:Package: http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/f/funkload/funkload-1.16.0.tar.gz
:github: https://github.com/nuxeo/FunkLoad/tree/1.16.0
:Released date: 2011-07-21
New Features
* New monitoring plugins contribution from Krzysztof A. Adamski. You
can extend the monitoring by adding new plugins checkout the
and `Nagios
* Extends HTTP methods with HEAD and OPTIONS, enable to send any
methods using the new ``method`` api, adding PROPFIND DAV exemple ::
requests for options
self.options(server_url, description="options")
self.propfind(server_url + '/dav/foo', depth=1, description="propfind")
put a lock using the new method api
data = Data('text/xml', """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<D:lockinfo xmlns:D="DAV:">
self.method("LOCK", server_url + "/somedocpath", params=data, description="lock")
* GH-9: New options for distributed mode: you can specify the Python
binary to use with ``--distribute-python=PYTHON_BIN`` option and
additional packages to install on slaves with the
``--distributed-packages=DISTRIBUTED_PACKAGES`` option.
Contribution from Adrew McFague.
* GH-9: Added the ability to monitor hosts from the central host, The
monitoring will also retroactively match up the concurrent users for
graphing purposes. Contribution from Adrew McFague.
* GH-5: ``fl-record`` now checks for ``tcpwatch`` command in addition
to ``tcpwatch.py`` and ``tcpwatch-httpproxy``.
* GH-6: Filter out .swfs when building funkload tests with
* GH-10: Support of python2.7.
* GH-15: Exposed the load_auto_links parameter to the
get/put/post/method methods so that the option to not parse the
payload is available when writing a test. Provided by Ali-Akber
Bug fixes
* Fix org-mode output for Org 7.5, adding missing monitoring section.
* GH-14: Fix report creation when having error message with non-us characters.
Patch from Krzysztof A. Adamski.
* GH-11: Handling of deleted cookies
* GH-7: data and demo directory missing
* GH-8: funkload 1.15.0 package doesn't include ez_setup.py