
Latest version: v2.0.0

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We hope everyone is doing well! It has been a while since we've had a new release. This will be the first release in which we introduce a handful of breaking changes (and thus the first time we increase the major version). The majority of the changes with this release are internal and were required to update to the latest versions of _Dear ImGui_ and _ImPlot_.

The majority of this work was completed by [Samuele Mazzi]( and [Vladimir Ein]( They deserve recognition for the hard work, dedication, and patience they put into this!

The changelog is below. Also don't forget to checkout the demo!


* Python 3.13 support

New Functions
* add_axis_tag
* add_bar_group_series
* add_inf_line_series
* add_digital_series
* get_plot_query_rects
* set_axis_limits_constraints
* reset_axis_limits_constraints
* set_axis_zoom_constraints
* reset_axis_zoom_constraints

New arguments

| Function | Arguments |
| `add_2d_histogram_series`<br> | `col_major` |
| `add_button`<br> | `repeat` |
| `add_child_window`<br><br><br><br><br><br><br> | `always_auto_resize`<br>`always_use_window_padding`<br>`auto_resize_x`<br>`auto_resize_y`<br>`frame_style`<br>`resizable_x`<br>`resizable_y` |
| `add_colormap_scale`<br><br><br> | `format`<br>`mirror`<br>`reverse_dir` |
| `add_combo`<br> | `fit_width` |
| `add_custom_series`<br> | `no_fit` |
| `add_drag_line`<br><br><br><br> | `delayed`<br>`no_cursor`<br>`no_fit`<br>`no_inputs` |
| `add_drag_point`<br><br><br><br><br><br> | `clamped`<br>`delayed`<br>`no_cursor`<br>`no_fit`<br>`no_inputs`<br>`offset` |
| `add_group`<br> | `enabled` |
| `add_heat_series`<br> | `col_major` |
| `add_histogram_series`<br><br> | `cumulative`<br>`horizontal` |
| `add_input_text`<br><br><br><br><br><br> | `always_overwrite`<br>`auto_select_all`<br>`ctrl_enter_for_new_line`<br>`escape_clears_all`<br>`no_horizontal_scroll`<br>`no_undo_redo` |
| `add_line_series`<br><br><br><br><br> | `loop`<br>`no_clip`<br>`segments`<br>`shaded`<br>`skip_nan` |
| `add_pie_series`<br> | `ignore_hidden` |
| `add_plot`<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> | `max_query_rects`<br>`min_query_rects`<br>`no_frame`<br>`no_inputs`<br>`override_mod`<br>`query_color`<br>`zoom_mod`<br>`zoom_rate` |
| `add_plot_axis`<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> | `auto_fit`<br>`foreground_grid`<br>`no_highlight`<br>`no_initial_fit`<br>`no_label`<br>`no_menus`<br>`no_side_switch`<br>`opposite`<br>`pan_stretch`<br>`range_fit`<br>`scale`<br>`tick_format` |
| `add_plot_legend`<br><br><br><br><br> | `no_buttons`<br>`no_highlight_axis`<br>`no_highlight_item`<br>`no_menus`<br>`sort` |
| `add_scatter_series`<br> | `no_clip` |
| `add_stair_series`<br><br> | `pre_step`<br>`shaded` |
| `add_stem_series`<br> | `horizontal` |
| `add_subplots`<br> | `share_series` |
| `add_table_column`<br><br> | `angled_header`<br>`no_header_label` |
| `add_text_point`<br> | `offset` |
| `add_tree_node`<br><br> | `span_full_width`<br>`span_text_width` |
| `add_window`<br> | `unsaved_document` |
| `configure_app`<br><br><br><br> | `anti_aliased_fill`<br>`anti_aliased_lines`<br>`anti_aliased_lines_use_tex`<br>`docking_shift_only` |

Deprecated functions

- `add_hline_series`: use `add_inf_line_series()`
- `add_vline_series`: use `add_inf_line_series()`
- `get_plot_query_area`: use `get_plot_query_rects()`
- `is_plot_queried`: use `get_plot_query_rects()`

Deprecated arguments

| Function | Argument | Explanation |
| `add_histogram_series` | `cumlative` | Deprecated because of a typo: use `cumulative` |
| `add_image_button` | `frame_padding` | Not supported anymore by Dear ImGui; still works in DPG but will eventually be removed. |
| `add_plot` | `anti_aliased` | Not supported by ImPlot anymore. To enable/disable anti-aliasing, use `dpg.configure_app()` with the `anti_aliasing` parameters. |
| `add_plot` | `no_child` | Removed in ImPlot as child windows are no longer needed to capture scroll. |
| `add_plot` | `no_highlight` | Removed because not supported by ImPlot anymore. To control the highlighting of series use the same argument in `add_plot_legend`. |
| `add_plot`<br><br> | `query_button`<br>`query_mod` | This refers to the old way of querying in ImPlot, now replaced with `add_drag_rect()`. |
| `add_plot_axis` | `log_scale` | Use `scale=dpg.mvPlotScale_Log10` instead. |
| `add_plot_axis` | `time` | Use `scale=dpg.mvPlotScale_Time` instead. |
| `add_text_point`<br><br> | `x_offset`<br>`y_offset` | Use the `offset` argument instead. |


- Fix 2173, 2013, 1593 (last 2 issues are closed but not solved, but they are all related)
- Fix 2108
- Fix 2016

Thank you!
__Dear PyGui__ development is currently funded by a handful of gracious sponsors and we would like to thank them tremendously. We wouldn't be here without you guys.

