
Latest version: v1.17.1

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:Released date: 2015-05-06

New Features

* Add a discover mode to the bench runner, so fl-run-bench can be invoked
without specifying the particular test case. This implementation attempts
to behave like unittest's 'discover' argument, and there is even a similar
--failfast option. (Shandy (Andy) Brown)

* Support https proxy (http proxy was already supported)

* Add a midCycle hook to execute an action in the middle of a cycle

* Add -L options to fl-record to enable tcpwatch forwarded mode
which is usefull if you have an http_proxy to pass.

* Add --quiet option to fl-build-report to remove warning in rst to
html convertion

* GH-71: zeromq-based publisher that will let each node publish in
realtime the tests results (Tarek Ziade)

* GH-68: Use lightweight threads (greenlets) if available. (Tarek Ziade)

* Added one more RPS chart in Section 5, where the X-axis represents
time(in second) and the Y-axis represents RPS. (Seong-Kook Shin)

* Added support for providing the test configuration file with --config
(Juha Mustonen)

* Display the description in the URL when rendering the page in
Firefox (-V option)

* GH-41: Allow fl-run-bench to take modules in addition to filenames

fl-run-bench project.submodule.loadtests MyTestCase.test_something

* Support for gzip compression, you need to add the standard header::

self.setHeader('Accept-encoding', 'gzip')
response = self.get(...)

Then the `response.body` will be uncompressed when needed.

* Experimental comet request support, handle stream request in a
separate thread, the server input is send to a consumer method::

async request
thread = self.comet(server_url + "/comet?t=1234&c=1",
self.consumer, description="Comet connection")
do some requests
stop comet request
self.stop_consumer = True

The consumer get the server input character by character and can
stop the the connection by returning 0 value::

def consumer(self, string):
if self.stop_consumer:
self.logd('Stop consumer')
return 0

* Ability to configure multiple benchers per server in distribute mode (Dylan Jay)

* Ability to configure multiple monitors per server (useful if you have to use ssh tunnels instead of read hostnames). (Dylan Jay)

Bug Fixes

* GH-69: Cleanly abort on SIGTERM (Tarek Ziade)

* GH-32: Fix Funkload WF_fetch patch to handle cookies correctly. Submitted by jorgebastida.

* GH-33: Cookies with a leading '.' in the domain are being ignored. Submitted by jorgebastida.

* GH-50: Fix monitoring to support kernel 3.0.





:Released date: 2011-07-28

Bug Fixes

* GH-2[345]: Fixing distributed mode regression on 1.6.0





:Released date: 2011-07-21

New Features

* New monitoring plugins contribution from Krzysztof A. Adamski. You
can extend the monitoring by adding new plugins checkout the
and `Nagios

* Extends HTTP methods with HEAD and OPTIONS, enable to send any
methods using the new ``method`` api, adding PROPFIND DAV exemple ::

requests for options
self.options(server_url, description="options")
self.propfind(server_url + '/dav/foo', depth=1, description="propfind")
put a lock using the new method api
data = Data('text/xml', """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<D:lockinfo xmlns:D="DAV:">
self.method("LOCK", server_url + "/somedocpath", params=data, description="lock")

* GH-9: New options for distributed mode: you can specify the Python
binary to use with ``--distribute-python=PYTHON_BIN`` option and
additional packages to install on slaves with the
``--distributed-packages=DISTRIBUTED_PACKAGES`` option.
Contribution from Adrew McFague.

* GH-9: Added the ability to monitor hosts from the central host, The
monitoring will also retroactively match up the concurrent users for
graphing purposes. Contribution from Adrew McFague.

* GH-5: ``fl-record`` now checks for ``tcpwatch`` command in addition
to ```` and ``tcpwatch-httpproxy``.

* GH-6: Filter out .swfs when building funkload tests with

* GH-10: Support of python2.7.

* GH-15: Exposed the load_auto_links parameter to the
get/put/post/method methods so that the option to not parse the
payload is available when writing a test. Provided by Ali-Akber

Bug fixes

* Fix org-mode output for Org 7.5, adding missing monitoring section.

* GH-14: Fix report creation when having error message with non-us characters.
Patch from Krzysztof A. Adamski.

* GH-11: Handling of deleted cookies

* GH-7: data and demo directory missing

* GH-8: funkload 1.15.0 package doesn't include





:Released date: 2011-03-11

New features

* Now supporting emacs Org-mode_ text format as report output. This
enable to edit a report as plain text and to produce professional
PDF reports througth the Org-mode_ LaTeX export.

Here is an example of a `PDF
<>`_ and
an `Org-mode report

You need to build the HTML report first::

fl-build-report --html funkload.xml
Creating html report: ...done:
then create the org file
fl-build-report --org funkload.xml > /tmp/test_foo-20110304T160328/
emacs /tmp/test_foo-20110304T160328/
then export as PDF C-c C-e d
refer to the org-mode site for latex exports requirements

* New `trend report
<>`_ to
display evolution of performances over time. Just use the
``--trend`` option of the ``fl-build-report`` command.

* The credential server can serve a sequence. Using ``xmlrpc_get_seq``
threads can share a sequence::

from funkload.utils import xmlrpc_get_seq
seq = xmlrpc_get_seq()

* Source migrated from svn to git, hosted in gigthub

* Bug tracker moving to github:

* New site and documentation using sphinx:

* CPSTestCase and ZopeTestCase have been moved to the demo folder.

* Removing deprecated gdchart support, now relying only on gnuplot. Note that
a mathplotlib support is on the TODO_ list.

Bug fixes

* Fix 3: FunkLoad Failures Fail on Python 2.7

* Do not block on read content when content-length is null, patch
submited by Bertrand Yvain.

* Fix monitoring network monitoring charts.





:Released date: 2011-02-14

New features

* Switch to Sphinx for documentation, this work is in progress, the
draft can be found in Thanks to Ali-Akber Saifee.

* Support of HTTP PUT and DELETE method, provided by Ali-Akber Saifee.

* Distributed mode (beta), provided by Ali-Akber Saifee, visit the new
for more information.

* Support of the ``--simple-fetch`` option using the configuration
file. This can be useful when using benchmaster Just add ``simple_fetch = 1``
in the bench section.

* Add setUpBench and tearDownBench hooks, they are called only once
per bench before and after all cycles.

Note that these hooks are called only using ``fl-run-bench`` and no

This comes in addition to the existing setUpCycle and tearDownCycle
hooks that are run before and after each bench cycle.

* Enable to add metadata for a bench using addMetadata(kw), metadata
are stored into the bench result file and are displayed on the bench
configuration section.

A typical usage is to add metadata during setUpBench or
tearDownBench hooks.

* Handling FunkLoad todo list with an Org-mode_ file TODO_, replacing
the old trac.

* Mark CPSTestCase as deprecated will be removed in 1.15.

* Mark GDChart support as deprecated, it will be removed in 1.15.

Bug fixes

* Fix: ImportError are reported as IOError using ``fl-run-test``
because FunkLoad is switching in doctest mode when ImportError occurs.
Fixed by adding an explicit option to run doctest:

* Fix: xmlrpc_get_credential(host, port) and xmlrpc_list_credentials
without a group parameter it raises a "TypeError: cannot marshal
None unless allow_none is enabled".

* Fix: 303 Redirect is handled as an HTTP/1.1 request by apache using
a keep alive connection while FunkLoad is HTTP/1.0. This add a 15s
(KeepAliveTimeout) overhead. Fixed by adding "Connection: close"
header on 303. Thanks to Jan Kotuc.

* Fixing invalid diff report if the report contains Apdex information.

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