* ``FormFieldsRenderer`` / ``fields_template`` to customize ``ModelForm`` fields layout.
* ``ListQuerySet`` implemented ``.delete()`` method and most common ``aggregate`` functions: ``Count``, ``Min``,
``Max``, ``Sum``.
* Load ``jQuery.form`` / ``Moment.js`` / Bootstrap Datetimepicker as ``es6 modules``.
* ``QueryString`` wrapper for ``UrlSearchParams``.
* Bootstrap navs style of Grid filter choices: ``ko_grid_navs_filter_choices``.
* ``Grid`` ``showNonSortableColumnNames`` option.
* ``Grid`` ``button_pagination`` built-in action type.
* Nested components are supported in ``Grid`` cells, including the cells of compound columns.
* ``Tpl.domTemplate`` optional template kwargs support.
* ``djk_bootstrap5`` now uses native ``Bootstrap Icons`` font for ``iconui`` actions.