Backwards Incompatible Changes
- This release of ``dkist`` includes both scheduled bumps to our dependencies as well as a special bump of gwcs to version 0.24, and associated dependencies.
The version upgrade to gwcs 0.24 fixes the inverse transform (world to pixel) for VISP WCSs. (`507 <https://github.com/DKISTDC/dkist/pull/507>`__)
* Python >= 3.11
* dask >= 2023.2
* gwcs >= 0.24
* matplotlib >= 3.7
* ndcube >= 2.1
* numpy >= 1.25
* parfive >= 2.1
* sunpy >= 5.0.7
* asdf >= 3.3
* asdf-astropy >= 0.5
* asdf-coordinate-schemas >= 0.3
* asdf-transform-schemas >= 0.5
* asdf-wcs-schemas >= 0.4
- Add a ``figure=`` keyword argument to `TiledDataset.plot` and make it default to the current figure. (`491 <https://github.com/DKISTDC/dkist/pull/491>`__)
- Add `swap_tile_limits` kwarg to `TiledDataset.plot`.
This option allows the user to invert plot limits on either axes to account for WCS values that decrease compared to the pixel axes. (`504 <https://github.com/DKISTDC/dkist/pull/504>`__)
- Update grid orientation of `TiledDataset.plot`.
The grid now has MAXIS1 columns and MAXIS2 rows where MINDEX1 corresponds to column and MINDEX2 corresponds to row.
Additionally, the origin for the grid is now in the lower-left as opposed to the upper-left. (`504 <https://github.com/DKISTDC/dkist/pull/504>`__)
- ``TiledDataset`` now has a ``.meta`` dictionary like that of ``Dataset``. (`513 <https://github.com/DKISTDC/dkist/pull/513>`__)
- History of the ADSF file, such as versions of packages and extensions used when writing it are now exposed ``TiledDataset.meta["history"]`` and ``Dataset.meta["history"]``. (`513 <https://github.com/DKISTDC/dkist/pull/513>`__)
Bug Fixes
- Improve the ASDF detection code so out of date ASDF filenames generated by the DKIST data center are skipped if a newer filename is present. (`503 <https://github.com/DKISTDC/dkist/pull/503>`__)
Improved Documentation
- Update the :ref:`dkist:examples:vbi-reproject` example for improvements in ``TiledDataset``. (`491 <https://github.com/DKISTDC/dkist/pull/491>`__)
- Add an examples section for tutorial style self-contained examples. (`491 <https://github.com/DKISTDC/dkist/pull/491>`__)
- Add a how-to guide on redownloading the sample data with Fido / Globus. (`491 <https://github.com/DKISTDC/dkist/pull/491>`__)