor, allowing the k8s configuration of individual steps to be configured at run launch time (thanks Kuhlwein!)
- [dagster-fivetran] Introduced `DagsterFivetranTranslator` to customize assets loaded from Fivetran.
- [dagster-snowflake] `dagster_snowflake.fetch_last_updated_timestamps` now supports ignoring tables not found in Snowflake instead of raising an error.


- Fixed issue which would cause a `default_automation_condition_sensor` to be constructed for user code servers running on dagster version < 1.9.0 even if the legacy `auto_materialize: use_sensors` configuration setting was set to `False`.
- Fixed an issue where running `dagster instance migrate` on Dagster version 1.9.0 constructed a SQL query that exceeded the maximum allowed depth.
- Fixed an issue where wiping a dynamically partitioned asset causes an error.
- [dagster-polars] `ImportError`s are no longer raised when bigquery libraries are not installed [25708]


- [dagster-dbt] A guide on how to use dbt defer with Dagster branch deployments has been added to the dbt reference.


Major changes since 1.8.0 (core) / 0.24.0 (libraries)


- Declarative Automation, the system which enables setting per-asset `AutomationConditions`, is no longer experimental. We now recommend using this system in all cases where asset-centric orchestration is desired. A suite of built-in static constructors have been added for common usecases, such as `AutomationCondition.on_missing()` (which can fill in missing partitions of assets as soon as upstream data is available), and `AutomationCondition.all_deps_blocking_checks_passed()` (which can prevent materialization of assets until all upstream blocking checks have passed).
- You can now assign `AutomationConditions` to asset checks, via the `automation_condition` parameter on `asset_check` or `AssetCheckSpec`.
- You can now assign `AutomationConditions` to observable source assets, via the `automation_condition` parameter on `observable_source_asset`.
- [experimental] You can now define custom subclasses of `AutomationCondition` to execute arbitrary Python code in the context of a broader expression. This allows you to compose built-in conditions with custom business logic.
- The `target` arguments on schedules and sensors are now marked stable, allowing a stable way for schedules and sensors to target asset selections without needing to define a job.


- Introduced a slate of integrations with business intelligence (BI) tools, enabling dashboards, views, and reports to be represented in the Dagster asset graph.
- [Looker](https://docs.dagster.io/integrations/looker)
- [Power BI](https://docs.dagster.io/integrations/powerbi)
- [Sigma](https://docs.dagster.io/integrations/sigma)
- [Tableau](https://docs.dagster.io/integrations/tableau)
- A rich set of metadata is now automatically collected by our suite of ELT integrations.
- The `dagster/table_name` metadata tag, containing the fully-qualified name of the destination model, has been added for Airbyte, dlt, Fivetran and Sling assets.
- The `dagster/row_count` metadata tag, containing the number of records loaded in the corresponding run, has been added for dlt and Sling assets.
- The `dagster/column_schema` metadata tag, containing column schema information of the destination tables, has been added for Fivetran assets.
- Column lineage information is now collected for Sling assets.
- [dagster-pipes](https://docs.dagster.io/concepts/dagster-pipes) are replacing the now deprecated Step Launchers as the new recommended approach for executing remote Spark jobs. Three new [Pipes clients](https://docs.dagster.io/_apidocs/libraries/dagster-aws#clients) for running Spark applications on Amazon Web Services have been added:
- `dagster_aws.pipes.PipesGlueClient`
- `dagster_aws.pipes.PipesEMRServerlessClient`
- `dagster_aws.pipes.PipesEMRClient`


- Several changes have been made to the information architecture to make it easier to find what you’re looking for:
- Backfills have been moved from their own tab underneath the Overview page to entries within the table on the Runs page. This reflects the fact that backfills and runs are similar entities that share most properties. You can continue to use the legacy Runs page with the “Revert to legacy Runs page” user setting. ([GitHub Discussion](https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/discussions/24898))
- “Jobs” is now a page reachable from the top-level navigation pane. It replaces the Jobs tab within the Overview page.
- “Automations” is now a page reachable from the top-level navigation pane. It replaces the schedule and sensor tabs within the Overview page.
- `asset` and `AssetSpec` now have a `kinds` attribute that enables specifying labels that show up on asset nodes in the asset graph in the UI. This supersedes the `compute_kind` attribute.

