Bug fixes 1. When RedisLockTimeout occures there is an attempt to hard release the lock if the process using it has been killed. This worked well when single host has been used to perform sync. But when sync process is run on multiple hosts it could lead to hard release of the lock used by another host. This has been fixed by adding hostname equality check.
Bug fixes 1. Fixed conflict between `model` parameter and `hints` in `DefaultRouter.allow_migrate(...)` method
Enhancements 1. Added ability to add hints to RunPython and RunSQL migration operations
Bug fixes 1. Fixed problem when `get_final_version()` could return 2 rows instead of 1 and insert multiple `sign < 0` rows with single `sign > 0` 2. Fixed problem from [PR 37](https://github.com/carrotquest/django-clickhouse/pull/37), when `date_col` is not set for `ClickHouseModel`
Bugfixes 1. Fixed issue when INSTALLED_APPS settings contains AppConfig classes instead of module paths
Features 1. Implemented `clickhouse_migrate` management command 2. Ability to print more verbose output when running `manage.py migrate` django command