Thank you for supporting us.

If you or your company uses Dear PyGui, please consider [supporting us](! We need it now more than ever.

**Full Changelog**:


Nothing really new to report. We are still actively working towards "Dear PyGui 2". The current working name is [**Pilot Light UI**](!


New Features
* feat: add python 3.12 support
* feat: better keyboard navigations support 2144
* feat: added get_focused_item() to request current nav focus


* fix: Replaced four separate corner colors with a single param that properly maps colors to corners 2239
* fix: adding/removing a child in table doesn't reset row colors
* fix: enabled themes on table columns and cells 1782
* fix: nodes created with show=False led to seg fault 2151
* fix: mvNodeLink internal issues with handlers 2197
* fix: resetting menu state if not open 2245
* fix: keep open state when parent window is hidden for tree node and collapsing header 1873
* fix: set_axis_ticks can be used on secondary Y axes 2253

* Minimum Python version now 3.8

Thank you!
__Dear PyGui__ development is currently funded by a handful of gracious sponsors and we would like to thank them tremendously. We wouldn't be here with out you guys.

Thank you for supporting us.

If you or your company uses Dear PyGui, please consider [supporting us](! We need it now more than ever.

**Full Changelog**:


Nothing really new to report. We are still actively working towards "Dear PyGui 2". The current working name is [**Pilot Light UI**](!

New Features
* feat: get_item_configuration() for fonts 2114
* feat: activation delay for tooltips
* feat: add scroll functions to tables 1947
* feat: no scroll with mouse flag 2134
* feat: ability to hide separators (previously not honored)
* feat: add PixelSnapH parameter for fonts


* fix: get_all_items() with table columns 2027
* fix: error handling for DwmGetWindowAttribute 2111
* fix: menu hovering issue 2131

Thank you!
__Dear PyGui__ development is currently funded by a handful of gracious sponsors and we would like to thank them tremendously. We wouldn't be here with out you guys.

Thank you for supporting us.

If you or your company uses Dear PyGui, please consider [supporting us](! We need it now more than ever.

New Contributors
* MadOctopus-private made their first contribution in
* mef51 made their first contribution in
* Yosh31207 made their first contribution in
* atallahade made their first contribution in

**Full Changelog**:


Just a small maintenance release. Things may seem quiet but don't worry! We are still here. We are just spending most of our effort focusing on [Pilot Light]( which will be the powering _Dear PyGui 2_.


New Features
* feat: groups can now have heights that children will inherit Mstpyt


* fix: win32 viewport padding regression introduced in v1.9
* fix: _get_alias_id(...)_ 2034
* fix: possible race condition with _configure_viewport(...)_

* minimum MacOS version has been moved up from 10.15 to 11.
* Github actions removed Ubuntu 18.04, forcing us to move up to Ubuntu 20.04 (which means we are linking to a new glibc)

Thank you!
__Dear PyGui__ development is currently funded by a handful of gracious sponsors and we would like to thank them tremendously. We wouldn't be here with out you guys.

Thank you for supporting us.

If you or your company uses Dear PyGui, please consider [supporting us](! We need it now more than ever.

**Full Changelog**:



New Features
* feat: plot time ISO format by Pcothren in
* feat: double-click handlers for items by v-ein in
* feat: "disable_close" keyword added to viewport by Mstpyt


* fix: text widget state update 1933 by Pcothren in
* fix: a horizontal group glues to previous line (1999) by v-ein in
* fix: initial position for dpg.window with popup=True (1975) by v-ein in
* fix: drawing thickness by v-ein in
* fix: item config/info oddities by Atlamillias in
* fix (demo): show menubar by CiotatSoft in
* fix: typo in add_button docstring by arrys in

New Contributors
* Atlamillias made their first contribution in
* v-ein made their first contribution in
* MGBergweiler made their first contribution in
* CiotatSoft made their first contribution in
* AmirmohammadZarif made their first contribution in
* xlbljz made their first contribution in
* arrys made their first contribution in
Thank you!
__Dear PyGui__ development is currently funded by a handful of gracious sponsors and we would like to thank them tremendously. We wouldn't be here with out you guys.

Thank you for supporting us.

If you or your company uses Dear PyGui, please consider [supporting us](! We need it now more than ever.

**Full Changelog**:


We have added Python 3.11 support!

As many of you already know, we decided a while back to begin work on a custom graphics engine and UI library to build **Dear PyGui 2** with instead of _Dear ImGui_. This is still our long term desire but we have decided... this goal will be for **Dear PyGui 3**. In order to ease the burden on both ourselves and you guys, we've decided to make **Dear PyGui 2** as an intermediate step(or compromise if you will). The idea being that it will have a one-to-one mapping to _Dear ImGui_, making our work much much easier. This will also make things more stable as there will be less between YOU and _Dear ImGui_, not to mention keeping up with the latest version will be trivial. We will also split up _ImPlot_, _ImNodes_ etc. so they can move at the pace of their respective libraries.

The only thing we will add on will be the ability to "record" your "commands" so that they can be replayed in a similar manner to DPG 1 (helps with python based performance hits).

The most important consequence of this decision is that **Dear PyGui 2.0** will be released much sooner (as in a few months)! Here is the [repo](!


* fix: file dialog not respecting bound themes 1928 1713

Thank you!
__Dear PyGui__ development is currently funded by a handful of gracious sponsors and we would like to thank them tremendously. We wouldn't be here with out you guys.

Thank you for supporting us.

If you or your company uses Dear PyGui, please consider [supporting us](! We need it now more than ever.

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