Bug fixes 1. Fixed problem when `get_final_version()` could return 2 rows instead of 1 and insert multiple `sign < 0` rows with single `sign > 0` 2. Fixed problem from [PR 37](https://github.com/carrotquest/django-clickhouse/pull/37), when `date_col` is not set for `ClickHouseModel`
Bugfixes 1. Fixed issue when INSTALLED_APPS settings contains AppConfig classes instead of module paths
Features 1. Implemented `clickhouse_migrate` management command 2. Ability to print more verbose output when running `manage.py migrate` django command
Testing 1. Added docker testing environment 2. Moved testing from TravisCI to GitHub Actions
Docs 1. Added development section
Dependencies 1. Optimized dependency installation: removed `six`; `pytz` and `typing` are now installed in old python versions only; `psycopg2` is replaced with `psycopg2-binary` in test requireements.