
Latest version: v2.2.1

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* Python 3.12 / Django 5.0 compatibility.
* Use axios instead of outdated jQuery.form plugin.


* ``FormFieldsRenderer`` / ``fields_template`` to customize ``ModelForm`` fields layout.
* ``ListQuerySet`` implemented ``.delete()`` method and most common ``aggregate`` functions: ``Count``, ``Min``,
``Max``, ``Sum``.
* Load ``jQuery.form`` / ``Moment.js`` / Bootstrap Datetimepicker as ``es6 modules``.
* ``QueryString`` wrapper for ``UrlSearchParams``.
* Bootstrap navs style of Grid filter choices: ``ko_grid_navs_filter_choices``.
* ``Grid`` ``showNonSortableColumnNames`` option.
* ``Grid`` ``button_pagination`` built-in action type.
* Nested components are supported in ``Grid`` cells, including the cells of compound columns.
* ``Tpl.domTemplate`` optional template kwargs support.
* ``djk_bootstrap5`` now uses native ``Bootstrap Icons`` font for ``iconui`` actions.


* Built-in ``custom elements`` in es5 with IE11 polyfills.
* ``Bootstrap 5`` compatibility.
* ``ObjDict`` Django model serializer with built-in field permissions check.
* ``get_absolute_url`` with optional user permission check.


* Django 3.2 / Django 4.0 support.
* ``es6 modules`` support for modern browsers.
* ``SystemJS`` loader support for IE11 via ``django_deno``.
* ``terser`` bundles support both for ``es6 modules`` and for ``SystemJS`` loader via ``django_deno``.
* ``datatables`` support separate cell click actions.
* Support for ``datatables`` annotated fields / virtual fields via ``grid_fields`` dicts.
* Optional lazy registration of client-side components.
* Improved related grid view kwargs auto-detection.
* ``ListRangeFilter`` for ``ListSortingView`` range fields.


Optional separate action handlers for HTTP methods.

``RangeFilter`` / ``DateFilter`` / ``DateTimeFilter`` `ListSortingView`_ filters for numeric / ``DateField`` /
``DateTimeField`` Django model fields.

`ListQuerySet`_ supports ordering by prefetched reverse relation list field name:

Automatic client-side localization.

Support of Selenium 4. Additional Selenium commands. Improved Selenium logging.


* Django 3.1a1 / Bootstrap 4.5 / Knockout 3.5 support.
* `MultipleKeyGridWidget`_ allows to edit many to many relationships for Django models.
* ``PageContext`` to inject view title / client data / client routes / custom scripts to templates via
* ``App.renderValue`` supports jQuery elements / nested arrays / objects / strings HTML rendering.
* ``App.renderNestedList`` supports optional unwrapping of single top DOM node.
* Improved Bootstrap popovers support with jQuery ``.getPopoverTip()`` / ``.getVisiblePopovers()`` /
``.closeVisiblePopovers()`` plugins.
* Support for nested components in formsets.js (empty_form) 'anonymous_template' Knockout binding.
* ``UrlPath`` class for automatic ``re_path()`` generation with positional named keyword arguments.

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