- Update ASDF schemas for upcoming ASDF standard 1.6.0. (`324 <https://github.com/DKISTDC/dkist/pull/324>`_)
- Improve performance of ``VaryingCelestialTransform`` classes by not creating a new transform for every set of parameters but instead update the parameters on a single model. (`370 <https://github.com/DKISTDC/dkist/pull/370>`_)
- Add GitHub workflow and dependencies for Codspeed, to benchmark PRs against main. (`382 <https://github.com/DKISTDC/dkist/pull/382>`_)
Trivial/Internal Changes
- Run plotting benchmarks fewer times for more manageable CI, and add a benchmark for generate_celestial_transform. (`383 <https://github.com/DKISTDC/dkist/pull/383>`_)