Changes since 1.8.13 (core) / 0.24.13 (libraries)


- The `tags` parameter to `asset` and `AssetSpec` is no longer marked as experimental.
- The `observable_source_asset` decorator now supports an `automation_condition` argument.
- `AutomationCondition` and associated APIs are no longer marked as experimental.
- Added a new `use_user_code_server` parameter to `AutomationConditionSensorDefinition`. If set, the sensor will be evaluated in the user code server (as traditional sensors are), allowing custom `AutomationCondition` subclasses to be evaluated.
- Added a new column to the BulkActions table, a new column to the Runs table, and a new BackfillTags table to improve the performance of the Runs page. To take advantage of these performance improvements, run `dagster instance migrate`. This migration involves a schema migration to add the new columns and table, and a data migration to populate the new columns for historical backfills and runs.
- Performance improvements when loading definitions with multi-assets with many asset keys.
- [ui] The previously-experimental changes to the top nav are now enabled for all users.
- [ui] Added new code location pages which provide information regarding library versions, metadata, and definitions.
- [ui] The new version of the Runs page is now enabled by default. To use the legacy version of the Runs page, toggle the "Revert to legacy Runs page" user setting.
- [ui] Clicking an asset with failed partitions on the asset health overview now takes you to a list of the failed partitions.
- [ui] The Materialize button runs pre-flight checks more efficiently, resulting in faster run launch times.
- [dagster-pipes] Added support for multi-container log streaming (thanks, [MattyKuzyk](https://github.com/MattyKuzyk)!)
- [dagster-docker] `container_kwargs.stop_timeout` can now be set when using the `DockerRunLauncher` or `docker_executor` to configure the amount of time that Docker will wait when terminating a run for it to clean up before forcibly stopping it with a SIGKILL signal.
- [dagster-dbt] Performance improvements when loading definitions using `build_dbt_asset_selection`.


- [ui] Fixed redirect behavior on full pageloads of the legacy auto-materialize overview page.
- [ui] Plots for assets that emit materialization and observation events at different rates no longer display a time period missing the more frequent event type.
- [ui] Fixed issue causing scrolling to misbehave on the concurrency settings page.
- [helm] The blockOpConcurrencyLimitedRuns section of queuedRunCoordinator now correctly templates the appropriate config.
- [dagster-pipes] Fixed issue where k8s ops would fail after 4 hours (thanks, [MattyKuzyk](https://github.com/MattyKuzyk)!)


- [dagster-dbt] Added guide for using dbt defer with Dagster branch deployments.
- [docs] Step Launchers documentation has been removed and replaced with references to Dagster Pipes.
- [docs] Fixed code example in Dagster Essentials (thanks, [aleexharris](https://github.com/aleexharris)!)

Breaking Changes

- `dagster` no longer supports Python 3.8, which hit EOL on 2024-10-07.
- `dagster` now requires `pydantic>=2`.
- By default, `AutomationConditionSensorDefinitions` will now emit backfills to handle cases where more than one partition of an asset is requested on a given tick. This allows that asset's `BackfillPolicy` to be respected. This feature can be disabled by setting `allow_backfills` to `False`.
- Passing a custom `PartitionsDefinition` subclass into a `Definitions` object now issues an error instead of a deprecation warning.
- `AssetExecutionContext` is no longer a subclass of `OpExecutionContext`. At this release, `AssetExecutionContext` and `OpExecutionContext` implement the same methods, but in the future, the methods implemented by each class may diverge. If you have written helper functions with `OpExecutionContext` type annotations, they may need to be updated to include `AssetExecutionContext` depending on your usage. Explicit calls to `isinstance(context, OpExecutionContext)` will now fail if `context` is an `AssetExecutionContext`.
- The `asset_selection` parameter on `AutomationConditionSensorDefinition` has been renamed to `target`, to align with existing sensor APIs.
- The experimental `freshness_policy_sensor` has been removed, as it relies on the long-deprecated `FreshnessPolicy` API.
- The deprecated `external_assets_from_specs` and `external_asset_from_spec` methods have been removed. Users should use `AssetsDefinition(specs=[...])`, or pass specs directly into the `Definitions` object instead.
- `AssetKey` objects can no longer be iterated over or indexed in to. This behavior was never an intended access pattern and in all observed cases was a mistake.
- The `dagster/relation_identifier` metadata key has been renamed to `dagster/table_name`.
- [dagster-ge] `dagster-ge` now only supports `great_expectations>=0.17.15`. The `ge_validation_op_factory` API has been replaced with the API previously called `ge_validation_op_factory_v3`.
- [dagster-aws] Removed deprecated parameters from `dagster_aws.pipes.PipesGlueClient.run`.
- [dagster-embedded-elt] Removed deprecated parameter `dlt_dagster_translator` from `dlt_assets`. The `dagster_dlt_translator` parameter should be used instead.
- [dagster-polars] Dropped support for saving storage-level arbitrary metadata via IOManagers.


- The `DataBricksPysparkStepLauncher`, `EmrPySparkStepLauncher`, and any custom subclass of `StepLauncher` have been marked as deprecated, but will not be removed from the codebase until Dagster 2.0 is released, meaning they will continue to function as they currently do for the foreseeable future. Their functionality has been superseded by the interfaces provided by `dagster-pipes`, and so future development work will be focused there.
- The experimental `multi_asset_sensor` has been marked as deprecated, as its main use cases have been superseded by the `AutomationCondition` APIs. However, it will not be removed until version 2.0.0.

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